fi Tykes capture tIi tol end kàcrosse seaso n Un high note; The Milton Marrerick tykts evded their Milton camred 6-2 and 6-3 decisionstFotake'a wau 1996 MVP Ashley fi.,who stng ogeh- Devon Medland pîcked Up Iwo assîis and itopressive 1996 cîimpaign on a higli note siravglchold on ihtcnesecarly on er five goal&-and six asssî. Biradt Mewhtnney Madansky. Buit. Michael Brown and Geoffrey recntly, with a eharppionship viciou in Zc;no Greg Robertson was hetaicen fic pipes for rired in seven goals over ilhe four garies and also FStîrakosWe one apiece. 9's C division. l'he vitory carini a 3-1 stries Milton wn gaine tour wvhite fell6M ýteféindcrs CIwov ~ep Along wiîh Ruie'i MVP selection. Madansky CI wiqosr eloma aiho foughi offrelivînatioii with Jessit McConneil andltan Goerti. ,cored wins inoerJ and Cole Madansky filled twice in was named ivosi improved player for the ai.l ini g a m thr e h u tli n f ll4 3in a ,s aae 4 n d a Idw o respe c tively . the series and o n at n M o nk , G raha m n S harp -M ave nick s and B ro w n w as the cho ce for flc four in Elor. LMni the offensive campaig against Elora A~d Greg Buit ail coniributed with siAgle most sportsmanIike playeýr amart. I a To Boc RC i <SPOR TS. _____ Eric Cseff ig picking up theý pace 'Teenager k gradyate4 national set By STE VE.J.eBLANC Sppcialtoi Thse Champion le oi> ride dîsanhill anvd cri, S bai fi.cels prisgress iv olfi raivig Fias goie nomsslere hul ap eviered the %)qut oa avd a haîf l1he 1 er~ldiîs resîde iakîvg hîs talents li, a natiinwidi as a 1-rsI year participant iv the Cup Serres. lHe lias leen rndingI river two monthsir fil on a Cross trek i6rtiuugh Quebee. Ontarsu av * revenil>British Columbia. ITr v still competing inithe Jar class. OrI> vus Ils% ai the vatio çaîd Csefl. Cseff las looked lîke avryihivg rookîe titis season. Despite muis% earl > races lior vanous reasovs. t .~ pivl.ed Up ditrace avd s, trop a ontdisserall un the diuavhîll vatet - ~ lSiiîin cross-country. I He >îuffered a crash in lis firsi sea.siv ai L'ans Si kan, QuuehLc bui stil miavager] a louait place. the dtwnhîll, He dîd nui vismpei cunvtry. #0Twu weeks later lit enjoyed oî Pioto by GRAHIAM PAINIE 6u(si effoits ever in the spot, andi Eric Cs Off appaira la b, Iri the. driver's seat wheri It single showivj in a Wîîrld Cap cornes bo hie bicycle racing effriter. in Bromovi. ue fivîsNhet Condren drives to G«old win. Llgttsi; apiaoed flic frsi Ovtario ,Sire% Siikes s vills tof her carter uri a (iilij Serre, vharoipîip ai Woisdhivc Race- lravk (iv Aag. 20. Thie lu >-ear 'Id trot- ring I Ils led tire S 103.440I rave Irom star!. I-, lîvîsh, seLting a lîca Catiadian and OS$ rc..ord oîf 1.57. m siih a sin-lengîl in.î Thlai clskiiig &clîp.ed the Formoer stani- dard, for 6ier .âge. sex and gait on a *sev- eughths- lie [rack ut P59.3, previîosly sel 6y VYhs Ivmage in 1995, Iu mas also a tew-lftline marit for bileganlîmage. One7n hy Doug MilIaCd (lWm5(k Holdings lne. andi fier driver Steve Condren of Millîn. Elegantimage is traîned 6> Brad Maxwell She upsel the CONOREN cW page 20 f « e Sa hés qWood ffa o h -lpy-* r as the cvmss-coumry course therce 1 completed ficaver Valey lncàeCîî)llng(xxîîova p- t0aes in rainy and m'Myonuîv.'le Til dual triumph Cain only hl.s ses -t reecalled. -i haU vîmpcied'ih iwo World * onU ycar oif cîîmpe1laov * Cap raves lasi y0arfrv Quchev and JI' say 1 have mor po er Iiî Car andi -les Vermiont but didvi du sIeIl ai aIl * my osgali iecjsnical skills are jusi a litile His highlight of 1996 %o far crime! in the shatrper. 1 i(i die gym i loi thi% pais!% intvt' lievi race in Mouni Snoss. Vermuvc~l hre ;v peepaeaIios lor (he Canada Cup Serres,, he lin md hi% luck ai anAme0viian National said Csefi Due iii his itdscling svhedule - Oit Road Bi,9vlv' Atsuciati (m NORBAI and pre-seasov training, lie complici hi, ss viîantr,. evin and evded tirp ird in thé downhili. grade 12 sclivl year hy cuîfesp..vdon.o road hilue Thi%.eame in lie erN sime neekendI as avd niav lilvely do the sare next sets ,Ince 6e soive spevial traiig in Sc Avve. Queý,ec. Yotivfer!,ituh,'r Adam, 16, 1, al- a scars ago. tic las enjoyed severil oiher top fifhîshes vîîîanlaiv hike evfiusiasi -ho , o urrenîlv rit I, vow lihns sromer ineluding a third place dowv. coieidivg for the vrrs vi)tny fait ai dit ciudiencve. hîlI finish ai Oniario's Dagmar. a scon4.* Ovtario Cap Serres Junvor Sponi letel Ile Lkvada plate downltill effort un Winnipeg aind ,lsiv second place. irthi or anodher runrer-up placing in Lonvdon in The olJer Csey lias gained spivorship -Canada downhili - where lie also vîimpeicd in user the pasi ycar front tite îles ri Rook. KI MUSI crtsv-Counrý and ended up pushivg; i% Oakley anvd Santa Cruz. Ibis help% pay lor bîke fixe lava Iwo lap,'Ilu the finish Ijvc hîke repaius, equipiveni andi a portion of lue Elite *I liad broken v> uhaîn sol1 hasically ian his iraveling eupenses a1 level," mu vi>m hiLe vear &eend. 1lendeti up wîîli While 15 points oui if first place in rite a hai finie buti1 didn't finish lasi.*lie said Cavada Cup Senies'dowvhill comînîpiîiovt but a wîili pchuckle, -' ai spu enjiîyod hy fellîra Ontaaio e-r ivsm ~ff is vis% oui wcsî riv Whisller, lise Baucxam of Ctllingaîxd -(sel he lias British Columbnia where I li s urrenIly sa), fishing atup the pack t iIl i realis- vked se trainivg for ai keasi flirte western evenîs tic goal Iîîr lin. li g4n) and oiver rihe nexi seseral .secks. He %ill coin- 1 alsîi hope iii mois up in ilie cr1,5 . pete in Whistler on iwo separale weekevds\ cou..nir> category. Ibis shlisltn*F bc a hig race ofilhe as we Il is Sî11, cr Star. B C. av Ezdmonton. prsh lemn N eausse a li of the oilier niders iv Ma) Alheiaâ The la*t race in Whistler, atiL front1 Oniarioaievi plannivg tu compete iv fivîlfK in end ofSep6miar. s, lie national fivals. thîe fast tew races oui hereBc Tî e iv cross- His Canada Cup Stries svvcess -fol lowss a shoulti help me muse ap tui ai lcas! the ltop remarkable 1995 campa4nIn whiclit 1 6e lfnpssily evev fi11h or sivili place ne tîf lis ioîk diswv ail uonier onvrite 0oviri Cap A lirsi ore secoundt place riaish iv the lus WlIe Senes. Hewrapped Upîle do ral havî- downhit moult! lkely cuam 6ur a place onf Serres race pionshîp well before the end of the seasun the naionual leam., and the chiance lo vuint secomvd ov but needed the seseuult avd fival rivei.n *se. CSEFF on iige 20 Re4hoRoss'Wt ~mokse0mpetiti4 Miltein race car diriver Ross Wood viae lon flic - in more ways titan one - rectently ai it Ontic Pedornance Rally Chavpimnaqt in Bntt, Wth 1996 rcmg partner Keiidu Townd of Drramption as lus aide. Wood nol ooly laed Io deil i pfug~op but a amui eaa iirat su «eIL whicbi caime muW.y ftyol ie third mnud fete., 'lu duo mfaWe la kfep dm cS oo s peak.rJAd ackly extiniguiilted lthe rire itelor bumuug pallier once Main étai * wu~qde rae. 1 1 rWi flew sptkd Frhoully &We th>y hat 4 lup rock à lter middle of the road."Th&v"Ile. m eteumvuly n,9ifIIIIdI Toota Caireli erm on ai battit AlliTao .sdImma Aumbve, lm a iuêvily m wWàc puwdu lite m UWLÀRWim, Ibn gh de. pro- 7ble led la dit f4p .$ 4 em plen hteffill ib pmoil * wly MU C0N Wood Md TmmaI h lave cd s a itile k oni d l~.O N "I *.4b 51* o red Cluifilie = = etii mm«. lli.