Be-practical and. realisticwhen' puchasing a hoine. 1Your dreant hune becômeWs a nightxane ,1i.n ycu cnm up "bui poW willi mo(c yciw -ay S0101 go pay for dui mcrtgqi end *litcleft aver frenoynien ýWhen buyrr% a hc.neyou noedIobe practi. cal and rcalimlic. .Ovcr-esteniîng y0urself rnuicialîy as the quickest way lu desto dlite *exctieng of twning your own homne. A reW exulte proticia cars hep you find the honte ai your d*eam a roealtar cao alto asmist yu in cvalutatîng moexgagc options anid obtaining . If you arc thinking ofeeltng your home. yat'ri probably wonderfng whethîr you àhouy l tke i custani-madi window cuver' ings with you - orw heùme dit enxcrtaintient unt you haed mpecially madi for your fatly rom shIud nealy bce sold with die houai. lJndoubtedly, ihlese items may hi hard ta panl îth. On diecd ahbaod. they will proba-, lily maui your home niucb aoutn attractive ta poitenlial punibauas if you includi hiei in ta sale. In filet. iits qaîte coninon for vendos toi inelude sorme items duat would nonnally hi considered as *ebatîs" - such &% odrapes and appliances i- n thi sale af ducr homne, as ai extra inccn1î'. ta botyer' Flatuno - Fxesý. on IWhdiier halot, arr a dîfferent miltter alLagcthir and arc basîctlly thing% dari arc attachcd ta theç property - lîke lighs ut es a hat tub or cîci nie wall beatens. flic lass s not ahiways crystal cIcr about ;wbat constitts a fixture -but your realtar inil uide yau dihmugh the listing pracess and help oru decide and clarity whaî yau want ta ioclude ly1he sale aI yaur homte. Spetal Clnetlmtences - Therr may he iprcial uircumstunee.s îherc saîîîctli ng tbat mighi îrdîan'ly lie cansideresi as a fixture Î% noi li) lo inludes in lthe %ate - like Ill astique crysial chaii&Iier %mu had ioîpmirte, [rom Framse Mlil0 suire lfis is ccari> %lsani in thei ling agreemernt andi nî<îre impriantly - iii the agreemient aI andi salc l siatesli n di: listing realmmis il pomint oui the smjrimiUN sanous licous ibai are liai inclusips fsmnan etdie Mo Mrci evIngs. la h -i Redi -, hme we mmrn waysl cwdie- mine yoqt "mftarâblity quotient" - .Selttîn a maximum prlCê 90îe lit mimr price lirit hecaum wmuuicîpedd cci t ld plai you ia the 'licta para' danger Maille To Ocitermine your tifoexability pie raige, you met calculate twa atomit. die amount of cash xau eau affloxi Io put towudt dite pur- chue (didwn psymiti) àand die nupumun in the sale ta prospective bayera hilote an aller t0 purchae a midit. ORm. froint fflU - Il you oire abmoutety cettat you waigo keep certain ilens - liki dii houtcasi you haid midi ta biend wli the uniqui woodws*k in your honte - you ay even wsnq ta re*icve theai itemsa fron yoiu homte bilare you put it up for xi. That wîy. lia pote"la puraser will aiec Oiemt. ful in love with thim ni ainsist dma thiy hci ncluded in iii sali. Souie items oni the proplxy suleh as water hiuaters or utait sienirs anieni providid an a rentaI hasts. If Ihîs is the came. you. should exclade the items frnt dmi purchase price and thi ptirchaser shoulsi hi askid lo assume dii t qnt#l. Deuribe tliité te De lneluded - Items that are q bci hincluiod should hé dascribed along with themr location in or min die property. uaul af hma (mSriag) Yenom caCmion. amyem,. A ngagqe cuvera die difference berween dit purctutc price and'youw dao" payaient. The Iarger theidowij.pymnt. dmi lit yow have ta irailler yaur manshly mniigagi payain nid the loue your cout of interest écir the tern of the mofigae. !ýo it proboably aki seute tu put da u mnilih af yo 0" . .Mnr as bl You "Ioud keepr. cah eirve for unaex. pe xpens aid tuch typical "*pust pur- chase" expenses as land trqnsler tax. legal fles, maiono aluigmemt. moviîs expiais. cm. new lumisulndaplac. %h Ari atep towati eatabhsbing a mntal- mni mortgige lita issocalculate a monthly payaien you cao afford. Fimatcta instutonus do "h by 9"lttl"hg your deitt-servici ntom. To calculat ymu debit.lervce ratio, liat ail your laarç(cu. pas"a loa.s mondlly credit card balaees. Thi saut af iee (cao pay. melta aid yaw nictga palmint <ailtding principîll intest and taxes) shntald nao - eaclied appraximaiely 4Oper cent of your Srass toca..e. The mortgage payaient and taxsa mhould nuit exceed approximately 30 pet Cent oi jiur gratsa mocnt. T1he size of the morige yeu cao arrange., b.sed on payments you cmo alford. dipend aon intereli rairs. Thie lower the tities. lthe lurger" dmi pcssible mourtg agc d tht te m afoàhle die bousing is. But tielle are allier .nxrtgigc ternis ta con- tider al wîll. (low open-f. the morigage" Would pmepymeoî hi allowed? ls dmi mot-, SageiiffordblC? The usu4l source ai mort- Cage litais a lendng tnspuaion tuit deter- mines die maoximujai lou allow.ed. but there am coller sources of lunding, ton raid à mallotr canbIhlp you choi the best lender ai the be-* rate and lemul. I A OXC SCOr j Imne 5qZb OD. SREM ESTATE iNc M Auooi.,«W JO.YCE F SCTT,1~ if Profesonal rital eîtate servieces juat a phone Cali away. Cali Joyce. escopment witli atrebta, hydro & tomn watur Ici lb otlixi. Ravin, lot bàcking alito Sistumn Mile Creek. Towniîrt, Milton Hd'jlghti A.%Asat App.-s Cou loiM lo due $94,AO REAI4T WORLDE F(ALY ORD OOteIèAv.,Ih. .876-0631 J EATYWO 24 Hour Answering Service. htpbnllom iLopu .c. FmMLII- E Vliai do they mean? Chattels and Fixtures