o. ID~~ 0 z Imagine a tvorld withu G.irl Guide itul (<ECliave' happenedl HReiticinher their Canadian Red Cross MMilton Brandt Let us pause to rernember tiiose w/jo have paid thle bsuprerne sacrifice. 42 Bronte St. S., Unit 12 Milton ON L9T 5A8 (905)875-1459 Fax (905) 875-1460 4.5 Bruce Stir(nt NiîtnOitamio, 1,91, 21,5 I'lone (90>5) 87-5-2665 ( unotclial- iiisevc t>!M>5) 87-5-3379 <Serving Milton Since 1966 Designers & Craffsmen of Fine Jewellery É JE Milton Mail e 55 Ontario St. 876-4367 (GEMS) Girl Cuides of Canada Guides du Canada What ducs Remembraffl an wsith the Irish R*Aim mes-. about ssar in a speeci rnay nes er he fi'1y bal"s aind 1 asýk y ou Io nesý er, in su that 'ou euuld be t bat they %tu'd gve r CiIxMt. a war scier- his 1h ghts and ft l DI stucSgfls. The scales t be apresent danger.. .Thley>ve thcir liVs L ma any~Man or womnan tIt is yoWa duty now to se ihat they arenerf This is the truc t .nfi On.this day we giethns o orfre fl brave Ieople who Rernembrance Day is of geiswar. 1 think about the horr e Im ,ý un' cudlv independent aînd frees., î ,~ As th Rya i U;W ZB 1pecie wento wurto proct Canada.o â8ê *4~ pc PeûPIeh. y42e in Canada then f fie* i h iCop!ewh#ould be heh 4twte People îike youhevçs good things in ~ dd i -- I e 224 Main St. E. 878-0506 M.TA F ........10-6 Thurs ...........1- sat .............. 7 TWISS FUELS 878-6380 32 Steeles Ave. Unit 15, Milton What On Remembrance Day AmyMoh - means to me: OnNovemhcr' 1l, 1918 alter thousands of Canadian soldiers died. the First World War ended. A tradition started then and has continued tu grow stronger since that tÇrne. Eiach year wec echrate RemembraniS [)ay. but do wec reallý know the rneaning hehind this day? M1iny ot the vouth todav arc unâwarc of the reasons we observe Reembrance Day. As a high school student whu. hopefully. under- stands its putrpose, 1 fcel syiMithy for ony pcers wsho are Iess awsare of this sjiecial da\. Perhàps this article wilI sers e ru help rhem learn more. Trý to imagine ho ' \ thethousnds of youýng men and %wrnen l'eit who vw cnt tu %w ar. Tlhcse soldies went tu fight Itîr our freedoin aind the l'rce- Idont cl other cilintries. Uiss nien and \% umien were oui age. sorne- tîmies as ',oung as 16 years old. .- limaie Ieai\.îngyour farnily and friends to go to another country and ssatsh ý our cornirades bein$ kdicLd.RJght now students in their final year of1 high ,c.hooI are pteuaing to go on to university or college - mnagi ine yLilssinstead being drafted Co fight in the war. I find it hard'tmî cuonjure up imnages of dddgig bulletsoirfuing a gun because today war s not an immildate danger. War is nlo 4thfeat topu society becatuse of the eff -ors of Canadian soldiers. 4 O>1 Remienirance D#"ta ke t top àd nay^trîhute to the men and wornen vhoc fýou 4piW warapop a remninder ut the blood- fi~,bctelds where many ut our suldiers died.ý Ml inf~ of dhé peope who PNIC e BUICK CADILLAC e GMC TRUCKS 409 MANST, E., MILTON, TEL: (905) 878-2355 j TOR: (416) 338-4876 FAX (905) 878-0960 TAKIOM THE O'Îi' ROYAL TENIE T ANADIAN iLEGION TONîY'S BARBER SHOP 206 MAIN ST. EAST MILTON, ONT. L9DT 1 N8 878-2953 * Cloting foi Vo~i e * Regular, Pectite & Plus Sizes t