Wife Èays sbe saw'spo use.slip mtentally âfter stroke We KAM MRN A reteod felghsee-eipmid la h as ci over lie welqhrm front jaril dhi ie oula ir a lus imqims 8la dfines alier l. na o"qmm 7 = 1 conlhr' denm 11" Amy Ilmyde@ liai- fiedtefe Ontario Coin <provincial division> in O"Imli Wedhnesdhy. M' Himyden laid court dIe uked ber husbm4d Richard Hayden. *iben he0calied fromt MaplilMa Consticoal Centr *iy b.e s tbe Am&s dbit caimi mor Ibm SI0)00O dorrq.' l'ie fomer City of Yaut freliguei Y"a tuf- ferait brain damag freim a 1994 sus*e. md b.e %vas l iil expen s the pif a m Waa darnt cenemi dim,1 W&. Hff*. "ri Wr. Ilaydcm lowyer Pd hm u iaa dlmonce du la cbu. = "rs4 aca of' kw. of llnire* Sed~ munr, fu't cimi- srmfy 1,pail for lisbc duIrmna AMoogI* M. Ilmyd- las plesded -i VÉhy lW the Ch"= es h mni corma evid.rnoe du Io rorched vacta buiiirrn mch a ba d cWWmucbeaila betweu4Mil7 mu29. *Mlo*cvee. Iuisi;sE Crown attorney Amy Stevenson is asîormpting Io prove Iluet Mr. Hayden ae ba cimes wem*weaq soi éppre ci" dieo miure ad kfiality of bu am.a The ment.i disorder defence under the Cm"É. Code of Cm Min lhés drne suspect musa, ai die dime of the crime. hâve suffed from à dlitti of ie mind duo 'r.rnkMe the paret Iml. of appqwi thi naur Md qulity of lbe act or of knowi ih I l cas wrorn. Comihm ba iad lhe 37-ycar-old Churchuill Aviiue - admiliad in s police hItrview lie saie tanacuris sari wih gcaMe. si le rebond la thi wmme si waac friuloer ble drne flâmes become W. ised ha aid joli. After beung amtsmwd. lie lad polno fie kne be cas in big nit* and miked lo go bomne. Hauew. Ico 9e.i psydluins have lesi- fied dlid Wé. Ilmydeas tuai. bas steadnly dcrne- oralci since lb. rlnlid h bimrliîy to fuIly ozsderntMd lthe ais wfe wn uhaqpeedý Mn. l4ayden miso lai 'lIe coraie gri an md Mrends &Il nornced ",ibaer laiséemnl hmnt been the. same since lthe steake. Sa sid clie rennainng (rmm s trp in lRnde iln Apil. 1995. shrostly before lie sd*e lires lier humW m ked bier to pull aff thei bigbway ivery r ifir '0esoe oud havei meig&resr. ifumr of 23 years also Moiced 4fier the fluak biber lmia1sand isuant! la walk witlb mlfflao-bh bâti ùtgWa long movements. Mr. )tmyden is csmmotly incsireiotd ina& psy- cbualei ims«bonba B=ik vile, nmar 0115cm Mm. laydn*s leiiumoy campie the evi- de=ci n the case. The trmi al i continue at a dise lobe sel Juiy 9 for final arylmeni%. ,Classie car show in Georgetoiv; on Father's Day Car «ab"km ame PURIN fsair -.ocç model. cii f rom usdse Uuf r W! iler wrope lo & theal fuocff qn Poiant, for car shows this The ninth annuel CIla- icm Again.t Cance Car Show wiq b. hold Fal hors Day. June 16. at Cedarvals Pafk in G.eorgjpn. As the #iow foualures one of the biggest knd beat dîsplays of * soUque. classi and.modfied cars and tucks In southeen Ontario, prospective entrants sisoulli book emrty, ince space îa lriitait. Entiy feets ae $25 par car.- They wilj b. aidmng a gond cause, as ail proceeds go le the Câaacan Conçur Society. Anyone reqIttring more informa- bon àrd an ery fo clin irie in Ckaeice Againet Cancer. 10 Oakc Ridge grive, Georgetown Ont. t7G 5GO. or cuit (9W6) 877-2203 or (416) 791k7889. IL ýM@Mu1l itnHdm Éias laocd un ullimniI ts mWý n~enpicyceu. wiII be locked oti as4:30 pin. todmy (Frkdmy) if diciraneon docs pt a managemenit contra propsaiby ibm time . ficlrmin lidl te Freworkers, union ladbu mqion dry woul "cmli a ike o nly *ben it is mosl appropriait: to lb. LXUUISU ai cf tha minibens of tbe bargamInng bi g'h ,g~gg~ Unwilling si bave dic operainn ot lb. C' cal Iuaiîy hangin on a nion decisian. lb. Mihan Hydre, Commfiu a csed. $U i&OhndMW, se the date. HmployeasmwilI eeilul- cm la MiddjilsC uIM effi of tb. lachoui only on Mondmy ho fe ro cet elt about moennt. If lie rnion dais noi sign. nait- ll:lp.a agement wili b. on calIla oandle any A couple Mt -91Î6 chie. probleins vr dime weekend Weibains lýae M s d in 1hey are lrying lo provokc us. Il's ernagqiq& oocaialo de tsiai- intimidalion laùýsca. smd ave Sbier, suiff thmlsi e*r bNwMd acekl sd offrncer euth tbe Power Warers' Union. noi.u Ib fh1. M use boat, lire "Wc'll wait unif? Monday ad sec wbai «Oéàb* au tey do. If ce are lochai out we cull pick- 1»4W 'oaip. pl kq" soÈgnde Ia e. AI Ibai point ce could csll inn s biasa SMi a ,Wj brnp bil W u Minmof Labour mediw r. au cead miihp y ff. Chler, Bmegmmi bU reécbed a mo c>illi Dae Ersait of *ai Mikais.Pigi chai Mrikon Hydro gerberai mmager Don Thaorn ch.ricerzl as severai miuter HreqskdiOaheoNulno me aulssmdàng. He did.smy the hydre cqmso and l>Jc Power Wbrkers' k toei éout 30 mesn fo fnse. Uiona badl major pbîlcsopbical differ- no igtmdlàou ft bWa, ~e. nces. SaIlli conva issues wic reIalied ~ -. le tbomi ifférence. do tm ai ie puabic le lbrnnk badly enployme. I tbink bigbly of Iluai, ~~~~~~~OdS W n0L roe~emniiaiO. *REJ<rIAM IWO WEEKENDS 'A THIRD WEEKEND FREE ueamt yourbhummmsaid sWilm ortkripn~yourfopnt ôr t. et!L So~roivcm uaa"Mu