Trustées get emergency têter- --- a tete with four HaItonMPPs 1Dear Màr..,5nowmIe 8 TI HITNELL ment duueL'L't Spc oThe. Champion i r Tory reps sard in thme tenter ilbey %van t lucami e il Halton pubic~ scitool ho0 truees have agreed lu more filleul the howd's Renewal planfo brio sehldo- I : l 1 f1 o an.emergency meeting 111hfihe region's fotir mcm. sures ani changes tu programs and admistoration, bers of provincial parliamrent. which IN cspected to help, offset sortie Board Chair Ltnda Glover and ofihe $24 million delicif it faces. Burlingîtîn Southt MPP Cam Jackson *Your huard's decision îi<iîvrrîdr Phione: (416) 325-2600 chose De,. 2 ai M a.m at ihle huard your policy lfid last track sctu<ol clu- Fdx: (416) 325-2608 , ttlkes on Guelph Lune for a lace:io- %uies bas caused ciosiderable cîuncemn Hon. John Snob.4. 0 lace encounter with fihe region's fui-r and upsel in the community, Wr i&.eo 1 iury represemîatmces would, therefîrre, ask tha obrc Miity f Ms Glover and Mr. Jackson spent the touur of ns oun ite long-range plan- tlefiio ab mnosi of Thursday trvung fui seule omnan nong and community consultatîion Training appropnaie date. process you have undertaken in ihiiC 8th Flaci-, Moat Blcck The four MPPs. Milton's Ted regard," [lie letler said. Chudleigh, Mr. Jackson, Trecec Ose Burlington trusic satd site IN 90BySr Yoîung and GJQý Carr requesied anou ti ciwth lthe MPPs, Toonto, Ontario an immnediate cuislerenice sih trusices ihiuugh site wishes something like thi 0~ 2 fi) discus educaition issues. uncluulmng Ted Chudlelgh heen done a lot carlier areas ot local restructuring and provincial polîcy FTrom a personal perspective.ý wetý rce ms shoumld have taken the mniimatîve with item am me An open tetier signeul hy aIl tomur Ilaîton MPKi -wih them a loti muee.',saud Dianie Lehlovic. the for- d4&ted Nuis 19 and addressed iii Ms Gluiver. siatcd, mer huard chair. -I tIte lasi orne wr hadl meanunglul dialogue ssilth le -Id tîke Ioi hear mure fro t hemt un lthe WitoDeI hourd was rtore [han a )car agu. Byicunîrasi. wc have Whmî panel Tiete are ihe peule wtuu are making the he meueting frequcntly usiti the Halmuin Roman deciviuu(ns, Ms Lehluvmiç saud of the four Halion C a[hotte Scituol Buard, ai their recleesi. tii discass MPPs loical and provincial educattiin ussues.- lrunically. just a rcw days earluer, Halmîn public SC'4 Thié Mffs' leftcr aIsi, suuied Ms Gluiver tiad bren huard inisices hadl requesied an enwirgency meeting - quoued us the Nos. 17 edimiion of flie Burlinglon Pî,t wîîh Educatuon Munister Joîhn Snomielen. but were ~ .m as s>ayisg. *Wc have a plan and [lie provincial guuscrn iumed dowst 1OFUins isINue up fer * MUe ti@fl PvROVlnCO-wlde proi.eI Novelaber 27, 199. Tim e for taiking looks shôrt I Parents ohl avelr Onutario wîlI be litaging sulent vigih,hadn g Irallues and delivering letters of protest to their MPPs at 10.00 am Iv 8R D REAUME lucail lier uit guisemmeni, Proincial ofliials hase also on Navêmber 27th. , The Champion suggested the sanie tilong suit happen iii Metro Parents lcnow these changes are bu pening fo fast and with Mllî,n ciuun,.it usil likels dicuss kg% puiîi on Toironto, and gisen Vuuruunîu arc& mayiurs a useek uuu too,,ittie planning, Parents knows they rave flot been caeasulted I reucnt annsUincenieiits hm ni the Who bul)i,' Wbat produce a hetier plan 1 Parents know most af the. changes in education are beung mode p'aie1 ai utc ý.ouus,.il nieigsae o odY e Mrligaeotmd)eofechnaluy 2cîn sair furMiitj ec M lprv itlic reu cagsaray ot ta cul $1 billion that 14 egovernment needs ta foind uts tati cut i i pruosied: Ciiurcil usill appoiunt a majoinry ofi niernhers I And parents ktlcyo these CUIS are affecting the classraouns of theur Rcuuiiuiemiauiiii fruuuî the proiniciallyý mppuimntd 1, poilice sersiueé, huuarul', proivincial fumiing fuir water 1 chuidr)n. panel are ilom ung tast.and tsruu acu.urdung iiiMittut bcs ccssI phascd out. huiness muxes are tu bck ilrn chiel administrative iittuccr David HipgraNe. but the reliirmied. the tuing of edacation us mu conte off fiu- Many of the children ocross the province have already lont rniis signmticanî. thowlo~n pruipcuty tavatuion and gîlver- municipal tax hase and reducitins are coiumng in ttc 1 0 )Ierseuleuain).nou Ie'aJn ii irr sAtc àreet ning i.iConilrJh alnrase numr (a chiil hoards i an ad thir junior kndergartens. Mony th;:. hqve n. Music tsi reenurîueîig Ciunuttr ...(batinr *(uimntenunrguon the Whou Dues Whaî priipuisals Isa prroms le)t un Uieir schools Their c ils sizes have already I tuir a iînuiprchensiws report fronm Mr ilmpgrave our hullkht tn uncrease enormoFe,* si M. 1 Mayoir Goird Kranî, us werc te proinîce stands on ikeese huînearpdlonusîgtagtmsu rusly. They're having ta walk long distandes ta suinic oft Iliese issues. su, uncittors can Hupgrave, -Hiiweýver th proivince us nui lannchung a' ctch their school buses, Iluwever, Indicatioin, rom the pruivisce uggest temassive municipal *coliuilaîtin lThe dehate IN amsuund lim fo. (lkig s o or Inth %pFngM'uniIryo he Whou Docs Wit table Things arc bcing decided Ca What mare is there ta fta y unecp Ato aikîg s o sfricnai s rung inirypki ut a away? Muicpl taîsuilcii sgested htmnct~ ia a How much is this goverriment wilring ta let children su)fer? tue, shuld makc- substanuial changes lui their struc- Te panel us makung ius reciummendatiins in, them ares. iiicluding amalgartiun, or provinial sufliciats priosincial gîusemment and us especied tii kc tuntsid I ShDow y..vr *âmm , hy moli"~ .or foxles thoe ssuuld doi tI hy the end ut Novembir The prosincial guvemmen auual.wp.ylsgS m im M* f . te #à * .vgtoe ma. Recenily the prouvince acted as bruiker un a deat rM will lîkely bning tiurward legtiatiiin ip carly teceeimEr create»a Greater l-lamiliun hy amalgamatiiig the City for pa.ssage pnor iii the end n199, whc i oS uit ttamîtîuun wuth a haIt a din suhurits. sucit as chataies tii kc insiued liir the ncx mun ici elcio H fi iNmn Teachers' Association, * Dundas and Stoney Creet. and eluminamng uhe loss1er un Nuivembcr. r97> 0.Ontru Public Schoal Teachers' Assotiatian/Halton j $24.000 without an-y persona] tax being paid. If you are in the top marginai tax-brackcî and earnied inierest of $S1,O100 restructuring~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iorprfloIIt r iied ol ae$,2 ntxs WE~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CA -VD O A A M MN PRAHT « EVR URN M OIED F8 uA