Car dealership'says thanks for the, local support Guemd Sales mnd Leasing is saymng ihanli you tu tlie peuple of As well as freshly brewed coffWe thie café sells a wide array of siei sn'i the only difference. says 1lesoe pl~pru.Jd Mi lton thi', seekend wih t heij second annual Custoumtr wi evave-free fiods nging from mutffins ad scone to caok- Besharai. Prices thmughoui thie sture hive been lowerred, the pki> Apprciation Day. re=m hagels. ln dbe,ceming weàls freshly h"akeoa will le diue and del, depaitineres have heen cxpanded and tlie store itqlf Thse Siecles Avenue uscd car dealcrship has heen operaiing for added tu the nienu. Mr. Knheger plans (ol èrfeent coffea lias heen given a tacclift. Savcmnore also plans tu have rnoni1ýiy 35 yeaes and lias gmown signilkcantly durifig thie 199Osv To repay and "(astbes" appeardaily in aider (o add vrel uthe mienu. fu ran(r cu«nwus. Mihonanv ot ihir pirun i Suday saw llie'grocey store's grand opening. arconpa age, thie dealervhip j'. sIaking ff~l effl niëd by a barbecue fundraiser. Proceeds Irom Savernorc's har- a number of fesiivioiev free lieqbe went tu helpiing llope Place, an organîzation fur alculilic of charge on Saiurday, Anyone who hlinked !uring thie latter part of ArIl inay have wurnen. Coffre and douglinuis ssill Isl'umissed the annalof a new grcey storemin theWhieOaks Plaza. A aumbr ut draws were held during Savermre's openîstg c' bce availalile Io svilor% (rom it Yu cweis (lie ulew husiness in Iown. lmving muved mniu lie , Jek une 3-9. Lacky winners camned gili ciîlîcates% equal io the 30 a.m. o 1l.30 n store vacatediby IGA. But don:i go in expe.-ng tlie sameseup value ut their purchs and oie fortunaie soul IoL bomne aseven whîle hamhurgers. ho>t dogs previously offered hy IGA. The new green'and yeluw Saveosore piece patio sec. and drink', wilI lc oltcred Ir lrom nooli until 2 p.m, A____________________________ complimieary car wash uiiI also lie availalile he(ween 10 am. and nuo)n. AIl are welcome. Pai Koiack. dealership spukesperson. liopes (liai peuple wîill E drop hy and check un i>e progress uf Gi' v renovation prujeci.R utMm bl cme smaL MINO A new Main Street café is offening a unique almusphere whereIM GN TO customners can case hack and reaîly enjoy Useir cup uf cuITée. Y0U R. SRVICE lcrug's. Iie Coffee Spot opened its douts in earîy lunq acrss H O M EG M ,.in g able couches. finely deîailed ares rngs and colourfül floral aerangemcms prescnit cuviomers wîth a relaxing envi(unmeni u e orfunc n i while a wide siorefrunt window offers a pioIure..que vsew ukihis- - e or unc n i iomi downiuwn Milton. A play ares wîih a vareiy uf gasiesan odtneinsa wh I (ys is availale fur chojren as well. -1 '*Wce Irying tu creaie ur own tiung." says Kirk Knieger. pro-. u'ec-fMn p - a(pieofte nleren (ané tleble hai uta r ugula wil ofe n*ec - e M ventative service packages. FoeagThfwruehaIr spring traiying gasj.eatiZZand urain Fathoe's Day Spelal Bouquet r~r~ J~ " . Uniorf Gas. We'll arrange a Say 1 Love You Dsid frr/ N.~(la4II convenient day or evening, witli a Bailoon Bouquet appointment and aur tech- <Dalvar kv.lle nician w ill inspect. dean and Service* your equipment ______ a~ua!rom top-to-bottôm for an C.6 c_* Tb , ,. ff affardable. ail-inclusive prjce. (10W OPIEN SUNDAY 12 -S pu Our 'Peace-Of-flInd' Sprlng 875jO500 ," 1~4 thn Service Packages include: we coulai use kCrdi $7? , SILMIE Faimae Service kait~ Reglonal Police Force PO&'ofk for thEl m th- of; u neJgWPa ff li39? 1%Off * ~ * above e"zamor S" be=to 1"0%PLUFk"--m $39F5 "We're MQBI thon a (a Às~ -HuMry CaDI your loca Gisà Oas t1c todar Scout Sho" PM- 1-800-226-416> W. wo 60.iMtd iOO ~ w omS gi8000M EneWftrNtm .wSkng wm ft convias*l à1 bIsbierb pac Io hO'Ta. . -va-,