Two-car morning crash sends. drivers to hospital Two people werr senti 10 hospital follow. go signal, police sauld ing a iwo-car crash lisait aestroyed a vchi-, The drivcrs of the velticles cie yeserday rnoening.. Ge(;gclown wrmni and an Oakville Thbe collision ai Lowcr Base Lîne and - were ireaied ai Credil Valley iIosrfa Trafalgar Road occurreil aficr a north- Mississauga for mninor Injurie% bomnd 1994 Fiero weni OUI 0f conirol rceased. Ibeir idLniiis weoei amail. white try ng to avoid a ssopped cara 7*20 ai press jeNt, passewngers werc in ci ar.. lalio Rcgioial Police saida s1 tck The Fieo %pian oui on thk iniersectiin*s 'le Fieni was deiacoyed in the crash easI shoulder and wenqimnîo ihe souih- the Jeila sustamncil exicosIse iront bound largc, wherc il wasà simck by a I9.(' udamage. Volkswagen Jetia. The accidenti s under rnsestugaiion The Ficmo enicemd the shoualder fi avoid C'oitsihle Bob Fisher Anyonc %fi ihn colIisg wîih a noflhthousd bluc car thg lia raion us asked 11 ~Iînicî bon ai 8 was sipped Io mac a Vi tum. but taîied i5l 1, ext, 241* Local vmtaea Dicli Cbnmtn trocked down Hhhiley IMa of Odillia, a Canadian aMie who fout bractild In cHolaend dur(ng the Seconid Wo<ld Wa<. Mr. Clamrrent waa handed thes beacalu's nme- plate by a Outch isomn durlng at yagr'a VE Day cagimitions and sait out Io finl Ils cimer. Tag links two -wartime Vets Dy KAREN SMITH Irish Regimeni of Canada, was approache b>i an The Champion elderly Dutch woman last year durng l:Day cec- bralions in Ilolland The waliian iynauihi the name D)îci, Cientent i% a hemi once again plaiec pant (if a bracelet -tI Mr. Clcment, who was A sterling ~usrbracelet gag el[ in .Ilolland by a sîaying wîih a Duith lamîly jusi ouiside the cîty ail Caîtadian osider dunng Ilhe Second _World War wîiI Zwolle for the Nhh annîsersacy oft he end ofth 1k ar. kc rciume to it, owner 5.3 years laier ihanks go thk A neighhour of ihe family. ihe.wIman iold hum help of tke local sciera n hrough an inicrprcier thai the bracelet - sscriked Former Canadian armny sergeani D(ck ('lemeni Ianc i Love Aud 18I/12/4Y' bclonged tri a located the 75-year-old owner alise .andi weIl in neanby ('anadian woldier serving in H-ollandduring die war Orillia tihin a ek (if Miaiing is scarch "I was able iii ascertain thai she hiadt found lins tient. Mr. Clerneni. who serveai wih the Ttîrrllio-based s. D III OND on pope 12 Because you want to hear the 'punchllne... *.weer ReSound. ReSound Self-Adîusting Hearing Aids' regulate volume automatically in response -to t die sounds around you- Whether you're listening for the punchline or l5ughing along eiith the crowd,. ReSound hearing aids give you îust the rîght of amplification for each person's voîce - withotjt overamplifying loud sounds in the envîronment Find oui how Resound can help you. Cai tu reseive yotIr FREF seat ai an Informuaive HEABING AU) SEMINAIR HolidayiJn 590 Argus Rouad, OakvdleI Ftidsy, Novemrber I5th 1:00 tii 4:00 plu THE HEARING AID CENTRE 878-1100 la In nd lec her Il a 7