'v *, .-".V 17 MW St aL j o PA76.ý4922 1j e p ~ ~ #, TbJU Wattr Ma to exprop my t.bank . The courus I teck at Lb.e Sarrie location 2 yeàre &go uvpd sy 1f. avoided a bead-on collision be<aue I was t.aught The poli0oUatéd t. WNI&OU would haye been kille or hej 1 feel the greateet Omkoaboi ia wua his voloe I heard in my neaa, teuing me to use 4Head-on avoldace. 1 feei thal thia course shouid be law for afl new dr- vers. The 111e they may sève could be their ownl" 1 ta thie diving skll I ,d. i Jlhian Begg, l'ed.Young Drivera Graduae igo to my instruotor Andy, as on Ddrs of Canada Your license to suMve. NEXT COUUSE.YTARIM: JULY 2ND, 3E»; 4CH, SIR - 90OO AU - 3:43 Pli JULY 23 TUES. & THEM. 4 WEEKS 6:30-9.38Pli rCn« Coed Am A" Z MaZoe2" % lwPmu&vif S" - w« P.r W C md Foudm uo NUlPADDc$N+A N. dwp fuYORKE INC. mw- 875-0811-l DOWNTOWN MILTON SUNAY, JUI 16 MLL SEIO a LORtI WATCNS 25% OFF 25% OFF 26%6OFF