M E.RV'S. ELECT HICS Sholp Mferv's ; Wherealily Ca*s L ess LAST MINUTE FATHER'S DAY GIFT IDEAS Tarnh M:F1 Star MUSI 4-HW ut ube AMImall (DA) Desl VHS Ml-Fê Sluo VCR. Usvstm TVNCR Remais CoMI. VMSe Rewindffat Fdward d Tubi"s Marn ce cbff Maaia * BO4sc pWu ose Meg-C Clianeree Gesc dim change wdme maian i R as ta - omedr.c.ca* lieoffert -I *Easy dise replacement sylttf usn the loarâmaP *Group play turnctlon itis louieen prwe musicai gais liaes *Suppt asti a notboat lofn W Ong D loie t * W gMMi ~ snto D Oue prograin - Prograin play, sessin PlaY nt r11p0e1 pIOY *MUI-bMtDAC&Massie rne ssteni*lsssnudecnel 1omffl M-Fl StoU am-i 4-lieutVH Ht-fl Sbqo~ VCR, VCRAm (-u. CaMi Box Prograslnssg UniveeSal 1VNCRW caws Box Rimai Conr" affsu -si ' IMtM, TiSa, Faemai* DERýMY T. 1 575 ONTARIO ST. 878 MM7 'q ~~ Sweetloearts 'ék'u"econso champs. T & "EATIULM in Çlarkson 55 Olntarlo St. N., Milton llse)mkslseaSwcdsà siiect remo Cha Sa s.. Wyea-ld grlT-bailpayers front the. Dada re #1 "'-n'p ~. ~ Milton lois the openîng&gae agaidu 1,101> hA LErn %Ailli 20.24. The gaine fcatured ~~~*W stiong hittiing front Justine Williamss andt. FATERB'S DAY MeicnaVi"ur the Mîhesqud d BUFFET BRKUNCHE eiMlo e h lon ball hitting Sun. june l6th 10 arn to 2 pmn Cako Toihawk. Miltonisayedclo down in dlie final lwo mnnings of thie gagne. The finul outconscwas 14-21l tes., PRIM E RIB 0F .EEF Allion Radcliffe and Alison Sysa $9O" Aduits *495 Cbildren Adama playod salid ai firsi base. Th& a1w oi* itchnerSiuless were nexi FREE Children under 3 usdLfeeMion 25-l 1 mn four lmsings. Ise, Saine iandou was leat off biner Hot & Cold- Buffet e Over 50 Items Joanm neay wo cde h it * Puie tb aiDee#ut Or Cmei~ few assi fu betweesi mo q aaae, Egga, Penhea, Roed Paona lis the flial oneea for ie conssoltion 0 (Caicekm Co"Baids chainpiostip. the Saceehearts played Ma dis C& o a.. *mp Vggmi Mru. bet gaine. defealing Ejn-Milis cris 7 S6di, Fuft& CemFr"Vpb«, ip, vincisgly 24-12. Tise Sanetewl defense alDamniR-& CI.... Pneu Bmi u Vepoiea Dipe seon effai e Riciielle * Dount 1lsh.Aaeouad lndiHuaih gM fIonu W.tIauma i second - andt Amanda Russell as thied. Jeisiifer SlseçPard OfMMIaelga made tise defernive Mri Cuagis a fise drive on tlie wi and ]RESERVE NOW 878-6691 loi kebPed Wi l the pie wilh a - 56* mad loisr siisglea. Branne Hagga &Mav mn rns romi die lam better pomnani in tlie liss ieP Tihe Swdedseua play haut in their owss lous'iniersti estaiy paris lunse22nid 23.i -r Il EV-OWS cm ____________________________________________ I 4