.No better roads .untill.raffic warrants- it: Scholtens ~ DY BRAD REAWdE uppradc roands. nd nexi year won't be any casier as the town has begins, fhln places an unfair tsurdien on Iibe taxpayers, accordîng ( The. Chaamn several previous comnijîments" Mr. Matthcws:u si lhc situation Mr. Schoitena. who arc payîng befor..sccisg any rclliards. In ils heîng situdied lic added. addition, doing something Io thse roads bclore il, iirnccesary If you builit il. and lhcy corne, local goverinient icilI improve Mr. Schollcns said Hendervalc Owncr9 are phasing intWgr facil- would force local governiteni to, do thie saine thing for ether die rond accm . ity with a few compcsifions ibis yeafr d amnnta growsh whih, if poienlial developganfs irphaira îlic he ddcd. T%saneents Io tic the position adopied by local municîpiialîe ýlans are ftallilled, will have il competing with Spruce Meadows, Mn. Kiiber s6d týge only found oui that thc Heniderval evl regarding Ilendervale Farms' plan for a huge cquesaiian cnspex Alheria as the country's beys equscsmnan complex by the tari of opinent svas the espianalion for increased heavy truck iraffic in Burlingion on ils border wigh Milton. thse cenlury. Govcmnient. lic sait, bas ta take the saine approach. ichen sIc reand Ibc Oakville Bravr, sivier publication of lise "'Once Ihere is an actual draw to jhe facility then you'il se - lIook a lour aboi a mgonth &go and 1 carne away rcally, rrady Canadien Champion. . n sometting happen witls the roads," said Burlîngqon Councillor îipressed and excîtrit with the place and the concept," Mr. Shr acknowledged she wasnîf as1gsy wih the hugc drvelopmctnt Ralpli Schoktcss. Wr can't spenit dic rwy unhil wce know the Scholiens s4id. "Righi brr is te heasbeas of Canadla. Tlicre are juss coscerord" and womritd alýasl acciilrngs and ronit dainage voilure wili work. somrthing like 10 million people wvitbin 90 iles."4 frot aIl the hravy injokh. Tlit lias ai leasi onr ares reaident concerd about poteiial Mr. Schollenis sait spisioffs go local commsnlirs wosiit bc "Osur area is going tii change dra.ssically." Mrs. Kinmber sai t. I liazaids whrn large groups of duivet siy to accras Use complex. tremnendons. wiih bol mrosins fsull duning competutions andt husy tsansi brlp tabui bave a big impact. But ibere îs alvwilys two vides Io Concemei about tise increased graftici nid chaos anticipaled on local businessesAsfrmkn povgy'ead a big islrnin an wanq te ve il go." evens weekends, Kay Kimbr sasd site would tIke 10 sce a stAoopaigirpvprs eoe opsîofîr ol byemt lighl as Highway 5 and Trentaine Road. She sait the intersecuion is difficslî even now and will prsve vei dasigerous wbrn large lîtrse teaslers try ta negolale &gangs. 1Ils batl enough for a car trying Io luong ai Hîghway 5t lei alaire a horse traider. This is going go be borrendous.' Miv. Kingber sait. Yotir fiiriîate needs expert (ar tri l ensurî' it s MI' Scboltens said governmeni wants t0 be s pannrer wisli Hllsiervair. hut il can't put the mosry Up before there iîý a uùp anti riiiipg whin "sou need il Ibis fait. iteisonsiraicit sert If glhal means living wilh iraffic nightmares That 's istr u ii -fM dpris cuti. andt isiniegratîng srets Ibm vo bc il, hr added. If the ides dors sol comne off, ibme Ù'v a rosid goîng nowhere,* lîve maintenance: jîrograîî tornis iii. Sim .pi s1 Mr. Sclssltens saîd. -But if ii works tlsrn itI be a moad goisg io call lis Ibis suii ner ws-litte iurppoiintit -ibe b"s, louni iraw in the ares. Mîlions iîrector of public witrks, Jobn Maîîbews, saîd. bîoks are mvs liii v. aitî îone of ai<r experts Hendervale Faimns is on is a boundary ronit beîween Burnington wil cIiiîîîe mil perfitrmi athorîîîgh. tati-tii- ant Milton. Milton is on tlhe norlh vide of Nwnbrr 1 Siderosit, Burlingion ani Hndervalc Farsys on lise sosth. T .ic ares is léseci:- looiiiii check tifsut fitritae for <titis cd hy i railwy irack. 1$79.5 OS Itit vs-ben tht firsi i tîlî stiajîb ils. GicncralIy speakisg. adjiacent municipaluties share expenses for spgraiting bctsndaiy ronads. . otr fumnai t vili lie reuls ii Ki-tj sut Mr. Maiibcws said Burlingîtin cîiy staff are mtalhing the site % ani .tifiirîaiiî' Vioii le iir lonig. andtia Milton tificials are tracking thtir work. 'There is a fonid- retil flv onsper ale on the tait tunng the spring Chitiroi onte oif tîtr tilit liaickages mitt epso damage ParkinPa g has n it becs a pmbhlem yet.he 'id.1. Top4Jo-Bottom fssrnace service 579.95* hr li ity Rt Bung! n (Mîlton) hav essyn rney go 201 poing ser iii moainitenaniît l îding a t arfîoil oioinixil test andt lt-i. leti tutu oit Attention Honda Owners -2. Same-time fireplace sçv ice S39.95* A biliar face is pnIy Gei . ur 8< point i ide-ouI gas firipiai e siàr- 15 minutes away. Joe Glubep wîlI be happy to help ygu wîthvieh am liesstîrf aieevte aIl your automgotîve needs. aid sas'î.20,00. (Regitiar price 59.95.) 90oud5 iE896-3500 Joe Glube o 3. Same-timge air conditioner 230 Dndas t. E-MissisaugeServing Mitfr (J.t E-u d 5î,i.ý oSCi 6 trêSiS sevice $59.95* .~Combinie the' air coîidilianer servit-e svith MILTON MINOR BISEBU. _ HOUSE LAGU~ J ut furna-eservice andI save $20.110. ALXFRANK Sunworthy Wallcoveringtl Minor MosquRo Alex pitched a superb final inning shutout, ýin helping.his teamn achieve a dramatic cornie fromn behind victory in its final Ieague gamne. Cogratulatin Rien r' ~ ll<egiilar pruce $79.951' Ouir 14 poinît chec k int-lutes i ieaniîvg s iur outdîîîîr.îîîîîî THESE PACKAGES ARE FOR OUR RISIDENTIAL. CUSTOMERS>ON ÀPPROVED CREDIT AND 00 NOT INCLUDE GST, REPLACEMENT PARTS, A/C COOLAMT Olt LABOUR ON REPAIRS OR AIC SYSTtl -- . 0