~Different options for mortgages are availablé * Jrt helps to know a littie about it before you sign on the dottedliUne For Mar of us, takng oit a montgage la time Mioegage mnd Notang Coqrpoato 4CNIW) et Rate Malgage là baud on allie. endant rnue. poice of dm imousfe. 1egt financial conamer we'It ever maire. die Montgage Insone Corporatiof Con"d You tsal ae ie oiltage laquent. Aumfan a Mespallows tht buyer v AnM %villa toy's uncFfraitty oser interrat rates, (MICC). da le lei rae <ait yIA pay las inteereaîtte osefr tht acier's montage. pemdln il's importat tu test ait you con abue financ- The Ila't.Time Suyer's lir.gra was andi mo rtiffcipul. If rales risc. you puy aloe noral lemtding ajtia ta met. A kow r-e lo i ng0otom to help you maki- the. aigle choice. shetih ie CMHC admeheéjetu b mn mntellest. and lm eam g th ie principal. A rapid tenumoigg is a very attractive setling priut 7 ht type of mottgageyou qualify fui genra- s 19. Il ,s deaigneti te help people aho aill in ruses may, mem your onigitia payusents Pueling à NIetgp mentui taking alie on ly dependas on how much you have for a down have ave owned a home hufre. aurai effet aiet encough tu roser batha principal and Wuer- you alreuldy have aiong wimen you'mose. If yu payment andi the amouni you rat' afford cach linamicin of up tuo95 per cent of time puéachase, est Lorts. andl you may have tleincrease your liedmare rinanclq. you c;m biend arime eaîstrn, mot>for r Hly e m nireae sermi monlgage por.m so your do"et paywttela aie as low as 5 paymenl. Sont van"e brt morgages cul~ hc mortiage wtm a tieur ont. By keepîni YOs I foceoputs vaiabl toay.per cmn. Tu he eligible, you muts tuy a home conveiter! to risedt rate morlgagestu teI yoa moulgage. ytsi datl have tu pay eaily d-vhaeg J Casulont uegae .abstat: the in Canada au use as your main residenre. You lock-in aitsspecimcrameif radefIe. M- .- nmkcmmwyo gtis I a o boy a caiVt have owned your emn home durtng thse Rea yeu atofa A Pre-Appred Morteage cornes fr ~ hus'l'soferti hyes hohae at. Iea% prevosftlit ycais. but If you*re applying %via', yeur letit instllation and ls you know whi 5 Zper cent of thmepurclase pie tourie as a a spoustor afritnd, onlyocm of youineedsto A Open Moraisteles You repaY YOUr you caii affossnau boy andhow mch you'Ith down paymtnt. The typical mortgagr lan is, mci the reqtilrments. lThe mortag b muai sged i.4K%yol wat, -MMlOipenalty. D*s paylng eN'ery mot'th. Mthir inierest ratesu wrtttn for a terma of 251fr 0 years. brý tive years,.and in ail CMHC 1 u. Ullliy 5liteý leffil fui mlonri ta a yea> andi uauýlIy guufatet for 30 t 0 deâys, 'ahiri cs A Higli-Rado Mortgag is a ltait of more gages a premmum - usually 2 .5 îr cen - il has a higmer iiterest rate than a Clasati gise you tinte ta finti a rouse liad conmpti: thr titan 75 per cett but usuly 90 pet centt or lma -atideti tu t: morigage end paid ôff in motbly Murlgge, whiclt bas the se cuty etfix p'y- transaction trpfure abt rate guarântee èlpltte of a houcs purcha~e prire brw apqtraiseti vaiue. urutalharents. nrt dog.rmlnm>Ea . lae mail- Rememer« tis propeity you huy has tu illalil It.must ha insureti against losa by the Caad gage cantf beprcpaid or renoegeaiet and if for financingbrefora you gel final appresal. Anther option, you maire extra paymcnts, you m'ay play I 1.... h. M .m .ai} Seonds MorIaMU rat help you mtte Up tde penralty. Thcy c- range fiMn Mxs montis tu as - Trai.ur option ltIicgk Aduit eomaity aunt necessai> 10 buy time horme you waitt if much as 15 yearj, dth D-one ie yeateltt Swlleim a Meelgage la if yeu're net bap uir aee Huai "lm M' siue fou have lest tita 25 per cerfs of tble purrimas aie mont commeun. wlth ym o mtueat tender FitanctaW tsttc T-11~or l'9eomM or a do"w payment ad dmt't qualify for Vummior Tabor Da" ment dieelier effetsl fi en have speciai "tranfer". effets a0 atnr tabl tirai-line buyers pregrantl. Or, ma>be you pmeide somiepjrail of thefimmtin.usaalyamia newibui&& donti waitt tor pay, CMIIC fées, or aitrtici pue a boser rate timaîl tdoae offéed by ailmer lenders. If Ths saves you money if yatu wat te nm N ptre oise mn nronie. You cas ltte outi a o- you have gound suity in your, htaine, or waitt te. mfd change your tender. but avelid new mor v-mona fin m -.. .gu W.. ais ar. . send help a saecit1 buver, sou cmn hold a fi'ril or gage coras. ie extisting tender may, raquire morgagtlo gise you tht carte mwrey you necti secondi montage. flhs vay; ie buyer bençfits te bury. Sedtnd morîgages'usually cusit more frem a lowerinteras$ rate..4 -&imntage hacause thes a higier risk te tdietender. The payments give lim settler a monibly ittrome. lirai memgage bottier hasfni trai ghes'on the - Mmulg DmaB Dowtu or Taie laaci me"a prç"ty. tle setter otffetst te paeprai ïinea of tie ittema ID A Rend VA*. Mortgageas the aune itur-' the lender. If. fer exampte. a seller.y bayllie es rase rfmm begiitniau send. se you pay tlie intererdt "a do nn 1m Opert t Iomcgite per samle csery moenat 'uanait has finishel& cent on. a $10000 atoegag for a yera. tue Flummua n litrnae rates do nat affect it. bayer saves mo rer ai in.l insrterea pay- A Variable Rate, Floadag or Adjiatah latntnl. That amnount la added au the puriaste SELLING YO UR HOME? TO ANOTHER SOUL BEFORE YOU CALL fcecunies you tase an op-n mhtage. oy-ue motgage la op for eteei. Your ealtorr cm answdr alyouruesions about motf 'nwst optiona ter http you, de iLtchz0i aboui lie biggere invest- 0 Titi artie a pro.illed by local Paaera andf the Ontario Real Estart Association <0R14) fo ihe btheJl 4 m ut in rai essaie aillet x _ _ HELPIiM3 THE WORFD WmrrE NOW CODE For information cai a1-80-Ul- 2633 192 Guuufl t Rhali Matn!leInln Ld. Mlton. Dm.. LiTlU2 s aguV ~ I ( t uer";! l ~ OPEN- HOUS 2-4 PM LAST 2 UNTS E Brth are 3 80 bc. si.balanc vey Meark Mun land d'a W= ala g O 111Waso b a n asaiahioM'eu lltlid g e y (si)763048iZ1, Ateria TT1d 'ý,' * 1ý' CAP!COD 240,W~ m e~ne on t eel paha fond. mfflftn ami Iample caplisardo antd .breakfast nf0 Ie MaO nsIom & air loim as-e Cam Caménon G al! a-2ala or 876-4W3 Addqà S16900W. Cal Ysonne 878-2005 Autut DOKER-4WNUH ri "in flbor oi sd amenl 78-156 1 erioci rave. lot Wsi $224,900 N*wý I 1 .