. h - \ \ \ WU. mybeoofo.i UIey aeu~ nei sfurn Md 11191111111 nn q 3toUne. AI Bruc Mood Travel, with offices in Caon Mion and. Oakv lle, s loolng to. dd another me=, t0 as #i Oua ity Service tearm oi agents. If you are an expenierced agent, mature, enthusiasl c And have SABRE knowhow wa ae interested in you. Piée und me your reumé in confidence, if Vau are interested in us. GUARANTF0ED LOW BRUCE HOOD PRJCE la M*artin. St., Milton L.9T 2P9. or bv fax 19051 878-032 I DRsinerisTOUCH' C4IIBOR SEMI-GLOS LAMTEX RIL' ¼-1 24 37E PAMRS CHQIS ~FLNWHMFE [AMPX I ý , p1 p- S. .hà -i XPAITERS CHOIS EIMR SEM-GLOS LATE PAINT I&* - - ..W ..dng .7ena gi 91 09ICu AcRcInCI '0- G*S M ýd.ur.as 2996 Whoeyou buy 2 egis or mord! ýe289 l ý» 29 Cho-e Y-. sp«uJ pane.ri frmad.il h1mbouks" S E 2 7 " LMCE IR SHINGLE STAIN R 3111Wo& wý ok ýCCô' - mot Lane npý