BAR BARA CROWE Assomae Botte %lireir Velu OeIrr3er * dIk.S 2 aI Sae Rpists atioa re $15 90 wnlrrmbuti , Rexý x'1ni ROSS sales R.peitentivras 8784101 Shows le a dream Pleast calf ta inspedt ~ utS 6-year-old viateriroot S cottage Vendor wîll' cottages lof fihis pacte n10 imlyro Itfordable aider Oo lots of pgrades such s Hanaver itchen, jacuzzî ib nr main battl. loug Hareden. Witir S780.00 SMontlrly. Cuti 3 bedroorna. home Ieattan à kai fir. éthId bale extra 3 puace troorr, eal.rn klctlxn Comipiex Iras an algrourlo pool andi lis close Io schooIS .1t, mxeooe ba;trLfWa 0apiait LSM., spacwos C Tis hoetalues koadso0i 878-8101 @aIras Coli Sutara Crowée 878-8101 luf .W P an Sales Rpresent.Itive The ataeeriexdi & ,seiglxblours recirmrnrenad. Cb tilale ltre mie. lo Robertson C'es Tirs 4 bedrocre executryle chters ovel 2300 Sa il Of telrrirln erg space ExflS r ityte but lre MVIRGINIA BRAZEAUx Sales Representtryer 87848101 15 good roi ilnnw someoi18 wf? OkfowS and Cjr'0 Prtt W hV ri ,1> IF l, N E rr W r/"nne & 8urnhamnortre RdS OnIy $900'Faicu's Q5Ctý01 it 3 in SaSil n 0w'? n youi jreani lne in 01,3 Ioý on, n #tf Qjrk pfI lirn nIaý ri lo ty, Ms -Dtry lhvi 31~ aiS b esi near SJ lva ir la' C mie Gnod S01 i fer. pond1 & à 0 QX70~ ineshed J nI l!' F~1 PETRA I~1SCHWABE*m I~r~Ke~j Sales Representative 878-8101 Ver, Prro prorrerly Fil ponre aprrpornrrarely il? Ceai Spacîcas 12 1ro blorne in law apairrrnr poenrtiel Shred Orry ~nnulles nortlr f Million Beautllai Cape Cod CuSrorl-trUt ini 1994 Cee8, Irae pua.eaae gorgisous a l itrxl n io rx tona D A nrarllisaer, ri, ore oergaee r112 aCre w5 VACANT 1. LAND 111111 50+ gorgeau Seu-sl acres on 17 SVH1LSKAAOAO SIT'ME ESTATES, KILOIRIDE < i * Sideroad. Open -mr,.;.r, il n Irý -ti.tA, and wooded III 0. M W~i -arsIen c' 1 % areas Weii in % ,' O ; a' place. $185:000 F4"Ï Mo2îr -~~~.y CO &x NORMA * * PROVEAU0 W a7& Sales Repens-larron- 8178-8101M On ChaIres Siofl Crne PFa r, sI an t Onhe a f101*6001 r rIOfliliý 4 -. r . 14 5.41 1 NEED.. S8830011 S235000 li Teen I irare mini (<iraesloi no i _ .oic, 1 bO l , , e r o, Wdh ,C lc otA &10 goomaléon 1 NEEO.. 80,0 cnr i00 <iliD o a 1800 6<1 I of SOoalier lhhou in, couintry win. acres or iess P,ýloî 10 frnn rles ro ro ~~ MILLSIHA * Sîil(s Ro.resertatDwr 3 bedroom townhouse. Great location. $11 9,91D0 3 bedroom bungalow, 1/2 acre lot clqse Io town. $179,900. Spacdous 4 bdrm., 2 storey main floor family and laundry. A must ta see. For More information on these properties cati: Teresa Milis-Hall 878-5898 AL* VOLPE * 87q.8101a 2 bedroom on,. private lot in town. $119,900. 4 cn., 3 baths, finshedbasement with1 bdrm., 4 pic. bath, F.R. kitchen. Home has 'contrat air, centra ac, ingroupd pool, windows repla.ed and walkout ta privatepackyqr'l. Much more $179,900, s *"'**'-*--"----~--------- s - a 4 LUvei stdesplii reoecoratea & upgraded. 9 aères partly treed wîth 4 outbuildings and stream. Very private. A must 10 sele. $244,000. n j0 + I D280100ii Ulydu'w néliUauu [IUU[b and renovaled kîtchen, finished Iower lever wilt"walkout to abolie groundi pûmi and patio Gaîage/workshop apprbx 825 t Debra Turk SANOY. DEL PAPA* 878-8101 NIEW er M~iae Race.ay Ols us imt tnnil 81er -0,2 sOorry' 15 lneri n celar eln à rlesesante corfgn rd b81$ eulansel allI ils S¶ s trr4r a hi OepNte IMMlrOe tMIGI tadeoc 1051 ral« &F"~ or rtng lxiil and alnrosr eyery kS0 Cr plait [Tee and Mow, 1.strlette aidy rirai a Sanýde in Pec' aleSIFn DEBRA TURK' 878-101