SSPOR1TS tk ,rio, ell Coald be silvI& lining for bantarns Ihe majopr hanîam AA Wrntcrhassk5 counIdr quile ln round-robin play. the 'Hawks hcsîcd Ajax and d1aim the gîîld ai the recxii Clairnyrrn Srlver Stitk hosi Bowmanvillc and losi (0 Oshawsa Qujali> mg Tourniment ii Bomansillc, alîhîugh Danirel Bonham led Miîîiso' îîiicinsîse ctharge wiiti theri r.l îay atill hîîld a sih er linung tour goals and lour assises wshite Paul Penlo nntikhd The ion 'n<Ih-spo)nsîîrcd Icaut had managed 1(1 lise goais and onue hcel per. Chns Branîweil and Kcvin draw escu vith Markham in the second penod oft he Ilelleun îaltied tierce i 'mes a nd added tour aLssis ecdi îuiumatmnn finals, but re.lînquished a iid-peiod goîal Siring taso caci wvere Jasomn Ford and ion and Icil 3-2 While unly the winner ofeach qiialifying Sprenger, usho almi oiîd ihee a %sssa dîd Chad [tnumament cams an aulomaiti kijlh im the famcd Menue. lie and Jercmny Rotiert iurikd in sirring dcfepi Silser Sîîýk Trnmnent, ii bc ptayd. in Poi Huron sise efforts %shile Jami lunneit and Trevaîr Salîha in Januaiy, a kew ol the runner trps will kc wslcied no shared the w n% and losses in net. comnpote as <sdi Miton came up on Liii nther side of Brian Keqwin contribried wih a goal, and Bryan a 3-2 decision in ihe scrniulinals Thoy cdgcd Gent. MîchacitLeish man and David McFarlanc Petehrborugh. despiie beîng oui shot 34-17, reiîn-ded Iwo assists a piccc. Haydar - He's a littie big -men for. Merchants Scores OT winner to lead Milton over Mississauga 7-6 S STEVE LBLANC Spetrial Io The Chamrepion He may kc known as "Muni- Io teammares and friends, bhr Met-chant rookie Darren Haydar st] 0 feet rail FndaY ai Memonial Arenl wkn kc frmd the uverurme <stuner pas[ Missrssamuga goali. fk Bryan Pandonskr for a 7- h scioryý 4 Now locked in a lîrsi place tie wuith Travis Riggin in 1theerr scorngrace. -Mini' Haydar answered the caîl ofi opprtmiy arcund the 90 second mak ni thk extra franc. He kegai hy undresrng thk Chargers' lasi remaiming defender * andI ended wîlhe a icp-skIlf wrst sit Ihai beal Parrdovsrýon.tho glove sie. fThe .o al wînger'seffodrs wich încluded a -' fest penc4 powerplay Lally, preserved bis ieam's undefeatejhlome record now ai t0-. anrd essen- tiaily kept hr 1katop dm wes4 confereuce tis weekend. Whîte Milton skipper Mamly Willîamson cited big efforts femu bis forwards Friday enghn. his club Duînler "MInI" Himydar has taken a signrlicaur slep tack defesîuety nf laie. winch s allnwttug icams tri keep the final coune much -Iose The Meruans suflcred ikir fouette loss nf ihe Yea Thnrsday in Brampton, wîih a 6-4 decisinr ,,i the Calterais despire ouishoing i1km 30-20. Tley marraged a 5-4 Iriumph in Vasrgfian Sunday, but needed a big ihirU period anrd laie ganre winner hy surpier Mail Van Arkel Io keai kh inferior Vipers. Miiî%eosrd ,psiocd a 18-41 peinr lasIm nîghi's home gaine wîith Burligton. Where "*lini" H-faydar VIIII the hein Friday. Van Ackel wasîlhe star with a pair nf seconid-penld marers andI annher laie iu the tibrd Neiminder John !-lukrai -as shaky for much nf the enening. allnwing a couple of easy goals eteriy in the firsi aid îwo mure in thk final minute nf kh ihird lihau orced Overime. A lack ni defensive assistance liy Shawn Smith anrd ieff McArthur diduli help mailers. Alun scnning for thk home sîde vere Truvîs Rîggin and Troy Walczak. PeIlow goahle Denver England was equally sliaky the preuios night ru Brampton,. allowing the Caps. Io take 2-1 and 3-2 peerod leads and thku pied ikîir advwnrae with goaln ou tkîr lirsi rwo tird penod dettes. Lobera MO t ceii for dm rjuaI 15mntso lyad loe n oeL 16.37. Captaru Sieve Clarke tllct ice. once whule Slrorrlarsed, while Van Ankel rnd Sleve French c(Imlrrhuted w1ih singles *Mini* Haydar set up ikîir firsi and final goals. Earming the wîn ow5r Miltn wihl 30 çves <sas Caparnelmîoder larme Vanet. England suffered a secnd-peri IapNe Suurday wilh lhree goals againsi. hum wa.s sultng tîveraîl ru scOnug his fifth <sîn iu a Merchani jersey, He allowedjus ne goal iu the Orsi andI stoned the Vîpers ru the Iird. Van Aikel's gaie-suinner came wiîti jus 90 secondis remarnrng wshite Randy Siolc deew Milîton esen stn minutes cartler. Clarke a,,îsled à the wrnmer, <shle French and -MiiHaydar se up the equalîzer. Suppnruing casa memker Rich Wrllîams pue Miton n k scureboaj] wîh bis second talIy fits çeason, Rîggtn and Walcac once agaru cnuned singles. Merd,4îi rnies: Sopluornio11re Winger Rech Reid was ginen bis release eaety lasi week. Wlrtle Milton .s top specual leanis man tasi season. Ii 19- yeaP-old had cIeMy losi his desire Io play junior hockey. He is reporned Ica have a baudtil scholar sJrip wauîing in lise wings .ise .Mervhnm will tue loraking 10 deflend drir ý4ewuuekei Tourwnenmi tlle injust cms monrs Lemte sisen (bey retumito, 1k hoid@Y siswcaue rDecerher 271030... Thre Meutmmu play tt bo-al( of thrir inter- lak"ng sertes wîîh Est Cogufermic Collîrrgwaod Frrdzy.