Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 May 1996, p. 7

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0OuR REA-DERS. WRITE Grid aystem .Immateral now; teacher DFlurg I arn wr[ing in response <o Pal Kelly's colu mn in a recens edilion of The Champion. He wrote [liai <cachers have oeceiv&l a raise due mo ll4 faci [ba many have lices reinstated ta tlie I 2eyear grîd structure of Iheir contract. Tflileacls [bal no lcachcr in Halios Rrgîqn bas bren fCOeord [o jis or lier gnid position. In an agritemcni saili [lic Halton Board of Educaion prioe to tlie stani of ihe 1995- 1996 school ycai, icacliers agreed io iakc a six-day pay cul l'or budgeîary cosolera- <ions and an extra Iwo-day pay cut tsi allow (osr Young [cachers îo gel hack on [leic rid. Tire buoard look or pay cois hui .asked us <o wsait untîl September, 1996 For tlie rein- sjaieniext to kick 'in, liecause [[mne msu ton shari Io implcmeid ib for Sepiember, [995i We accepicd tbis. As il bas turned out. in Fcbniary. 1996, the board dclisercd <rmixation notiîces t, several husdred Young teachers, sirtualis' eliminaiing esrryone who wus inx iqsi- lion &a becefii fron gnid reînstimenm verne O'Npit qMath taocher, 24 yaors UMton District High Schooi We're here too on Main Street Dar F.dio Is tlie May I 'issue of Thec Cunadian Champion, Anihony Allwood. gencral manager of [he Milios Dowsîuwn BIA. expresscd bis dismay ai tlie closing of the downiown branch of [lic Banko Monterai H-e finishcd bis letter by poixting out [liai there arc sîîll four major Inânicial institu- [ions doing business in downiown Milton. Perliaps your readers would lie interestcd in knowing [hl <brr is aiiother alternative Multiple Scierosis usually strikes people aged 20 to 40. on Main Sîret The I-alion Credit Union.- sense of comxîuniiy compelLd [hem o bas been in business sisýe 1957, brlp Halion Rent AIl assisied ilirougli lihot t' The credii union irffers gencrally [lie use of a lsiader ta niose thie wooxl. sanie services as the big baxks. The difler- I wiîuld luike Io ihank afl of tlie people RD M"enmo M ensce is [liii we ire l.ically îîsssed îby our wlia belprd ix ibis cause. Aller doing i55[amers) and wrinsest sirtuali> aIl of someihing like [ber and beLing susra<y PTaAU our memlrs' -noncy in-the locaI Ecîîxo- suppied, 1 leel lucky Io lise in sucli a - em iniii my. We brîmeve tliai bîggeî is noi neciŽssar- îng ciimmuniiy.*n ily beier and %e invite locai residexis and - Grog Hil 4SMtU 4AQ J LW4YN Ilusinesses alikc i chieck as oir. We [maI- Mapief#il Traie Services, Homrby. (bey wîîald he pleaâantly sarprised. Peter uweida Je - ~.EC W~ Firewood fundraîser warmed donor's heart Dear dAilar: TIhe I-ires4oa [andraiscr Inîr John Popp subtb was held on May ! 1 was a grei suucess.p Despite the rain Maple Htill emplnryces dunaied ilicîr uie and efforts Truckns sucre lîned on for maxi oi thec d4y and everyonc sueni away served and feeling bLiter aoui helping the cause. Most people did no[ krips ,John Popp, buti had licard bis sîory. ead their strong 14ulltie XSd-erosas 1 -800-268-7582 Springers Gr GY M N A STIC"CL UB FUNI. FITNESSI FRIENDSI, GYMN4%STICS CAMP Relutratlon: Milton Mai Saturdav MuN 25 - 11 &a.M. ta 2 mn w GYMNIASTICS a CRAFTS , limes* SPECIAL THEMES Tura Tiyoub ?lkwa*yJa@ 15 - 7.8préL ff. lua$iup' lms.. Ilomwq empan" saueo dmI ans For mom kbmm#mon cal f7*ftmnfi Gay, angry and proud Deur Editr: i This is mn.response to the ediiorial printed mn tlie May 15 edition of The Champion entitled "Flawed political judgmciwa showi" flic publication of ibis editinal is pinofth[at the paaang of <thc gay righis leguia-. lion is [thc one lime [hlieu federal politician'sjudgmen is not flawed. To say Canadians do nul go out pf [licir way to aiiack lionoscnuàllty. or would feel ashamed [o pick on anryone for [licir sexual orientaion, is an ou[righî lic.'T'he proof isRob Kclly'sovin ediiorial anacking lhc gay rigbts legislation. Homoèsexuals aic ot aslung for special nighis. They are asking for equal nighis. and 1 arn proud [bl asi federal govemnient bas secs liltu oring us ode s[ep closer to our goal. If hoioosexuaýunion auid same-sex beneflis offend your "grass moils" sensibilities. and inhose of otiers, [lien so lic it. Speaking foi mys.lf.and [lie-oOef*homosexuals in ibis riding. aiid Mr. Kelly Ihere aim more <han you <bihvously realize. we will tntl apologie for Iiaving offexd cd you âni continue on wîîh our light [o achieve cqual ighis. % Lulgi Desentie Mifton K >IA L L]UI %jftIv"JI BJ1 L- iL . ic ThAFAL(AIt ROAD (REGIOtïIAL ROAD #3) IIIGHWAY 403. TO 400 M NORTH 0F BR1TANNL4 ROM) (RGIONAL ROM) #6) TOWNOFMILTON "P-U27B) The Regiona MunicipaJity of Halton ix planning to recoastrjci Trafalgar Road (Reginal Road #3) fruitSi Hîghway 403 to, 400 m North of Biannia Rond! (Regpontai Rixid 06> as well as ta, improve [the interswdions ai Lowcr Baselne and Britannia Roid.This4woJc <s part of tbu aliinuiag programr of upgrading Trafalgar Ruad. In compliance witb ibeeqwiremeacts of [die CLss Enviroirmenal A&sscssmeat [tir Municipal Road Prujecis (Clams EAî. an Fnvironuientaj Sîady Report (ESR> was pi&pared and filed for public review in Jlie 1995. The improvemnexi option recommended in tle ESR ichudes widcning Trafalgar Road front tico ta four [axtes wiib*X)t flash me-dian. aligomrrea adjusimexix ai thse intcrsecting ronds. profile and drainage fwprcrffh. Tihe Region in procceding with thec preliminaiy and detail dsign qi the poe ti; review and dcvelop furtbcr lbg iecolxinendcd improvemrent ptbons anxj mitigation ileasures tu mtnimuze impacts to dlie ciciri5n)n t and dmi public. The preI)osed intersecion improvemieilis at Bitannia Ra aebe xcparated and will bic WCilt wsdcr a separate conimet. Rodhelis A Public lIormnai% Centre wilI bu beld: DATý: Thuandy, May 30,1996 .TfME: 4:0 pimn. M .~P.nî PLACE: fý ..49l cuG . R C umtry$CIub Ibis Pubb.olc d ni1almhCe ha bee uilWd for th public Io revicw an connitent ou the pr -mau mi d etasi design ofibcecoaiinjcaon pricr[o prooeedisg to [de nexi phasc. All residenia with an intcniat in Ibis proicct will bu avaWlhl to respond Io your queisocerris and reccive yolE cotNtst. If you am rnub4 [o Wlmnd <ie Public Isfqmaaoo Centre anl eqdn Mirciag iniflesnatia, or wss [o provide ydeS wrulttn cominsenlar plasse cSpact: ME 1. OhÎ P Eng, Mampu. DCRPg Servic Rqo"n Munic*ly oflaHdbu .1151 Bicomn eDM O"Wlk oetio .6M1 31.1 Tbekpboe: (905) 87-8I125d liai: (905 847-2192 JOArîIA. EAGLfl11AM REWOtALamnt -. , - . - lumulaquap- 'a

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