Hurricanes blow away The major amn AAA Hurr canes conl nurd on wreak Navoý Jep Hockey wit ligue oppontents last week, chaiking up due tote victorlc Maton*s toughesi chaIIefljiý cul Mno alton's scorîng gamc. cam4 againsi Stoney Creek. who b airbuugi t îiy manageti to crime *stakeý Ihemeselvin tin an eariy 3-.1 away wtth a soliti 4- itriumph I*d The Hurricanes' comcback thaAks ta large panint a two-goal. efforts wcre anchored Ny Kyle one-assisi effort Ny Marcus Quincey. w'lu tue h at tick. <biene, Tim iohnston back- Adiam Kemp alho contrthutUti Io siopped the pack in net wàth a lte rally with a single Marker while sound goaltendtng ýerformancce Mion's Adamt Ruiz Wored ilheir -Kemtp anti Roinuson scorod on.e finit goal andi adtied an asuss laer andt adticd an assist white Syvret mmwDntwing tillit Nelperu each were tirew two assists andi Greaves and Kemp. Bien Robinson andt Danny Quincey hai single Nelper. Syvret, wtN Tim lasperson counir- \nîg one. Eamng [Ne sdn between 'flîakers."ae it out tUr pipea - with clutch goaltening on Georgetown down tho stretch - was Aies MeLeoti. After suffenng ilicîr second *The 'Canes woulin'î need a tihis season, the Santistone crmback campaign in their next Truansport AA miget Wtntesltawks outing - or for ltaI malter mach of took tltetr frustrations iout on the a defensive effort - as dhey hoboae Georgetown Rauirs with an 1Il-0 the, Ching#)acousy Blues 9-i1 sltelaluing Mt Memortai Aena. Desplîs taktng their ttîrt straight' Milton kept the Raiders in the Neating Iront MaIson ibis sa&aon. game for the openîng perioti but the Blues manageti to keep the týea lumeti up the hem andi alloweti score more repeî.tablohan prevt. only two sitots for the reminder of ous 13-0 anti 19-0 shellacktngs. tise night whtle ftring 37 more ai Robinson andi Quincey led the Gorgetown's net. offensivq showca:se*wîth five anti lbey seoreti four seconti-peniot four-point nîghts respecîtsely while goals anti atide i i n the inal Syvret anti Kentp Nd tNiree each. frnme. Blair McTrach earneti Rui, Derek Greaves- anti Nat Mtltoffs latest shutout with a rele 'Vîcken were others wiih nulqt (Iv'ely 1dlecening. Mitng only pint nights. Guarting the cage ta a eighi shot< relativcly itie performance was Luc Re ilî led thie scoriag McLcod. * parade wiîN aW4at qick andti wo A penalty-flleti. phystcally assîsîs wic Brcnt Van Ltoosen tiemanding gainte agatusl Guelph scoreti two anti record a pair tif oppositiol beal wilh a single Marker anJdiNrc two antifirmng tac tn hinslf. .Jclf Miithel anti Ben Wilson poled tie goal, oane asstst nights %hile Jeff Seetis counitttil thrce heiper, anti inff Ciaissonm andi Coty Leigit hâti lio caëlI Feat and famine foir minor Moins The Actiton Utilily Traîintminor atota A Wtnterhaaits lai both ed of lthe emtoL.onai spectruin las[ wek wth thN& Nesi anti uorsi efforts of the season. Ironiciliy, thetr best effort only, amounte Io a 2-i tois tu leagte- leading Feegus -who Nase tastei tiefeat oaly one ibis year. Fergus was seil Nack oin drtr beel, Nowev- er, Ny an aggressîve Milton crew Nackstopped lhy nTy Sutee,. Noie Coutroura1 gase the 'Hawks an initial lea i ti an eaaly powerpiay marker. wNes some lenactitus fore Obeckîng Ny Phltlp Foley causeti a turnover in the Fergus endi. Also assatllg on the., play was Cqrts Hill. Jake Matiansky anti Greg Pepprr tunuet in somne inspirei effot% for Milton. A week's la yf otcok is toîton the Action p :k ta their capier gante, when *they n4naged jasi a 2-. 2i draw wîtb visittng*Oangnvîllc. Coulroua.s andi Kyle Stutlt scoreti unasststIe goals lu put itistr tearm altedecarly. - -footnff contt~ *COMPIJTERDIGOTC. VE *COMPUITER wt4EEI. COLN * ETN SALANCIMO COMPUTER FUEL INJECTION *iRA<ESàTNELF LIFETME EXJIUST AltO PERSONAUIZEO SERVICE BRAIES *COtAPUTERIZEO VESIICLE SMUrTLE SERVICE COST HISTORY * WE CAR BU VEMICLES At THE AUCTIONMi ASK FOR DEAII. r ----- r -------------------------- t FLL TUNfrUP £~s1 k L - -- - --- -- - --- - - - --- - -- -- -- -1 909 u l§p---n Ron L .i ltn-O O M WEEK #14 - WINNER WEEK 113 - DARREN GOERTZEN. 1t Put an X in the NosxNotii die naine 6F ffi4 loam you huait oi ors eacflane. 2. F11 sn youi naine, addresaiirncIutIe postli code) and phonie no 3 Submusf you enrty by lakîa 4110. CANAIAN CHAMPION 191 MAIN STREET EAST, MILTON, LIIT 4N§ PR FAIf 'T 7O 978-943 4 Ai entrnes muai Ne an thès weeli by Tbursday ai Noue r THURSDAY.'NOVEiMBER 28 -KANSAS CITY AT J DEmOf J WASHINGTON AT à DALLAS i S4JNDAY, DECEMBER 1 J ARiZONA AT U MINNESOTA IJ dUFFALO AT. U IDIANAPOLISI IJ CHIICAGO AT JU GREEN BAY I IJ CINCINNATI AT U JACKSONVILLE I I JACKSONVILLE AT J BALTIMORE 1 IJ HOUSTON AT à NY JETS I U ~ MIAMI AT à RAIDERS I IJ NEW ENGLANO AT -1 SAN DIEGO I I NY GIANTS #T' J PI4LADELPMIAI u PITTsauRGH AT J BAI.TIMORE I à ST. Louis AT UNEW ORLEANSI IU SEATTLE AT J CAROUNA, 1 MONDAY, DECEMBER2 USAN FRAN AT J ATLANTA INAM I_ _ _ _ IDUS POSTAL crac peeetneth tconschoioe&. YouDCommiinity. Newspaper.