To rney shows Drury's matpc inieon lfd 7 Anothe s ,4n of wres ifng has hegun fr Junior Dynamo graduaie Andy Wadeson was McCarthiu and Mal Moffal ouniding oui the Denich won four straighi ma4ches i<) wîn ltheJ E.C Dniry'i elIt mai-pack. and like every year E.C *s fit gold medallisi ofihe 199 ~7 seastîn. top rive finishers 1ks Espoir class. Amnong Denicit s wins J Slthe Spartans haenti Ici .ny lime elapse hefore %shile Graham, Carroll, Chnis Hlntes and Roi> Justin Billingitaj and Chris Dcnich hi ghlighi- two ovcr a couple of top provincial conienders >rackîng up th~e meëdals. McDoknnell hroughi home silvers. Also taking ed Drury's efforis ai ihe always tough Brock Blair Beaulicu and Brad Madikn biih cJai Dnury's ni-w .qrop of rixîkies traveled Io the silver wsca Dynamo Club member iercmy Age Group Toumnaiient Sunday. each stnnging sîlver in the Cadet division while Gramn Heff HIageescville N~ovice Toumnament on Saiarday and Chuchmachofflishop Reing. Iooeher unlcmished records for gold miedais. won bronze in lite Espoir division. Roundimg Sapturcd six, moa enrio"ute Io a third place Sean Bumitan anîd Phil Muikins were bronze Billingitants ltle cm nte19Ii.Cdttetpfv iibr a cuMls h ieamn finish. 'medallists on the day, sciith Iyan Faria. Andrew division, where he nieni 3-0. while veteran the mt SBiggçeir the3 E hri~c *are, harder S't thèse rie), we,11fl u conrt noecI to wait'p f ra sale!, SMARTEASEPIJICHASE C a,, " -4-. jSi"*b- w n ded chil uniue bdnYàm>6 aîn udvadm beanit~ .=MW, gimn 1 9otlP4.J1M .'*4c% bt ISlA i:.nin uoI2.2tenl. du. "0 -& t ukd 5 Mdeg jàim m à e.à Mu -mua aius 0* brlmr ,3-1 V6 el « t* oese UM W 159 ire ted 'on to peewees Older and bigger contpetîifiin hasn'i seeined Io huit the Te"sw mini r pewee A Winterhsawks tii season, as bhe> çur- renl yhoma. 9-5-3 recuord flir hateut efforts featured a couincing 6-O shutout oser Erin/Hllsburgt and a nma Co)me froim-hehind draw sstth lîrst-place VWm Fergus -whîîn ihey irail in the saniur -y jusl a gane. Nathantel Murray swu% the star in the 19Erin/Hillsburgh match siith a liais less«per- idformance in. net, sie lthe l'e of -Mike Wtniar, Barry Kîîsmalskî and Paul Sialer figured in tour of tite 5hx goals Playmaie& Winiart. coflected ihoe ,stt Thbýmas PaItie .ind*Conni,r Sis'itencî 'rxttclted tte oiter ssii tallit% i1tî helgier" goîng iii farrvl Tielernans. Joirdan Ganter and Tyl1er Hanîtll Prmîiding Murray isth -iund dcenîîie asisance scere hlueliners Matil 1-unscî and Jeil Nadaio wie Weshev %cfiougaIl instîated some ginid sconngoruants Wîniar, telped set up Safer in v îr net, outing again.ît Fergus. and gae Milton an initial lead in the .peing HAE minute otf the garie. Goalie James Kaiser gie np ;& gal tise minute later ia bus hieIammates res î,ned i~,. the advanîage. oin a powierpla * ially hi Wîniari. wîtb 51 scinds rentaunuîg in the m11 The 'Hauts enît a beuing inth ttccond *A and reltnquusbed three sîratgtt gtaIs kîuuin, a lait nuarter by .lulian Ricî.î dom]e the gap Io ,ne. Kosmalski tied the gante ai ttecseen minute mark of th thtrd wken kc tlipp&l a rebound lefi by Safer over a Sprawled, Fergas goalie. Seafer also asstsied umn Winiarzý goal, as did Kosntalsku Sweeney drew an assis as weil. wnile inspired play up front by Robt idefensive effort% front Mailt Beruidt and Greg Brown added'îo ihe icami% Impees- sive ouing SMARTLEAUS PIJRHASE SMMATLEffl =~*iqtV WÇc9I[J e -0 liee aid co-1m PURCHWS