Council secs'chainge. charge toward tawn; Day says he'11 fight Dy @RAD REAUME/ IThdanm-i Many local politicins simply wani the province t0 make lis reiructur- iflg anhouncernentsso the> cari gel on with Sheir business. That btt.mness includes making changes to the numbher of counçîllors and wards they Hossesi. ',tusl scem frustrated uith a prbincial goucriirment wih proîMises changes hul mi lam dorTer onI posais1 Anti une is .kfiniteli anges Councillbr Rk a raied gansi rios- subir changes, swving hc no)ul igiti ith eser lilcposr . lits dispoisai any attempt lu change msard huaiidanies He alsu cht- lcnged lte idea fhl saings resuit fum cullîng cotîncîllors Me sîd wiqh lewer enunctikîrs thnse liai Fermant ugusi bc full-. Iine ands oflen require mnorr staft suipport. wtWhits mîorc expensise (itan th1 curcuît sysiem. .We>II klook at our urtian area.' lbe s-. Welopeun ltai whole cau ot wurms 1 unean hk whoire an Mr Day said iliere arc a nUuher (Il important isues is c ward wkùicht nll crop up in lthe nexi îhrec yeais and ite wa l 10 bin poutîion lu address qhkm AZe te texi terni ke was; l4s cun.erred. hi naid 1 hope vie donti suceaurnt In any rush lu deslîny." said Mr. Day "For 1 hose nto îhink the oetly way ii; oep hy pop (lesn. lalîun hy population) look ai îitç damncd US Canata wuuldn*l even gel a Chitna card if ltais. how they oper,(- eil*' Accordîng lu Miltont citief administrative officer Divid llîpgravc the goserrme. is prepanng legiaueon tu b~c passed kf«ue Citrisimas wishi vould make massîse changes Io Ontwio muntcipalîlles. chielly thougi amnalgamnaIions. Changes mata kc în place prur lu Jan. 1 in uîcfrr lo take effecI for lhexl unnîr- pal electiort, slaied lur Nuvernkif 1997. In addition lu amnalgarnalion of munic,- patinues hkie is also the question of intWr na[ reslnklauring, wîith altertions tlle numiter uif wards and lieir Nnundaee flue deadline huerlitai s «Match 31. Milton counicil passed a plan Moudky nîgl lu hase a special omeil mneeflng'lo discuss issues sulroumng die downsizîng of local council and lte possîbîlîly tif amalgamjîing Milliti td olker munici- palîlles. *Do)wnsîzulg s the order ofhthe day., saillt Millon Mayor Gord Klinla. addre-s- ing only local restructuing. We tan "a at oui uwn stnicinre and if ive dun'i do il o ele DAY on paop 24 MS Bumper cars on RHighway 401 ue lIazardoija rond conditions caue chlas for rtih-ltour moloitis on1 Hwy. a LuT4 401 yesterday imn About etght acèdris welrepo S betwse745 and 9-30&m. asbNa*k ào ce " ormned on te highway, si1 lte in I P No orni was senourly injured. * m. Hello doliy L~~d.iiEs~tuByUWé um~ ~woww. um.pumi ogpa~maUIyhrUki~ ~ Sp ~ L»offtrqualàfty programa or chlldrent ic18 lmonthe to 6years. Sme,~ moisii, éuma, naftw and ma~oo play~ ftP-MW. «6o#&@, uuho. and I 258 St., Mitn 878-7552 I.