* -The Cansadian Champions, Soliclay, Debcrier 28. 1B9M *OPINION. Bus 1411. 1191 Main SI. E.. Mrllîrq. fnt L9ýT 4N9f (905) 878-2341 Fax: 878-4943 CIassified:875s-3300 lait Oliver Publisher Sdi 04fr. As tir r PubLirei Rois Keli Ltdutrs Karci NuismmsCrlrr Masige Teri Ca 0>75, Mastuger Tin Coi. Prs nifanîge, SnnS,. s, rruv i.ri nr Ted lisdon> Susîn Sad,, Msiuers N»" G u nd Saqbm. flmnd ssii>' WuiuagY V4 Fday a 19I Main Si É, *M14t. Ont.. Lf 4111 l(es 248), kare ci ofi 1% 1- - Prilinq Pairislng & Dlitntiros LiS. 9mn af susesaa mon uwN o lect kes : ,,,a, 1 Picking %»Il Aulvelter. surit Adosse Beanlates ardson, Bulîl s c oti Yi Pertini. CeligsOOd I scuagl C00~ Wci, tai York Mifrar, Elsicsie Guardias. OeGmalorn indfflainU Actaon Fm ress, Kfln Tiet 14irs flus T1aý easit ariari Eeeenonitai & Sme. Lirdald 1 Ptentgsi Ranc i Mîssissaa Nuw., élimierait /*Auroa Eua Bannler, Northuamberland Notir Nortir Ysr uirrsr , tamise Bisser, Ouillia Tsday. OUrse / Wir5ir / Ciinsisons % Vssi Pelmogi Tis Woeln. Ailinnomi Ai>l I Themnii l'Vaugaisn Laibrà.ri>rouaqr Minti. Uxbticie / Stoufli Tritue. Tousy's Seniors Altnng ns accelisa on lire cssasn ctin ktlie naento a tyEtslealiic eirsrý lira perrion ai lire adveising aisae sceuil iry INe eîrrsa mer., l54.15e> Cir a isasusarle altesse.e toi siinature au Mi ire cturoS for, but the balance et Nl dvniinei uire plsai t fil ai èslnieatl raie Tmr poo- Menler tourtes lh ir ID151 Caligesus &&4DnelsUnaw or sects-. LookingBack . Here 'si an important lesson -Neither a haor r> 0r a lentier bc." advises Po/irnius ta his son Literies in Shsakespeare% Ilamlet - an important lesson. Unrsortun mely. il's one tisais been 10%t un tisecurrent federal gorsersisseni Wirat fatirerl>' woeds cf atice igi îîla Bill Shakespeare have Io offer Finance Mirsrer Paul Martin, espccisîlly as hoc prepares fuîr iris upçcusing budget. Tise migi sîîand siîmethting lic ibis. .. Someting le rotien bn tihe sle, of Canada - and Il amnetll1k. a deficli. Yer. ihe tederal gurvermnn iras reducethie deticîiiîit ri but il usill nuil bornîsu $24 3 hilhîiiu ycar. Asti il ha% yet lii peijeet ise> sic can especi a zeror deicil. tire rearun ta> sucir sloiw t-icîcî rLduçiiîia s% oh% lrus, Tise pari iwsr yer hie scli increarcir. nlI tie-cases. la totai lederal speaslng li's arien h:s ainsursi $1 bilionr oser tire lasito iss ar, . Putiîîg an cati ii masrnve bcstsriîng re.qsires ( suâ murre af;9reslsc rerjuclin targels, ill a %ieu. Io toal tici ei nînatiira Marini rririsd% rus ise irndefrr.t ru argers frort $1 7 billîin in iJtI7- 1 Io $12 2 illiin sanl for a '0' delicil "Toit* arma eainai a aeo cf trouble. - reduce taxe." Foîr decides. Canadîaiî gîîserssîeaîs irase rîct l nd nil iîcîr -sa> inir pn,,peni> Il ho-il usîrkcdL lrpie iravîng spiesi bilins of diillar e Let 's Talkr Taxes \oalnl. An acniss-tbe-board reduetion in marginal fax raies, an increase in the basic personai or spousai .tnounit teducîtin or a reduciion in ihe GST lu Ihe equivaleni ofi $4 billion wouid pal more mmnncy back i, lanpayes rsckets. "To $pend or h~ot ic apenti, tisai la noi a questions." We have no chonce bul lu reduce federal sirtiîng. Fn'rtunaîil. tirais floi a pnrbices. Savings couiti bc o1biaintil h. eliiiiinalsng lise l$4.6r Ifllion p appropriation% to Crown corpora. lion,: b> seling ail or pai (i ihe $58. 7 billio in dasINl heid b> ledcral cisrprrafîins, hy climinaI- ing, $ I bilioni fronti Industry Canada's husîrcis suhsîdy Kpinding: iry reducing the, $2. hbhilioni Casadian l-lcnlage budget and elinmîaaling hil- honaisetaira inieresi gnsip susdic, and b) redut îng Empiuyrnni Insuranie espendîlures »îlion choe club maintiers pet on seinter Monday evmnî nga ln an upetairaotanm ai the lton hall in1963. M s lha tird yar of opoeice seitis à roster cf 18 masiten. Ron Harris, club preeldent, la ahosen at let werdlng off a atlff challenge by Stae» Syson aa club ecrery, Aient HoWit, looks on. W Has government gone insane?, Suiesbere finvermntea bas gnc ais» Fir)>rars sic have elecieti gasermnIs inkon ail lire> irave ever promîse i s lIo spend.iisr smne> in ever lncirasnng arisits. Srrnnewirc we bave sirppeti esitnk Ilits rad and unai ea- dîssi anti tris lanc> ilsi s hall. suitir etr alne>cy suîrne 540115 asus retum fi, lire s triSuriss pcuplc belis e tir curreacsl in fslice britul (i coillapsc Il lirai 4sc lîl happes, ccoicSllr chaos wutif, np lriugr cii couantry, lih e o ichirri lias aevcr been seecs en i lir e Greai De- î Reaum t ~ w unia on husincs suhirsdies. inake-miirk iniraslnhire b> 10 pKr cent througir a igijhenang ur of crugi- aii hadhpla epefe o nu gde"ix il TfIsre are uy rîan> People wsi, ha% e a priigranî anti 1e lke. the unemiplirymenl raie hîliiy fuies. Anti lsjusl for siaflrs lii suistanfîii cis our gemmenq spernding* sLake in lise slausqu an.sd li mas> penîpIýhoi rertain sn tire dlouble digits.- Poince Hlamiets trag. fiav, isaNs 1%inabilify i du lus blteve any salle persiin wîruid have hase been ding vry sucl in tire cra of mlti Tire smcini ui mportant measure ihal lire li ai - precipllating is ow~n tiýalh anti Liai <il siIlfully creaieth ie guîvcrnmenîal syslcm we billion tiuiartifcîîis lederai giisernnena can Lake lii ereale an envi- lire Danish"Crassn Paul Maliii shnsald nui make arc now %atitleti wîilh Hîrnuver IL iras secomne Ail ihlal homtiweti musy e, *nucsicw II riiiieîi lir juis and erinsti î< louls laxe%. lirai sane mwsake. saornireachedîthe tact s, lucre islsartiiy an>' wiîîl tli) bloateti hureaucracues. ILwenî lI, ciosul tarifs whuî sere nu nmore exper itan lisuse Ires e ee nsling lor. I %vent liinc dmnsta Corne on parents, get in the eaucational54, 110< wecenrsi eîli lae educaîton system. Il suent lu fund innur<erable l'ducaîîînal reiirrm mv durîmei fii fll unies%% phasedor concemed by gradecsof C orwase. public canemo sehici sucre ,wlf-regulaicd. self- parent, gel os> the bail, eccoruling lIo an important *Studenta don't sîudy very much -a thiaJ of induigent and simply unbnidled b> an> trac pub- neu bsok. sitensi said lisey.q spnnosi cf lire day gooçtng lic scrutin>. Rn îid the CiansnnWh% Schoaîl Refuonn ofI' Tire vasi majonîty of sludenis speni four lite people have to clect adminîstraioes of iiie 11w iiuleil anîd W/t Parents Ne-rd i, Do,' is "irours orlesu pur wecktdimg bomesuork. .public funds who are paid for keeping cnvsts - bisni and hard-iîtîng. Auithr% ai the bomîk pub- .L>C J1J,4Suet isa bu w feeytire ds' niveest services ap. We have iii go lîsieti h: Simon and Sehusier sait you can't studeisis adtined they cheai on tests. b5ck to a finanictal tiquatre anc andi detèrmine imprîîue educaianal standards and peselucci.. in ti t e > 0 Lest you thilisi us sjust a U.S. study anti whatitis we areoriigtIo scheve. tact )u can't evra lcvel lise playing fieldi by r t irà erefore ot relcevant ta tie Casiadian culiture, -flse électorale bas io Lake sortie Lespcnsibiltty. reforrming scisisls. you beter thik*ain.iTe àe tm n jje1 Sure tieycan vote ouidame wbo haveidnc a - The ispefus iras ta bc suth Psarnt for they eimonal grades andi sigotiadizeti test scores have punor job on irir iseffaîf, bpt firaitis bw ave t0 are tbe unes dropping lise bail. ts scary stuff. lthe authors condlucteti a tiseee-yeae study of iseen foun i n Ca"ad Previous coluns have irnos a foorjîsb bas heen donace Tise> have the data tu bak dism ap. more than 20,0)00 urbran anti auburban high documnenteitdm prevak=se of cireating anti las- Sm.e taxes have lu bc ecilecteti go talle cire cf Tise book, co-auîhored by psychologss seioaslh stistent covemet tis fulîl speettW ative plier plessure ta Canadian scisoola. Tise regular nmkngse urondmts. gaubage pick-up Laurence Steinberg antd Bradiford Browun anti of socioeeconic anti ethelmndtY groupea fendlla apply to us anti omar ciikes. and intergese>' infrastructure reserves. but lis soctologisi Sanford Dornisuscir. argues that Tie reslatseeesutiing: Whso are dahent parents uInho atment mvolved in il. Mol of lite huile pot cf mortey, wisei largel>' seirauls are figsting an upisill battis. Grades anti * P-e -re geici n d gri ades - 1- tis- tieirchikkmas eàdisai? Thelle ame tihe pares s boafuati eldorados. siould bc relurned te stannlardtaed teirt scores bave heen graduaily 20 pier cent of ptudents seul lhiser (eie et rn<isyo iksn'ieu, patients seho are to buatti, par- people seho puy il. Whio is better qisaiiie to decreasing for 20 yeahi Parents ant peers are about gitting &cod grades. "jno 20 We cent es sho dmai't know subi 1> do or b»s to WIp. çaitaci yo i ons>' isait yesi ne? centret eut as tise essiprits. spt tisey isid ictr intelligene Ilsey intenticetel- Lea of parnts. ay ail tise sight dtisaga. but do Onèseaytainfcae.plc reqstaNbity is Io Moui parents aren't involve i t ieir chil- ly fuieti nos gogSet gond grades for fear'bÉteins ootlsins. Lots of parents ie trlti> streased or bill pbbple dlredly ii tise poeloet book. Charge dren's education and moui peer groups vmese ilielled a nenc. beisy. peoli1ie hniging up cNkhn in a msigle- people ta éceis eâucat" albw gradle B. Charge mtsdying anti grades es inimpontant. scmneiiing *parents are nul insvved in thaur elilidrenas (luslit ismalv aI 6ad MSn fui tinta. thers $1,000 a kidi -w you'd aile a aucs better tliai seuae you lableled a neeti. _ àblclin - moire dmai 40 per cmo f paents Wtt tering docts equss a parent Io eloccasuges ial' iereayatr a m sosmlaerued bide. Canng about seisocti. grades aid cenfing seitl neyer aitencid a teacier conference, a acicol cisilli. asplaietse vaie of Imnm@& Il requin.s a Wisy ia le end cf lalish seliol thse mage level jel you eiet front most peur groupe; tiese daya, pnsgram or even met dhe teacher. Onu>' 20 par patent Io mnior sehlew their cisilt ia aisdyin for fsul (uriding. Peap il la emgi tu fuhi>' anti tia relleets on has parents am bringing up cma cf patenta avtentist tiseir school prograh keeqin up. gel his'or hie aliaigamenis in and fusil leacis tise basic aiIslsicis hc preotauuhy Lire kitis in thoser feu grosupe. In tise end, il ail adi conferences eari>'. Wcrs of aIL du it el 9Miq seli in clio, Tisa l't eosn tis extra occurs diveing tie years ci"den e lgal> consa- 'ornes cwn lo parents. reoetetimi tisaihall cf tir Inct e mata aile. lia basic oh«f Ym, il's asociingl>' mm. pchatI attendl ascocl