Rockwood festival features .ChdlgI say re% Il aringscom -ng . artists from around globe « CRDo~g A provincial ant-haraient 1dn mptu Mr. CitudIcigh said Ste tutti sqund lo'protect tenants with Mayor K:ranl7 As miany as 2(X) peuple will epérenc tickets r $3 O ach. 7 o a fmtly of bc goiveutefit beajings intu dit fines fne landlicda ranging Irom "V/bat la a eaisonable iî4eue ain iasion of anisfiw spirit ~îRoîwmod threc n $2fo O ac acdiio famîly proposed legilsid. whiçh cais $10.000 toe individuals to Pitre or 10 per cent? 1 dou'i (in Saturday, Sepn. 7. memiter. For tickets and intormaîton cal fur »5 eilrsîis kSot. Miltons position rogarne . lTeé firsi Spirit Valley Expéencse. a 1-519-856-9999. In Milton, tickets arc AîIyer cent sqon asual Rensoving restrictions on ing servicing could plu us ina . galherisg of local artîsis. is slated ltr availalîle at the Dorland-Ilaigt Gaincres% lent sttcrea.seu Plus four peir cent proçeny owners' rnghtt o consei diffèemenpositilon tisan otcots- f Rîx;slîod Cose.rvation Area a., a compi- 2(x) Main Street. phlone 875-175.l for capital impi-ovemients; (hein buildings. ntnte. mntary évent tu the Eien MIi Wniers [àUlai iîct tuke, pla,: the riet da., ' People nusm Rocuta ýIi. irîîus l >a agaite>i. Guelph unir Millet, arc î,,le às %t1luîîlccrs in uîreiîniziiiý [e le-li al. The teaturud perlorier i .- »ui resîdei . atui rite[ nlt, iâlI kv 1, a1611 lvllslu.ail Peler Xpie i u si o llon on1 the Spirit Stage pý,îsîlpaiiied h> a lfuuwever the létsitnai is musi langer and ' spIos more litas 2(X) Wpv-nwnîr- ui a lise iusiu. ans. potliers, s.easers, tonne1 ailsis. asd 'ingcrs. sonné lslernattuJal-i kuluas. IyTHE IIJTEID TIllE PONTIAC DELERS' S9b CLEiOU. soe ilely d . am Hltr uîîgtiIURRY IN FOR TISE BEST SELECTION ON -IIESE'ANI) AlL OtHER MODUS. IN STOCK. "is ithe fOrsi year iîîr the feteil,~96 SUNI LRE COUIPE *said Jouhn Crîpîlîn. thé lestivai's artistlc dîretîs If tu.aehe îîsme îli îley ~BUI LT FOR DRIVERS expapd théi2ormlaU $I ,7 duat air bugs, Mn (rîptus salid tire %date ori artîs s%1 94wetAS itup-suîleh. ssth scieralinîternatoiîî acîs 22tte rg e uuîmîss tnîîîî as tar as lirai, Rusbua and 5-speed manua t Afrsca Thé testîsai wîii taie place (is 40 . .... scres. waith scegW tIýgcs rnAuiîsg throigh- - .. tSracnmission, oilhqday t give peoîple achance In seca CD p M >( wîir vartel> uit ails $ I r J pi [le sait] [lot îi squle reassnahie givesý .....- .. thk pri)tessîuînaltsm antd quatlty uIt hulit the international acti and thuîsc frntn elyh- te lourng cîîsmusîites. TLure was as efft '96 GRAND AM -SEDAN made tiI balasce il types ofi s il atrlie festival wîill slttîncase. PNT tAC PERFORMANCE lu lthe cveulsg the lestisai salII fuicus on duat nit bugs, 4wheel ABS, 150H 2. Lte lteé mais stage, suhiuh will cealune a gala eie -pe uoai rnmsin finale id 27 drunîmers front anîîusd the 0/flcsetarcniinn muîrld - .Ils je~s tî e- truite a grasd finale," - *date molre than 2.11151 and wu bire ti getat . .... leasi 1.09) ickets jusi meut on sale asd suî iarvme have btld several husdred. * Fergus reodesi actress Kîim Resdens is perforuting lier onuitwoslJl shoîw Uuiverse atthe Coyote Stage. 'Me play has Y96 Giit SIE RA'R ULAR CA * ees perlormed in Tuorontoî and in Montreal. Tie.Ca Stage is ts a cave s1 8 5 POWER lJP eITM VORTEC sud gives Ste [hénie oîf mîîîhgliood. lthe Attrn - cave poduces a wuîsulerfsl wîtrb-like car5r box, 4-wheet a he&. acuurding Io iestial spo)kesper- A. 201.J 4 -i sont Linda Sword. $ u titre V6 ençrine, '26 9 t4-,speed, autQ.atic Ouest1 muilI ,*, *1.1 ,ýl,,, transmission, .*i..*i... AN/Fm ti'o lThe lsmminghird Stage'is alîve with i'~'tns gtas. * local musical talent. The Spirit Valley Baud is the "bouse hand*'and Cealunes Lu)is> Chîemry, a well*knîîwn Rîickwooil plans.oaM, I M Wrr-eu Campbiell. BIaise Barry aud Sieve 1 6 G C JI M Clark. 4 ASAYA Ouest mu.4ueanl lte dav include .4-witOet ABS, 190 HP 4.3 titre V6 engine. *Gucîpits Zambuai Jîsuir aud tité Mynpl#atmt. rasisoA/M aste oe 1'amily, Rîckwoîds ea lir . e and .windois/tocts/mirrors, air conditioning Waierlîu,< lsuiriylthm.O R WES fiutempîtosaliy kutiss Taniarack tarif ESE O FE tsngJle song% ut Ruîkwood's James* OF TH Y ÇovrJPlt mill k os ihe Cedar Stage. In3 9 -9- addittion per*trmasues tif alpitîrs, bag- - 1.u.iý pipes. cla-ical gutar sud crite btaril wtll....- , n bc gîvn ses .U.. Siephen Là I-renie. the artîsic dînecitir utC (luelpits Gnaphîc Mimne Comrpauy aud a muirld traveiied c.lown, ceadi a ti 'pe . *'iii tittuigit a sertcs tif worsts~aiIh.~. .s ~ ii 'lte Renaissance Stnger, id Kîtueîîe WîIloui csud done ionyou lately' ,. . Waterloo add titu classîctI', usrinaI sîuîu ,........u ..iii a.î.s ...c,,...î. i.s fiuisiig touci Inothe festt,îl'." " "a r' '..sîu naC....s.. SSpirit Valley Espwertî. iake plaice fnîr 9 30) arm. ttrousglfmilneLu i uce