Three golds at Spartan Invitatonal Drury defends'wrestling titie in exciting tourne' Çhris Denich provided fans wits rsan-event w-sngation and provided his teamn with their diid godmdlof the day as E.C. Drusy successfully dfended their Spartan Invitational titlc fat week. Denicit mes up with Burtingio Cengràlis Jarnie Portenous in sthe 149-pouns! weîght dlais finals December 18. Wîith bath airestiers eterng with remarkable credentials ý- incbnding GHAC ligies and! Cangidian citampionallip -7 lte match was as cxciting ai titey corne dk witii Milton'i hate sown boy pntftn ous a snddui-demh it lr Portenours fonglit off teveral attakg la farce, overtiffie watt neitIser combatant carti ng a poins tn regulasian limne. Central's repre- setitative gioes haiave ie matc won wit a siong single leg aslck bu Dnict oeoethim into a isalemaie uts! citMags die amensurmim. lie dma peresease! Poriertoni defenie ta ekin à one- ,poins VcMs. Denicit'i soumnamient ihowing was ane of a nunulter of ont- sanding efforts; by lte Spauians. who collecte! b01 poitsi ta top 33 schoots in an evens <liai festureil claie ta 300 wresllers. Defens!ing OFSAA champions Hageriville places econd! while Georgetowni took thirti Lais year's roolue af lte ycar. Kevin Hffion. won bis filit goki., this seasn by outscoring leammase Tom Kna«t in te finals; Heftros connges; ta alune utile Knoll is beconming ane of die mont improve! uiegls a E.C. Fsank Cavallo foughl from beisnsi luiori inckbng a eantebar.k in the dying seconda af his senu-final match againîs Georgeîawn's Maurice Gear before captringDroiry's second gaIs! modal, Drury has! strong ihowingi in bath pools af [lie 112-pouns! division. In pool A. Clayson Cowton loi a9-I1 decîmaîs in ste finals Ia Hagersville's ierelny Aude, one of the top rankes! wrestier in Canada. Grain leffran also lait by decision in te alite final ta highly regardeal an Kiape of Kitcitener. Rookies Shawn Burnham ans! Bisitp Redings Jeremy Cituchmacb scores! toueitplace fimîshes in lise tua pools. Justin Bîllingitu an miis win total ta 21 by eaming a sibver in -ite 119-puns! clais. Fli 3-1 record eamai hîim bis ftfth iedal af lte lemmon. Sophomore Chas! Meriitt alasstgged bisi fit icasan medal wilit a bronze. lies nuw 19-3 after five tournamnent appearances. Veteran Scott Milîs lais a claie semi-final match belore sesing for brnze as 127-points! utile Trevor Pethealk was impressive in lihe 134-pausi dlais ans corel a silver. Andre Sitarp aglo struck silver in sit 141-potins category, wilh Json Basselt uti- ing lin bis beit day witit a 5841-pains! clasi bronze medal. Darren Gallipean ans! Trevor Ayling raundes! out Drury's efforts with'top Oive placinis LIC. Onnys Chri Dw#Mc hma IMM~ Wmhr of fflnhMftl. lied up In #Mti 148wraud nutch.u léel wu*k dusing the Powerhouse Merchants keep winning IBY IgTM LeBLANC "adem connue la sssggle an! naw sport citecks Frtday as horne ans! tumng à lbat- Spedil go The Charpof a dismal 2-30-1 record. trick Saiueday on ste mail.' lThe Merchanti reiain fini in die West One Merchant unable ta, shoiecase hs lThe Georgetown Raiders enjoyed na wiiil a 25-&-2 .itowmg. <alenti m;as newly acquired nelinder holiday gencrosity. in Provincial Jr. A The back-to-back conteigts playe! oui in Lloyd LeFrance. Thte 20-Uear-alil North hockey action iis pais weekcnd ai Itey much ste saine faihion. wsith Georgetown Bay native miade his Mihon debut Fflday fell victinm to the powerhouse Milton puufing up a token defemaeuugh the linst but was idle for nionsi ofthe night as the Memhlanti in 7-2 as 9-1 bambings. perno an! then falding ép like sents the Raides recarde! jugi 16 shosg ans!aiy Havlng cornte off sougit bouts wish ress t sthe way. Goalice Jonathan Mc- seven avec the lasi Iwo franges. Ieremy Brampton and Bramaleli recensly, the Cariliy ans! Ryan Lowe faces! a combine! Wenzel Vs fairly inactve in goal die fo- homte-and-liome teries with the Raiders l0ý abois, titanki la a robust Mercitant lawing Mr&l* tusn aide jus: 22 shota. atlowed Milton to ,itowcase sheir icosing offeie ans! nan-exiasent Raider detenie. Cory Hollanil retumie final a four-gane tondit and do a btile mats5 paMnitg beorges a Trvis Riggin pravîde! the biggeis afice suspiension Satiarday ats! pume! in a sec- fOve-day brea. For Georgetown. ste week- of the scaring pie agsînîs former coacht osai-penoas goal. lie sa "Md on ans of end! mcmt swo mmr bossesl a a fusilier Bince. Thec 19.year-oId nigi winger fire! Troy Walczak's first.period-markcri. slide down lit West Conteretice isulinga. li lfre goal ans! ielpe! ses-up five adi- Walczak scoures! thece limnea oven lthe weeà- Despite itavitif former Mesclun skipper en. Cap"as Sleve Claike hl anu olstansl- ads ans!de four helpen. D..,t Ri- .s. I.m - i. --,s *h. ie -nk-.1d i -11 h.mi- W iii .d . t RA n a M -c