Volunteers help m"ake camp special fore-courageous kids 8v STEVE LOBLAN4C Specil Io Tho OhaP .on T E-YEAR-OXLD DINISE AU IN may be beaded ta Priceville. Ontario nexi week, but ber upcomning rampang trip wîil be completely fie of charge, Chtsk te a gmoup of dedicated volunlteer. 1le Campbelll #trl will be ac of 60 sauthemi Onlaijo cbidren altending Camp Quahty. Ille camp bas been apening for the past ninc years, yei thse overail Camp Quality pragiant came! isba, being much cari ier. 'lse camp. dcsigncd for children tbree ma 16 with cancer or in remitssian,.was fOri stanted by a womran samed Vera Eniwisîle in Ausiralia in 1983. Sins.e ibs l aeomne a ol-wide prograin.' said Beqh Gromedia coordisalor ami volunleer for bIse Pricevilie camp. Camp Qualty hoIdrý îwo camps in Ontario as well as oses in Ihe ljnited Suites, New Zealan South Africa. Romnia. Fiji and thk C.zcb Republic. ibis wîiI ie Dcnisc's second year Ibere.. flic grade 5 sludeiii ai Kilbnide Public Scbool was diagnosed mtie Chant ibirec ycars ago witb an aggressive forai of leukcmi. Aller wecks of cbcmotherapy and surgcry ai Hamilions McMaster University Medical Centré, ber Icukemia wenl into remission and bas oit rcsurfacrd. Sucesful transplant lier road foa recovery aira iscluded a successful hne inanow transplant ai Toronno's Hoîspital lor Sîck Cbildren. wîîb the help of youngrr sister Koisien, now, cigi, as a donor. lier miler Cindy beard about Che camsp ibroughr a fclloss cancer paiiesi's motber in the sùmmnerof 1994 and immediairly inquired aboutilber daughicr.s,. allen(dnce in 1995. Tby camp is Iseld dunng fice saine weck in Augusi eacb )*ar One aispect i f the camp Ms. Allun finds parnîcularly nice is the osec-os one relationsbip carrpér' forai wîtb Cit volanicers, Each child is paired Up wîbb an aider companiim for Che wem. 'lis greai for the kids Co bave Chat osec-os anc relatiinsip aind spend snote real lime wîlb a deduiicd adui,' said] Ms Allîn. Ms Gordon added tChat mary camper. and ihir companionsstay en iauch ail yc.mr long tbrough regular reusions and plan eXcursuo5ss Densec saud skt lîkeà Cice onc-or anc relationsbips fornied a[ thc camps and thai sit was really looking forward [th nen wee. -M> favorite pari lait year was niding in Che smalt i mrpl.ines. M> companian ssas Tamni> Dlca (il Pikerng, We sitl siay in taucb once in a ishileý« sait. ltesesho also got ogeihkr wîîb a ruminer oil oliner c.impers ibis May fo r a special trip teo Fonda' s t)iny Wîîrld lit wa.% also.fre Corporale sponrrthips Ms Gardon said. ihe camp s abie ta operate wîlbou cbarging the lanilies hecauwe of Ciirporate sponsorsbip. E.sso/tmpcnal Ol is the camp's main sponsor, white vanous olker coîmpanues belp oui as Weil. "flic main dilîcreilce wih Camp Qualîby compared ta ailier camps s Cliat es'cyonc bere is a valunleer. Thber is roi ornc single paid cmploye ai the camps 1 eÀI 9À MMI ï WaTla"ce WHERE WE DON'T WANT TO BE THE BIGGEST WE ONLY WANT TO BE THE BEST. We do this by specializing in one owner pre- owned vehicles w4h excellent histotry, Campbellvllle's Denhs. Allun la a happy camper thanks la the saUIeu efforte of volun- teere wlso often clnat their vacation lime la helping outI hd. and imainicludes bbic medical staff. Eveiyone dosates a wc'ek of ikîir surmmer vacation," site said. Appnmsîmately 120 valunicers will kc pantll! seul weck's camp sn Priceville. . Ske raid ibese camps berefil bath the cbildren ami ikîcr familier. Wbule the chîldien enjay the week ai camp, familicr aie given sanie breabmng space fromt Che dauly routine oI caring for a child willi cancer Thbis year'ftamp theme jr 'Camte ta the CîrLus' Along wîtli regutar activifmes - wbîcb incuide canoeisg, harse back nidisg, smnall-crafi airpiase rides. waodworkîsg. arcb4iy and galfisg - sexi weekvs camp wîll feaiure a spectal carnival Tbursday wksn ail Camlpers wîll diess, op and esjay papcams. caston camdy and oiber camniva tIreais. .'is éamps aie check I of activîty and thk aise- or-anc ielamonsmips make tem eves mort special. It's lîke a big-sîster, big broiber situation and seeîsg dme smiles as the bîldier's faces is ieward enougb for ail the valusteers,* Ms Gor4n said. 71 ~ ~ ~ ~ ý VIN AN.7A ,Coud,- I BE MME Cmt Orair, aflu. sir ftioti7g .5 ip.ed imnui cassette, outy au grey, tu patar opos. Mg ne. cuuilu.1îy tut Is" ,cos 15 4.12,995 -fue 82:49im .FW1& a<U1M tinrie ait enaîrn- ing. pmwer lrckr, canneite. ABS. rad., 85.000 In Éi./ $QB00 a irou . - 6i8UW. fiS.75 &4,8at4Me 59ia2urnuue M a«. dr. PM PD MM, UUO~,gm~ACNoemç2*..m~à ~ lseaooeftmMudvw..... 1992 RMAL LIMI TED One owner, burgundy, fui/y Ioaded, onty 21,690 kms. First çomýe/ first serve. I o ~ui a 1" lm~ mA I. N.e M. ail M, ise bkiai 8 pes JaffaeoS an amnac. niasa SU runer ubards bRrk asiou tf mm utur".iimn «.fais &W.ae 1w, l9,995, Luse are le 24 mwthsýth $3.000 dm »I sales pius art Plus. T & GST 0 A c 1 A4WAYS MORE - TO CHOOSE FROM OWE WARRA"Y & «OtVICE WHAT M SELLN 13U - -_ à