UTS OUR OWïN The Joint 9801111 widè th. COnaaiid"fd Heannc Act gave approval ta Haion Ragton in 1989 for a nas Iandfll ilite. Approval under th. Eicernimi1al AMuntAanLwas includ.d and a nuniber of conditions w.re sa. *Condition 1 of the approvaf is as folfow.: . 'For more than a decaci., th. Raegionsi Muniipalty of Hatton-sarchod for a n.. tandIS ait, ta recenq the wait of Île citizen. A gria dam of mon.y w.. apent in the search, and reaidnt. a 01. wo muniffi. teft threaten.ed by the. nnpening dec4aon In 1967 and 1963, a Heoanng waa helci by the Canaofdat. H..nng Board egabf.ahe by the EriVronmentaI Asasmnt Bu.rd mid th. Ontano Municpal Board. This B#ard heard thaf afthough th. Regiona corporation wu. reaponaibi.e f.a) Paqur recIng and denial oflnfhgj products. b) .Protlon of IndMdýa1, pnivate, Mid publie oornposting facilities. cý Provisipn of glass and metàl mecyolng facMlties for. usidential, aartment and cormmial establiOwm.nt wept, Inlud provisiion of meoep*mo aies for packcaging m er als atp nt-W-"siofiSUCh Matelrlals, Oncà each year fthe Regional Muffhcipaltiy &a#t report on the participation cf atea Municçpaitiea and the extent of cooperation and progreaa on thé wori of this Committen in full-page advertisam.nta in the nspapera havjn6 generaf Tii. CeuSai Clumplon. W.ai.sdsy. Decmnéer 4, 1096-13 GABAGE for depaemn 61 wném. «M w.« ne ll midI.r.pas f or sat. màctlon. "os and ruc>n rnssurhs. 1111 Boa4tlso hilrd iâai tei wast. racycling obliecelfv. in the. Regeonwrý modem,. beingtaéas than 20%. roua of Wa Throu0i ut to meach die Pai é) Prm*i *Weste* progru circulation in «IIS OUR O oC'btxh adve JOINT MUNICIPAL-REGIONAL WASTE This Commictee was establisjied tai satiafy Uic above Condition. I wss intended as a Io prtnote the 3Rs and as a resuit, ta minimtze Halton's long termi disposai requirca Under direction of the Joint Committeet the "Waste Management Initiatives for 1995 1. Blue Box itecycling Program 5. Househc 2. School Waste Reduction Awareness Program '6. Waste A 3. Special Environmental Events 7. Single T 4. Composting '.8. Voluntai The Joint Commîttee meetings are ope .n to the puMtc. Public input and participatioci .HOUSEHOWD HAZAUWOUS V Haltop's Ccntraltzed Household Hazardous Waste Depot is Igcaied at the Landfili Sitt 8:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. for the disposai of: paints, ois, lawn chemîcals, etc. In 1995, Halton collected 540,000 litres of housettoid hazardous matenial, which w& AMITY GOODWILL REU This Centre opcned in Mec spring of 1994 and is iocated next to the Houschold Haza opening hours. Matertals accepted at thc Cçntre include: toys, books, clothing, and s dîverted from the La ndfaill, which was brought in by 3,600 vehicles. A Report decnrbing compliance with ail 'the Condiîigins of Approval under the Env ronienI is available for review. To obtain a copy cf Ibis report or if you have any conimentsor suggi The. Reglonni Munlclpality of Halton, Wfaste Management Services 1151 Bronte Rosd, OAKVILLE Ontario, L6M 3LI or cii the Waste Manlagement Information Lîne (905) 825-600 ext. 6033 Acton...................... 853-050 ext. 6033 Georgetown. ........... 78-8113 exit 6033 Alderhot ................. i639.4540 ext. 6033 Streetaville ................ r..S23-672O ext. 6033 #Wturfoo. am 48 tiret candftton of approva for a nsw landilf sit. Mw*08*ty of HatIon, that th. Regiona Corporation ~ ntarn @Wi Municilf. Of th@ Raogion to esablish a MunicipaJRogioeut ao that .ê wWl b. very hMI waate remaning ta b. fan~fi. metings hiat as toast hwlc. a y.ar, the. Commrtte. ahout Attempt ' hrough masuré. nctuding but not'mt.d to: of mnisr to onoue MWta obto to t madmwm~ mxent po WbdpoabW" po*e ln méildals, hadlgfas-food oof mooeption aise foïr houffholid hazardous, Mnd mdon& dsvolopmeof msndatory recycling, newhich icludle rmaa* nid pealties fo coo- and nopomnpdafoe. .ach of th. R.giona consttuernt M4npcipaatîaa, under 1wh. hadin. !N ARBAGE", and le ta include ths condition in fuil t Mthe b.gnning aGEMENT ÔÔMMITrEE ooperatav effoet between thc.Region and Ares Municlpàlitues ients. werc updated. The îniiatves contain Uie following programs. Id Hazardous Waste Démonstration Projcct idit and Workplan er Waste Management r Waste Management Speakers Program in the developmnents of prograxns is.encouraged. FASTE PROQRAM on Htghway #25 in MiltèIc and is open Monday ta Saturdsy, brought in by 14,400 vehicles. SE CENTRE dous Waste Depot aI Uhe Landfill Site and bas Uhe samne nali appliances. In 1995, 146 tonnes of material was là AssementAct stions. please write toi: t, I MAIERIAL IQN~ Total residential waste MAEIASPaper Products 14,504 received in 1995 - DI JVER TE5D Glass 4650 76,500 tonnes Yard Waste 3,500 EELiLIWiE Cardboard 2,400 À2 Steel/Aluminurn Cafis 1,500 A Scrap Metal 450 DIESO Plastic Containers40 Drywall 200 PR GA STires 60 TOTAL 27,660