,Mgic, moves into die for second Aller earnIng a Laque CuP finals berth recetIl. the Milton Mqkl under- 15 girls soccer lcari moveli intaô second-place ie seidi Noits Mississauga in reg- ular seasn play by defeatîng Erin Milîs 2-I1. Milton dominated tise gaine witis strolig team plaY andi had many clos scornng oppolsunillIes. including isitting the goalpo" severail limes. KLra Lawrence put lieMagic oht top by aise fleu thse cm Of ile finai iaif. h "sul frin Erica Tmckle and Vancss43unter. sahile Bannie Romolo unlcasisel a blistering sisal ta addl an insurance marku., Piona Brawley conhinucli to sparkle ai centre defelse. displaying fine bih iiandling skills dursng. several rushses deep in Eaun Mills'lemtry Beatt geb'a-bushel of victories- Miiîoims Lauiren Beatty bil a hanidful of reasans tn 16.6s). 200,n(36s> andJ logJump (3 lIns) sisIe is sunle recently mn Burlisglon. aller sî.onng a handful of placed third in tise ItiqI sprint wih a Il) 3-second fin- N(ictonies ai tlt North Anserilhn Baliic TI-ackland Field shff .Chamaohlip. Caru-Anu Nichols. 15, seas dominant in thse inter- Representîng jhe Athletîques Iniemnatîuînal Club, medIale girls ibrce eveuts. leasing iser competlla jtiise-ycar-old Lauren daminated tise banlain girls divi- lu the dusti n bath lthe 800m (2:48,Z) and 1.500m sion witis firsi-place finashes iu lihe 60-inde (10 sec- (541.4). auds). 100m (16.4s). 2O0m (35.3s), longJup Sh als o n lie sisal put (5.45m). finislsed second <3.25m) aud shisa puat (5.07ms). She also camne second h iu tise ball îisraw saiti a 23.26m isuri. in javeli i (7.54m) and tlsird in long jump (3.48m>. auren's strangest challenge cause froin ulub-rnate Twelve-year-ald'daynies Beatty finised second id< Aus4rea ITriday, 10, wisa won tise bail tisraw wiîis a lise mmdget boys lons (15s) and 200m (32.7s) atdl racket af 30m. She was runner.up iu tise 100m fouith inthse lng junp(3.71 m. Nail-biting finale to se on continond front Pa"e là Henry Sylsina jrucking iseaded nia lise chsamp?- Engineering lef noihinglao chance in tise champi- onshmp garrne wîîlcomufidence aller dispasing of altisip finals and dawned Brian's Auto Repaîrs 34- Integraid Installation Services 9-5 in tise se 'mis. but il ,24. . asn' enoagh'as îIsey fell 10-9 iu thse rookie baill Most sportsmanllce players mu lthe finals were finils. Siepisanie Mayes and Kaiffyn Mailser wite Mîller's kacisel Mosaand Jian Waolaslon were lise usosi winisec was Kelsey Litke. A pair ofhoaiers by Tiffany KoLw andi aishiq sporlsmfinlike players mn tise tlt. by. Nikki Hackenbraok led Remax Racnmk past Neill Transport bentered Naylor Croup 19-15 in lise Quinn Brake and Esisas 31-29. KasaW was aiso consolatian matcis.up, wish mosi sporismanlîke nansed w#0U seoitsnltke player waise Barbara Jean awards goîng Io Marie Naccaralo aud Justine Peddie look lbmë ionors for Quinn. Wiliams.- b football contes *COCUING a IEATINO COffPUTER FUEL AbJECTIN à TUIlE UP *rt UTIEXHOAUST AND PERSOMLJZED SERICE BRAItES *COVPIJTERIZED VIS4ICIX &WrAiTE SERVICE cmS ISTORY i WE CAN MN1 VEMICLES AT TWi AAJCTIONIII ASC FOR OFTAI. WEEK #4 W1NNER WEEK #3 - AL. CAMPBELL 1. Put an X nisebox bellide te atef tee»m yuhni il win eaet "arni 2. FIN in yor noine, add<e, (iniide postal coda) and phone no. 3. Submt your enlry by tddM 9gtto: CANADIAN CHMAPION 191 MAM STREET EAST. MLTON, UgT 4m9 OR FAX IT TO 878.4943 4. Ail mnril muet bie Intil weh by Prluy, ai 5.00 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMER 22 i MN AT Q NEW ORLEANS Q CHICAGO AT a DETROIT AuQ OAlILAS AT U BUPPALO 1D9VER AT UQKANSA8CÎTY U~ GsUN BAY a U MINNESOTA j U JACKSIONVILLE AT Q NEW ENGLAND I U Y IANTU AT U NY JETS I U U BN DIEQO AT U RlAIDERS UQBUN WIAN AT Q CAROUNA UQ SEATTLE AT Q TAPAAY la WASH4INGTON AT QuI. LOI.N uPHILADELPHIA AT Q ATLANTA MONDAY, SEPlEMBER 23 . Q MAU AT U INDIANAPOLIS NAMEI ADOAESS PSA CITY- PHONE Wlsusré # ibu c M s d 11cmo milu wtSl N Your Community Newspaper.. 878-M341 Msmifactur*Me' RLEARAN AVANTI AUTO TECH *COMPUJTER DIAGNOSTICS COMPUTER WMEEL L11LANCING .BWiES 1 Ëd