4-TIas 0u~u O~lan. Tlaamdiv. Geousâme ~ tOM To yo andyours... . - WeVi wul ik to uwiyoutifw #ý 9fappiest 9&W Yg&rai( rLad rnan~y more to corne! IfoIûksy Houri Fnwà car- x a O u de o xtn3 &.3 % Iy Du' '27 GRW Dw, 3 8.5 SUWDoecx2IOau.u 1 ued 'rL 4-1ý» CVMO- Ch«ve-, Tb-day. n - I 2IL tM GST lkely bei ftm CIffITU on pop 1 Ihae prime affamé« u accue or aaynqu lin duiegdm ib igls av mw eu doeiued but we've alwayas at wouldN replace u V OS. a Mr. RaiLî "Wle affamam uuije have un tue word aàcgp'. âe hmcf Urne ma.nr- dwimg diluétes if yau hum Io de ulsule of their position they men- do.ed àaciq a epu. mare duaît once," Mr. Rend sa" liecelei Flutauc Mieduaér Pud Matls expiais- hbd a qs*ug - apology hnm die g0v. rnmen and Prime Minister Jean Ovuctiatu s mmri apolog "more of a per- s"u flairag" Io anycile Who might have tetat onAurd. Mr. Raid npmcla1c duo die MS wil lliely bç replsced entirely by a blesudad tux. chiding houh GST and PST, much like whist lu occured iurlhe Maritimes. Thue now u would bc fadduoned afier the Value Addîd Tsi (VAT) of manay major Reudrj m Iemlymen hcveein hourd 10 pet arias Mr. * ~ uai quuk ta poins ow d the ha levai cf unmnloyuuuhdoes rag cuist in Habona. lcre are more people worbng W&n dmla dum were dms yeus MDa (wharn du Ubesals wene ekled) nid mor lem in uuswnen jobs," ha ai Vnampoyuoa~bchraz bewms cf due people Whoc me unployed. Those peopla uhm ousklis or uic had Jolbe laci are nu o kser an oncert villa due - uoy -r Soeng goaW bid du -cml." The MI' called du eai unbaay lagh ad ai dmpile creauon cf 675.000 uuw Cita"ia jobs in the lm arnie yes due Soveamwm a s mea on i5s laIurels. Uc said ha hapad dii widu due inprovemuus in due conomy same seiffi-akilled jobs would conte bock. flac tovgmn canna mme jobs érfecdy. except in due civil srvice. We creue diffmet whare new *jobs cmn ba cueied," ha sak. citing low inearest rates as one ?f du Iluua duc put more mouney intc du, replaced: Reed eononuy fial alicu butine Io grc a dieseby Ha çm&Wied du »wzuves au&ac on due defit umâd dmiiuin duce 10w uras ras "if y-u -wnue W- mangag lui, you'e pantin jrnwqin yom pociast bigùme." ha maiLï "Ai âus botter dé in lta" n or tui reààcunm" Mr. t sal pluintet th e healluy nau honte nuashet as; à 'ajor aconcmic boom fana only ce the inathuil, imiaif but te, ail tue soin cd iouuasuuclu as Regarding due fedml budget deucit Mr. Reed said off-loading go the provinces us flot as esteuiava as people have been led ta believa. Hc callethed relluctions in tusfer plymens smalr &W snid thatiun due defucit figut -aetcy Cauan has ga pull sotne of due lad." "My information as thai Punil Mutin us anc ycar aheati of lais deficit projec- fions,** M. Reoti sid. "flue Februsry nR budget urnl pravude a hardôxe plajcc- tion. In due puis tua yeus ue hava exceeded our oun Mr. Raid saud ho expacts due deit lo be Weduc Io heaow thmee par cent of gras daqestic puoduc, a key nualeisone un aa ail borrwing us donc wtlun Caonis. Botmuwing oraly un Cana" mashe u uaeress raues arc lou. Uc called the mulimne an impotantl corfer (c tusD in du dericit fight. lwce are reamens la ha optnuusatic on 1997," sand Mr. Raid uho guuleod ha would ha a candiac is dit nex fadieral election. He suid due tai lectian nunours un Ottawa arr holding for a ing eatiop however à le sununer election magllai ha possible. He downaptayed the ides lias recent turbulance causei by the GST and jobs uould cla.auy elecumions . " He hai the gaffa; a say ha uit sorry," saud Mr. Raid abona M. Clustien. 111e longer 1 lave with fam dhe batlar 1 ise hina. 1 ull isyl*ih himn what you sec is uua yoii 0:L~ Tb=a is no subterfuge un îA