Jingle belis, imneosd bu1.uoo aO < 0* iýRREADERS WRITE A lament for our national traditions forgotten. 'our Nov. 13 edîtorsal and letiers pages wec occu. tohelp spppott thse reseurcs andf editonial pre~ fsy ohjecis In ibe Halton Board of Educaton*s Mention of the "Maple Leal'Forever" and its èfusai wu entertain tise Royal Canadian Logion's er iv noficeaflly absent (ins thse publication. Rensmirunce Day poster content proposai. tIhe verbiage accorded "0 Canada". its lyri Thse underlying pMobleiun my vîew, is tisai virtuel- Adolphse-Basile Routhier) sncf ils composer ly nothing reilinS to Ibis counity's former tradtions Lavallee) is precîsely wsaI ise word "vi ud;d culiture isony longer sacred. im lies. SConsider. for parrnplc. the.little known second vecie Prisaps nent yeur ise Royal Canadlien otf thse rarely heard -Maple Ècaf Forevee', composcd wiould fie wise to sponsour a poster contesi exi ta 1867 by an espagrnole Scot and Toironto public Isouning iiur French Canadian war "ea. Il scftool principal. Alexander Muir: bc worti a iseafdsy fedral subsijy. satis(ying "At QueenstonLHeîghts% sncf Lundy's Lane Hélion Board of Educution and lte "pure woo Otur brave fathers, side by vide, Ron For lreedom. homes, and loved ones dear, l'imsly stoud and nobly died.- And thoso dear nights whlch tfiey ntaintainel Please Park elsewhere We swearIo yeld isem never. during Santals parade Our watcisword everinore shaîl bie Thse Maple Leaf forever!- Desir Editor: Iiv ry undersading that several yeacs ago tise 1 amt sure that t am nti asne in îy feeling federaf governinent successfully preIÉured aIl plosate, in regard In dm cars luit were paik provinces Io bau tdue playing or singing of tim ".Maple Main Street dusing tise Santa Clami Parade.E Leaf Forever' (cinm &il. provincial sel"os. Althoeugh every year dicere ivs anotice sent èaund thuaI the revelatioti huit and angered me. il failbd 10 surprise .net toise parked along tise parade moute. mie. fi juvî showsu.people*s lack of respècl for Also, wîthîn licte niore tItan three decades. we have especially elojde., Isle nujority'of chiltirent lost the flag under whîch our veteranu fought. the fsad foi look anounid cars Io enjoy tihe parade. Cunadian Coat of Arms. Dominion Day. Bniis-vyle I hope tlhat aIl tfie ignorant people who ciss rnilitaiy unifortns. a host of othor commois and sym- thin will flot repent tie sante isehavinur nest y hots. anda gond measure otf national pride. ail know wiso you are and ibis letter iv direcoted TIWS f oword Io tise second edition of Tie Canadian Ju#Y EncýcIopedfia calends gratitude tu various feoderai gov. 3sistance compos- whercas ci st (Sir (Calisa :rbiagr" Le gion clussively atcwald hai Ifie lIes. Bezant hilton s ofdis- cd along &ch mnd cars are others. bis Yeur too do air You Ici you. Turner Mifton S1ocialService Worker ShOri.. CallegeaO' Social Service Worker Program wtIll train yos ini tis demanding and rewarding field to connrect people who need social services stitl thée right progrants, prof ossonale, and assistance Upon graduation, you ma Miti i nry-Ievl Position aS a: grouP WOeher., counaallor, or casbmsrker ini a variety Of nettingo, incjuding groijp tiomes.*#poi custody faciliis, women's shetrs cantret for the eviloprntaY challenged, empfloyoient ay e ncles, ragional Socialservice agincias. and varînUs communityeovchiatrv tentres, Impreve lour mrkottbilitY bY eampleiliet fild placements in bath geurs a i fiul recelve practicaf atolls in social service commity develop- ment, andi administration, and by brodo.iq assid IlIb *8 « recels. yout diploma a ear earlîer thon if vou were to waît afit stat in the Fai of1997 (Programn runs tflrougtiout the summer mnithsi How ta Apply r. aiiidiecoolinofcs *Complet@ M O»it fse avaîlabl ie giac/oneln fie and ai thh fullowi.g Sheridan 1ocais. Devis Campus -McLaughfis Rd. and Steeles Ave, Brampton, and Trafalgar Rond Campus -4 «Trafalgar Roati. Dakvdie Fast Truck Admission Yafu may ha Omhnned on thse spot id vou qual#1r bring pour scho transcripts and a $application processing fe For Aiddtional Progra, Intor.mt on *.ifi 1h. Prfflm Cooedlnoso et (lW «11-1111111. eat n74 f Oakvill) *Watcls for regutar updates on Sfie Reglers Olfice wes pageoet ~ or Sheridanes wob site ai. ADmN4.AWIAW1117 PULL-TOME DAY PUOGRANSUM ISCUIOS Animal Cère** Environnmntrai Cnilsrol IPest-tfiploma) *Art fondamentaa VUSu Gênerai Arts andi Science* *Business/Business Administration'* International Boutsess ft'sst-diptqmal *Compater Animation fPosi diplomaft *Law and Securily Administraion* *Computer pragrammer* ' Office Adminiutration* I *Early Chîtdhood Assistant *Educatiosi Assistant (Post-baaîcf SIIERIDAN *Fast Tîack Adnstain Prugnain ilpet.a tees eppoly i Main -ai. eM wqANCIAL PARTNERS