La scapingforfum andfunctionalily For saune aeilfe<u opçtommunty ta exercise Guve 'considerable thoughtta YOur Iandcap- fluas araircW s Proruded bv 'oca' Realtors a <heur green. gfubs is onte of the uhings (hat uaag desugan m ralze thisa leutiuug plaints, abruhis the Oitario Rala Estaie Ass'ociaion (ORl) fi promptetitft. boy a hause. Othels rçcog- landt odaser elenufls happe rW.doly in a piece. te blenefi: in Mou erso re oai estate na nuze tisat keeping u4appeatauces in gaeur neigh- meal meutner daen spail thse appearausce andi terni ke. baurisoat maltes ci easior apti incunases pride tl alue of your honse. of owsip an omuiy lite suite youar plan also aim ine co ilcee ditCmmnt Eltiser way. tandscaping anti gardenisg are atton suuch duverse eleunents as gre overail bois Miffor/aek Luérjmd,îuia ome uitî tremndos asset uahomewncs ati wlI nd syleo! ise eigbaulsaa. tse ctsdtios o! (Sue todnouiitien, i li, ,ni9'iii umpov tse njyeen autivaueo! osr sit as~rusge ouhae a wulwuls nt lntt.rom.Te, Iaisrei As u maung ny mproentnt t yor uleusiserafucanotlerassecvoftirlaC home uh fust tepIs horugh laning Deendng n te pemiss o yorplui.ti f about~~~~~dC yUram. osdrbo uhtrnnr~1 treerc ou at do a ot onues an i sofu e>emesstsl unliý yoM long-range plan. Thei usai~~~~ mui oew r.O ieoie asi sdylemet of the nclurh the cgitio avngo on- R' - . -4Il $9 f caete enti osutiand mo e tofn yc omct e brit aphaît, gr uave d wo un t sndb tisingsm Millcreek ... ein nti esotic mdscaping th t wil cpey a thenie, trellis tes r aspfencs fi am. ensent ,haeth irscasg us longrng lnrening. reelig ebn aaea.s wutts ofnl supae, the Ahoy.Onao ou bot tîl. Cife you ak utc y-te . ou may k oehrleetfiassoufnsbr minet o ke îewclung banutIin l.Wt arp r easu tgiserve proba atamxb ard truc Cnsiirc your icayto ati tis he ucsh ulan rusfi additin ts inmorvng-rtise lalueor mae mu he morea ar.OuntItier hui.Arc you haor goomets il hîughe flatntispng ngs plsygrond Ircisiire mn, outiortng piae t capa rael sc ant oalng scothnd adn lyRat n cidcasn xfli tasami t-tiw o pa ly s reuces inenase arýcs Tesonti slrubs orcee tAUso thîie seatrany oe your can hîn rsi. sul b,e si esatet shso nesad 41)7314 o!. wult suggcsu dafforntrappr.acises ta anti fires arenlotbaio! as ic (an5sre sopsuct- bry. nai Dou ybut wst.i peoplae ta secp yuerfon ing mant b ticamo igr lsont ylnoff uia subrscu ensce ar lsie aehng ditinte . stop cati padvition yotu suitis te vaua le o f yns ou ati of to samle aronea astihme îyfutiiAt fi eeistfrefutty. planneti ughtui andscaping aie srcis' Agate te gren aprforle.ntildiffereu as k funton. selchisctiand peauîs anille- LM AeUt qo!, fcs md effo u rels ca hn cro%stuectiv Nasuiot and sti unseri otaoai i of. wil sugges differnt appraQhe* l land-uhiene ae loks fsbasic(and moeir*ephwinat Getting your house ready for sale ls atusust tinte for the Fir Sole sugn ta go up, anti tinie ta make sure your bouse wîtt kc -loaluug lits kest when the first prospective purehasers walk ibrougi thse door. A dlean. uncluttereti house tanks bîgger anti more învtt- tng. su hegus by packing away bulky tIr unuseti fumniture anti makîng tise kest use of your space, Be ruthtess wbcus you go tisrougb closets. spare font anti cupboar"s. if you baven't useti that breati-makîng machine for a white, anti if you're rint tîkcty ta neeti tisai extra et ot china or cutlery te tise usent few weeks. pack tl away. Those knuck-knacks on tise mandte. piece may have sentimental value Io yqu. but ticy'li just tank ise kasck-knacks <o tise peoipte nho camne <brougis ytnur home. Taise a tieep breatis anti muve thens out of sîgist You can make a ieati stars lin packîsg by cleaning off booksbelves. cieaning clttes. sisocs. extra tondls ant i edi- ding out of closes, aenti boxing the kiis« tîlys. out-of-seastin sportls ei4aipmeni anti gardeus tînîts* Take a tur oîf your bouse asti malte a bot(e of <hase easy- tii-miss spots tisai useti a gooti clcanung. Wasb done walls. windows anti wootiwork. Scrub 'unks, toillts. batlubs andi kutchen appliances until they sine. Clean out fise cup- boar" under tise sunk. chant tise tops of baseboads anti wasb ail windoaw covenngs. ie mare tharougis tke ini- tiai cleaasup, te casier it will bse ta iseep tise.hatse looing uts kest for visuts frons your reafor ant prospective istyens. Non us tise time ta fin tise cracket i tght.swîtcis plates' broken door handles, lcalty faucets anti squeaky doors youuve earneti ta, lice witi for Yeats. Shabby kîtcheus caphoartis asti a grubby hallway wutt tien- efit from a fresis ceat o! paint us a neutral colour - ibis is sot tise tintie ta stafl experiuseniting wîih tiramatic patin sciseuies. Similarty. heavîly patterticti wallpaper or brigJsty coloureti accent walts may tend ta dis- tract buyers frore other fea- tares, or make it isard for tiseu ta imagine hows their belong- ings wîll look un tise room. If -you cas. .repaini or pailer the watts in a subite cotour. lis% oficil wvorth rcptaciusg carpet or floor coserungs tisat are tus really rougis shape. If tise state of your kîtchen floor is lanwening tise tone of tise whole room, for example, inespen- suce stick anti peet <îles can make a tiramaic dufference. Realtors are familiear witis tise homes' market anti cas help you ticitie whIcis improve- ments wîtl be appealing tId buycrs. A major invesiment - ating a garage or deck, for example, unay uset be recon- ereti ibrougis a igise r selling price. wlstle sonsehtng as sim- pIc as replacing tom scieces or filling crancks in watts mnd cel- isgs can atit consiilerably ta, your hanse's salabslity. MI i uti R&kwod $ER REPDESENTATIVE ON SITE Hours Sat. & Sun. 1 - 4 pmi Eaor cail coUect Days 0-519-836-2593 Evenings 0-519-822-3363 *e,MunI rn$VQu4.3sidrorni lamCO55Oel -r ourfltvwLois of noom loi quist Ente%.ý ai s BST FEDUIED$284.9W0 Ivamua, JOEn AT>NOAY FuOM1.4 8 Uic. tarim, stone flouse, beautilul escarp- ment Aslurgg $695.000. 28 aIc. Fabu$oslos veni, conitemprary, home REALTY WORLD MILLPOND REALTT INC., REALTOR 5W0 Steeles Ave., Milton REA1YORDM 876-0633i Lg;» 24 Houir Answering Service Zr, Z1ý'1 ý11 Iîý IsOUD F AMIL Y HOME fiNISHEV ÙFFICF 11,57-0 Mailla; stfflq 0 SM ri.m oqsuý» 1 fsm,.» GOW IOW« fit sW OMM A,.~ lwft"W Il y W y 1 Ym mmmitt logo m W nom IWMIý &m @m. m «.U"i m 1. Dm fau MM Pd Imm ra 3. 2 114droffl, Central bIMM2»mm bolum W Gants room. Re*m renfille. Amwj* Lanners * Fu centiblin For mort Mis cg In Vient. Patte call Oum loup. ?M. failli Il Imm »Moftl»M étuem 01