* OUREAbERS WRITE. Nfug" effort for muaum Dier Mtsm Ems writlq Io aller what 1 Weieve ta [se nsoesuây backgsround informatooin about Ontario's Rural Herilage Preservamon Comnae MM off corrent pouitbon wteid .regard to lthe Ontario Agriculfural Museusm 1 ORHPC is a voloasm organizatuc t a 29-penson hoird of derecto. Thse direc-' lors represent agricultooral and heritage organizations fron semas the province. We came logedue titrougis cur commun concern for the museuno afler lthe uonouincemosl of ils imnding cioaure; tee am woing logethes note ta acloieve our goal of peeserving the Mussaum. 0>0 collections, archives, library and Ontauio Agsicultos Hall of Pans. The cassunittee is chaired by George Und.erwood cf Winghapn and the vice-chair is Wally Ksof aIGuli. ' ORIIPC has beet inviled to prepare a business and aperational plan for lte revocew of te Minutier of Agriculture. Food mnd Rural Affaira. teocit tee qxpect go presenit in faIt of 1996. WC am, as teas stated in >sour article sl'ich appeared in lthe June*19, 1996 edigon. itoling.lhee ftudrusing events itetteeo note and mili- Octoher. inçluding ose at lte Ontario Agricultural Museums on Sept 14, t996. Tise mIent of itis event is to affer the public informtationt .lbout aur plans fur duc museum's future mnd yes; ta itegin rawsing fusrds titat e setîl oseed hots tu comsplute tise planning prucs a md tu support out intention ta assumse management cf lthe museunt. Watt Ellhel. a isseosier of our bard of directors representini tise Milton HWao"ia Society, la argasozing die Sept. 14 event titrougit the autitority of te ORHîPC bard of dorectors. Thse July 1 evsning is organized by direclors Carolyn.McDonell of the B.df Informaioni Centre in Mississauga and Muisse LAaby of lthe I'edrraed Wamsnv., Instituts of Ontario, and a fundraising charily auiction. being iteld on Oct. 12 as -Byan't Auction Centre mn Puslinct ià basng organsst lsy director Bill ISelasdt af Teesteate. * We bolieve tithlie Ontaio Agcatl ?Àouçum is a valuabîr public' ieritagd. reWo='e VA tCeen commnitted ta esar. itg ils future in thq inlereats of aIl Otudan. We invite te cittrens of Milton and ame in eor seitit us, tc suppot car fundraising events. and to continue to enjy due bentfls itaviny dim Museum in tC#CAr, PublIC MuiaUoeu Letters, Welcomed Tise Canadion Champion sel. cornes lers ra theis editor. W. W" An selie ctaiun Mao"d ta meision, or maiodiona. Leilar mai bu iigud mdl ru ond di ti"ds teleptoon. nilimber of tise terSer lma 248, h*00 0111 L91 4NPl or Imme dma ieur allai, 191 Miain Sb". Cancer Scly prouil Of lol efr Dur Eir. On besaif of die Miliion brandIocf die Cm@"ig Cuse,sociey. we would fiée ta. Ihau1 du nany volunise Who cuovassol hontses. capaieli mue. sold dalTodals. and puticipats in tfreu-down days d"uig our April &inà-aiang carnlpagn. Thse total fuat if% dim eveints. $63.S71, la top 18 percent over 1995 and eflalished a record lugth. This gives Milton om cf die higloest contuiba- tion raies per capoita in dioe province. huie cana"ia Cancer Society ta n aeganuzatm of.vohtmmeeis teois ta ly suiooil by public donatiou adt does noi roseive sny govenomes funding. il Minety cents of every doltar donatedl gos tea patient services, heailth promotion and cancer researcit. , dur mission is ie eraicti of canon mdantIde enisancemetaI of i qsoaliy of life for people iving with cuancer. duoi btmdin reseuct and volun- lmc dellivered poogani. Atmn tee aicely tIossÉ everyons Weho moads dois cuitpaego md a woonu. Joie A. P~W< Roadr aaya Elliot a solid volunteer flur FDitsr. I wisl ta eply tu your ediooai in wlsich you question WaN Elliots motives in efforts t0 save dse Ontario AgruicuMa Musem. Defore Mr. Eliot becamne a pofliical candidate and aller his party's dene&. he was first and renàss a conceasel estixeot His cocurientious md mouMt volantse« efforis outaid 0 due polical eaint dea es eps . 1 unjnprsanl witoho is ladershoip andI conopo- mmn ad his converti fur Miltona heilge. qusWt ly of fie. md ils future. His eooug mnd conu- anoue rensauicablr, mnd ahol ho enilted nul WIC yoar [seig cytucal? Were you almtsuscal- ly trying ta, watt of die inpendingo danger slossM Me. Ellesi relus to ltics? Ssmem suggested go me dm~ ya dsliberuy wuts a cSttUoyensIII8Od toila increue maduisp MMd ssi pou. In n effort ta udsntqnd, 1 hâve oad Fe reali your eâditra nony limes. 1I dtit you missed IE lthe oppossunlîy to encourage a bald departurd (rom Pmrty ritesor n mn suae telere conMsusty interes should pevail. fise Ontario Agacuitara Musem is a vaLNsi muat pan"cuasy suitsd lu die Dsin MiNa, visiion. ls cittoure would lea1 POU nd celetrm tisas dase am citizeots teho weill heomme imvolved. I suspect even tihe omd "longtime Tory" miSt risk censure to ensure the musem's future. lndssd. I hope this those cdumngq lobe concemsed td MiNon wili e t te oài betmin tUe wenez if exposîlso tisir vietet is loolsgbaspaiscly Uyouowrtoe.O Actaly, waojiÊ*& Urs effori of4aefttdt [se cosistent teaith ouvrent g0Aesnss olaZcies? Il might even be bnhllmanly pob.tically corsna forcur- re reresnttvea 10 encosuge MW evcss pm'ti- pet in doit partnesloip shouid drey teos 1mto so an inseresi in Miuton's future, nt just Ontaro's p5ouaCL a a à ?