Merchants boasting both talent and experience- eonttlnuod Irmm pagal 13 Mark Cooper - anc of dmc lest culs frein theý OHL Iitcher Rangers. *One thing I realîy like abué our defense this year is their mobîlity. Ille additions of White and Lee give ua two gays who ca,"aly ove thc pu k." sai Carrgam. " a10( maite improve- nients ta our defiense but tiis surpasseti my expectationa. We bave perbaps the aS-"ngeatasive unit in die leanw."' W.ab four top-notcbi veteran farward hangjieet by a hast of taleiaai newan- rs, Milton wiliIlha second ta natt - or ai fesa tu very few - in the offense tiepars- ment as wrll.' Leading the forward fines once asarn will ha captain Si lie tbird-year Junior A veter plus points list teason whilÏ tean'sbig defensive line. He witt likely spenti saie left side this yeae as hae faonas former Caledon Canadiens CRAM it, JAM it, STUFF it full of: 4x8 sheets of plywood, PVC pîping foi lin g pool, etcetera, etcetera, etcet( No-charge runninq boards Yisi Shîil 0ii lois T a.o ois 3i6 -rti lene 1 19 GM&C 5.. O." 15 ".0Wed ado.c,,bed. A vnnur 11WAlPeut of t 52. a. tSM ooady dopout Xe. r.q. 4leffe co.0 do apiy 'F.fht tU45, ieno. rr.o.e id tles a. lill -1iid one, appin, to 1997 id. v deohoti oi nes ., e der S. trdO t " e i.C.W fS elere -Wa Wfot/to er l". on.. mie on$ t. %l10o.d rotai colee S de4 teste t-. offer e e oooOd o. used thl atlo. OMMe No-Cita.e 1-00 Soude "o »-MWl1 O laeu wm cW*M Su y- W ie ae s, T Uid Gmbt keeflsei cu i kt. Pcwr PMI legm te se yw Gel cwd wnffl ý-.d ft p.&m w basé dm 6ET WHIT vou Wolff cm ffltS yolLr card dm for you lately? OnN voila mr FHOM 48H RK Np TRINI DERLERS inta action Troy walczak, who scared 8Q poissi watj eve Clarke. the club durig the ~94/5 scason andi soureti 60- helped them Io their second Centcnriai entermg tie Cup tauunanent LAst Yenr he was a pari- timer with the OHL Colts. tinte on the l'ie tIwa *111 brjoined by retumîing rliis a uine with winger Coty Holiand.,whe shoulti again star centre supply Milton with saine scorini punch. am a lot Of ils toughnesss am gri. Playmakers Jeif Haydar andi Rich Retd *wilI join CNlhlngwood Blues lefs winger Trevor Downey for another'big scoring fine, Downey was anc of the top çcaters in Collihgwood last yea whîlr Haydar was the West's Most Improveti Player andi Reidi establisised himself as a spctal.teams expert and scareti 48 points in bis rolcie campagn. While titese half dozen players wili like- ly make up Multon's top twa fines tn te early stages of the srason. there's stili plenty of talent down thec hneup. A case inpoint is lftwnga Mari Van ArkA, a trembler of Teani Illinois last yeit andi a beavîly soufgla talent for thc NCAA nrxt fall. The 17.year-ord wiIl stars thse seasan skating with former Cobourg Cougar <3eoff Schomogyt anti Toranto Young Nais hantant graduatse Rich an Williams.'Sisseen-year.old WIllisn bçtped the Young Nats tu tie AI-ontanio title liat seasion mnd is expecteti to'be an 40 eaiyround selection at nexa sping's ONL Bn"i Dra&f Antd whilo ucal forwaeds Darien Haydar mnd Deug Jamjevich may be relegate tu ae the fournit fine, their pre-season efforta swauld mean rirst-line statua witb many ofter West Conférence clubs. "Dareen bais t he bees onc of our more coutassent scarer . in the pre-season and coulti light up thé, teague," saiti Caffigan. le nt Also on hanti are Steve French of the Orilîta Terriers, Randy Stolec of the Markham Islariders anti former North S of York'CanaianN midgel Michael Haîker. *Wiîh Cory (Hoilanti) sltting aut ite first brce gantes wilh a suspension, we're her going Ia carry iwo extra forwards for a le- while. Our tidadfourth lines will bc fair ksupcrior 50 those of any atiier teain,' explaineti heati coach Marty Williamson. dge wha will bcejoirird brbind the beach by assistants John Neville andi Dan O'Brien. oul'With ail Ibis talent isp front, we'rr (Ou r going ta mun mnd gain a ralins rigbt away." lThe Merchants will embark an anathcre 50-gante schetiule this season. wîtb coin- the petition cotatng front Bramalea. BrimpIan, Missussauga. Oakville. Hailtan, Sireetsvillc. Georgetown, St. it, a Mchael's. Burlingtan anti Vaughan for. Conférence club wîll also play a 1*0-gane interlacking series witb a representative ra... frint the Eau. Miltoe's oppositian will be Collingwood.* In addition ta Frîday's home open.r sgainst Hamiltan. the Merchant will play the Bers again ;;ést Tuesday in 4aiilon. Sandwicbed heiween ihese Iwo tilts will ha theirCallege Weekend batale Sonday ntali at St. Micuael's Arena against Lindsay. DwBadminton pilayers welcome le Milton Badminton Club is stirting ils 1996197 tsaon next ntentb, and isl offening Tuesday and Thumdy evening gante aimes for playcms 14-yews ad upl. Evenîng gainea. fronm 8:15 ta 10 pi.. wtll ha helti as ic Milita LMise Centre. Ail levels of players am welcom md pars- nr am n10< NW muua For mormnorain cail m7-4375.