A Metrolnd Cormsany N"wpapeJ' Vol. 137 No. 5f WDNESDAYýAUGUSt 28,1996 s' Riding hig li ep e mddfrSO . )1 ~im é sy hume luL' X- fo e Pl iu syum suo eusm.,sf ei- -sNEWSI<JQ fret roads blamed Sluppeuy roads are beung btamed for a Hwy. 401 crash invotving a buar and lwo lractor-lrailer onmis. Duning a downpour, a Ford Probe w enlt ouI 0f confrot ors the seesI- bourtd bighway fuel eutî of Guelph Line ai8:15 a.m arnd spuno ba Iraclor-Iraîler, ad lthe Milton OPP. thse unit swerved and was hot by anoîher traclor-trailer, whuch wunI off thse hog!uway and crifshed inbc a No. 5 Stçderoýd dilcis The unit in tpe ditch. a Labaîf's truck,. spilled uts toad of beer as winui as 400 ltres of diesel fuel * BILL'8 àUTO BODY $HOP au«nofesuluia ut u lird Nplfhes »rdmuli Bitter 1O-week hvdrolockout ends Bv KAREN SMITH The Cham'pion A hilter l0-weck lotouta of 23 Milton I-tydro empîcyces i.. bver aflerîthe Powîer Workers Umion and the utili reached a deal hast Wedn;sd~y The Iabýis dispute trial involved pickel fine violen"e' a court inj unc- lion anud growuing tension ended sîhen 21 workers voied 95 pier cent un fan our of a I 5-month coniract. 1 'le Th#upsun Road hydru build- ings doors wec open to workers Motsdy. lowes'cr, the> were gven a one-weck graie periol on iheir relurl to aciuumnod.ute pitler coin- mîlmerotits madIe dan-rug the lockuu Tise deal inuludes a pasis-hant ci tayois ii Jinwauv 1 end 4 oiufle.tui Sl.2tXl lump sum Paymeql fuir cacis emplosee. Ses'euu iurbers will kc laid off ai the sien of the nexi ycar a% part nul ru ,inaclung of thse utulity. Milton ijydmi had pt.uuied iii lît thk wourlers go siouer. A cali for thse union t iii luîîu a part or the collecç'vo: agreement. unionized worker's job cJua-utucaion White workers arc relieved the grievance - a hydro commînission ontieal ý ocr, many feci slighiedl tir bafgaining tool iller Kecame a major beiiig lorked oui and morale us loi. roadisloci n lIse labour dispute -salir Chnis Davy, a staff ofhcexr wiih was drîupped by the utilîiy ihe Power Woçkcrs Union. In ils previous offer. m.unagemeni '1 would imaine il*s going iii k wanted to matie cancelling tise gnecv- bad for quite a white," hie said. ance. sîbicis fikaded for arbutration. There's a lot of resenoîmeni. Therc -Z 2 *4as nou need iîur thk luusnui The.ee lhings n.uld have been wiurfed oui Milton Hydro general manager Doun Thiurne said Fniday he has nuo sêciund thoughts abouti maniage- mnih's deuciston tu close ils domr. ii, the bargaining unit because tke utîluts was ander the threai of sînike action *saie AD FEEUNGS onpage 2 UJJ PE HO SE Moptembu 2exop ~ O~~~ Saturday, Sept. 7 D h 3060 SN1 0- 0 throughout the Mail openinget 4:30