School board reps àsk: Who will hin sehool system? c ereu Yully cooloed bonétln Renies -Coqse mits .lne Olaed' Maple Olazed decortird Éganelesi Smoloed Double Loin Plogi Aelv tl.gou te comkplote yom lmso§Kb du le" ML[5N MEAT SIjOPPE Uit =s M~Wu& au-a., Ilo - iL. 10411 tu 9.41 mm 12-6 341 BRONTE ST. S., UNITS 14 A 16, MILTON * 693-115Si av HRaS GARSUTT SPociaI tu Th. ChmnW. Se Local bord idministialac, ssy Eâàuaion Minimer John Soobelen wilI have a difficult lime elininaiing îîChocil bo" frntm lte educa- lion systen. Mr. Snobelen said recently ltaIt bc would like lthe provin- cial govemment go take over fundi53 of lthe educamon iys- lent ard seasing school cumrcu- la. The move wouJd slrip school boards of îwo of their pcimary funclions. draslically decreang theair powter or elim- Fred Swomt 1 qhinl bc a lo ila doang swîay lth schooLlnisles oreai les reduoang lthe nunther.' il Fred Sskenry. direclor of educabion or lte I-aitnRoa Calholac Scliool Board "if ha dons sway wi (school bis)complelely, whal fils lha voidr' Mr. Sweeney sid the toveiswluaî only aiteamve would be b hband the board's amaining respwWubtli tics go mncipalitlea or school councils. He said municipalitîis don*î have alie saff go bandiç tbose duties "d bc doubis school cdaaacjl mendient. we âge volunlemrs would be able go, conviés lit lime flics- Linda Glover, Chiaip of the Hilton Board of Education. tsad Mr. Snobelen's plan would elinainste a vital ik between lte coenmuiaea id the acitool ' Who would Nr. Sigobelen) like parents 10 cill7' Ms Glover askedl "Would he like tWem go ciii hlmt dikectly if they have proliem?* Ms Glover said lie govemrmeil would have ta hire more people Io âlc o-er the schoul ba"uéties. Mr. Sweeney said there would he one positive in havang the govemnien lakc over fundfing. 'a ing il teouki do is bring albout equilsty. The coss pljudent ranges anywhcac (rom S78<1O go 5.oe T e's a mail gp lteet" Mr. ~ey said lits board spcnds $SI.»0 less pet siu l itait bte public ichool liçiti sanîply because fsn~are noE a vailable. eT JEads book 2 plus i With any purchase KFC has Goosebumps books .1y R.L. Stine. Get one of four titles for just $2.29 with any purchase including the Mega Meal. With chicken and ail the fixings there's so much food it's scary. But hurry,îit won't be long before this offer tests in peace. Jfk REAL MEA LS. 'wEASY As KFC. 0 tiwe 27~ VAIN, POI ir,'7lTO"7ê?7 ; --j-