Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 1996, p. 6

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-CÛMMENT Lokg Back Box ?,48, 191 Main si E T" Coulie. lAapd" *nunOid -yn WWunUin .4 iMn Oni LYT 4N9 <~i Il. I 2.1. M.. 051 LOTU1iU)nnr (-905)87f8-2341 =411n OIlIiwCi~A. P-1iii Fax: 878-494.1 fci PuAlf com'ng«ood 1wonnî ConhnilA test 'onl M ( B I ObLt. nêAufi Lhh1i$O* th . AVAl, M M 11tè ihh &s Inn Oliver Publisher mm~.w Nm. I Mii Oliver, A -« las P.0,4" * M S.i 01d~Ona an iai, .o 011bl Kelly t,,,e hir 51. CîOîoh1OanAi onA ld f"m0i Kaufn Hauan hu nM C". t mn 4.i ScIOlo Ol . ft. 0,,i eV~. T ri CaNa 0111ý , Muait r nilo m m ,, OIC n- 8w».1 *toma T:n <nu ,d. îm ', >~' MAc . -onn dmi Olol t . l.0 aSin boai- m o i i n etor W .4 ,p W Wi. m1 n W, h 5ohaun s". 1 - s",, M' ,- f l .~ ~: . = 1M .l Ofin d lA O WM'SIAr 1 in Tb Ted i indhay Ro 5. f nepannmoslnjtoUqrnhCInniso m Backitig tax hike is. a foolhardy gamble Halion residents werewgven a stark illusrfitiori late-ILasi week that the organuliion il> whîch pubIc sehool board employev owve fcaltY is theit union, flo(t he laxpayers who emp!oy ihem. T'Mis i% n(ot îî lx naise - of course. teachrs and oliters wilI band îîigtther when threatened hihnd te union bulwark, but Il is a que%- lion of degreec. s4hooî employecs verge on îeerîlriy in their dis- dainfor the Inicueni puýlic moud. .amo week fhese enipIol*.% annotned --unilaterally of course that te way bo solve lte Halion Board of fiducation's firiancial dîlemma anas lu raise propefly taxes, Titisleffrontàry i.% close Io aïlonishing and serves ltile 'purpose Nil 10 stei t he publiioý resolve tegarding cost culling. To date cul- backs have been seen as an urifori'unate nccesslty, Nit giveri the aMi- tude the board employees aie displayirig, sympathý for llnem is prob- ably mielting like spning snow, %. Financially speakig, lte status quo-berits these employees anid no one eIse. Ileir position is isolationist. seîf-ceritred and out of toucit wîlh bolfi the prcs'ailing sentiment and political tonte. In an article on ihe frorit page of last Fniday's papier, a coalition of unîonied educalional cmployces baldly stated lthat lte public tchadl board's edtication budget is almadyl'iean"%vithout lte proposed $16 million in culs. In advancing titeir mâtionale for instead iriflictirig a 7.64 per cent taxhike on -hardlnrsçed ratepayers. the grop fell back odla hoaiy old lImelenderçd by second-echelon sales people everywheoe; il inili only cost you so mach per day, a Irifling sum. in Ibis case 29 cents. Just le bc clear. 29 cents a day adds up.t0 roughly $105 a year in new taxes, per household, for publie tchuol education alone. Onie teacher spokespe rsn cal"e nueit an iricitase "modest.' If ibis is mecly a face-saving batpinirigploy on lte plI ot die Seducation unions il certainly risks blowîng Up iri their fices due Io a visceral publif backlash. But perhaps a gamrile of suçit însulting audacity could only bi mounted by a group resting necure in the knowledge they operale a de tact ioopoIy. Teacheri. and othés consisenl> warr tit, te quality of educa- lion anill kc comnpronuised by culbacks. Pertnaps. Or peritaps judi- clous cutbackt wilI only marginally aller it.lif ai altihe union logic seems rocited in iumker - the quality of educalion is direty "pro- portionale Io the number of people employcd by the systent . But is ltaI the case? ls litere no room for new efficiencies? Mariy would argue filert is. Hopefully tkey will introduce effective innovations, for te unions are sitouting madly inb the wind here, and iil not * carry the day. as îhey knoan fo11 ielI. . 1 - Rob KellY .Lo manyhelped- So mucit h4~sbeen said and donc by lthe community 10 help Deidre Sthitz baiule ber Iife-titreatening disease lthat blle can ke added now. lits important 10 note. howeve, rtai ithé family's ongo- ing ordsal would ke worscncd tragically b.d no(thIis genterous corn- nnounity conte t0 teir aid. A month ago, lkey werc facipg a polenlial bill for $100.000 to undervvrnte tests itimed ai klpng Ikîir five.year- old daugitter. Today taI bill has heen paid. By so many of you. Th -RK Them ftur lovely yaung Isisew-me unnoo dhme vffing folr Out Mi"a "mlto Fugn Sohool Cown te Soung Formai n io6n. Sitwlng off titair beait molle In un ~ffo Tri wn over th it les we ee@Wed megw Htumiliai Doreen Camey stndng Geem merlnow MWd M"r Laweo. Pages of the Past Bullein wn answa forte second yodf. One Ycar Ago Prvnillwstatcd to require medical amestul From lie Ard hmm"x epileptic paiients wlio b.d imo or.. e izuresan FIonu linApril 19,195 essed <river's licences te ie Mini stry c raoi *Generous Miltonians donatedm lIo ntopini cuis fll ai"o asti Communicaions. ut nonaperishabte goodi Io the local Salvation Aminy Ilhod - The RcgiopaLM Munici pal ity of fftalion recei ved Bank ovcr Easter weekend Tht food drive wan conmnued $255.000 toward1ie cons of inlprovementn ai Halion in hopes of colleclîng liote. Centennial Maior in Milton. - Two Milton nchools vière amoug those recoltnzed as 700 H-allon students travelled te the Onlario Place$ 5 Cinesphere for Blue Planet '95. Deputy Primne Minister 5 V ea rs Ago aud Minisèr of lte Environumeni Sheila Copps anas tlie Fr b Aprl 111, 19M6 heu gueni speaker. handîug out 12 environmentsl actievenm awards le Halton schools. - Thec annual nmeng of the S&oth Block W. 1. mus Ield - Bishop Redîng Secondaay SchoSI'n rccdîug club bien- i hejone of S. Me"r aitit a good attenidanc. The varin- efired front a generiu offer made ny dmt SoapBeMr Shop ous corivenors ail lepooli a boay, but succeald year. ini conjwetion wnit Eaiit Day. W/leu boules aneit reiumed - fIle Apr11 nreng of Uic Hibou brancit of lIe Garag tu lte Milton Mail store, a donation anas made te the non- Operators AssociItion anas held la the fori of a ladies profil situdent cluvironnmentat group. night ai te Palerino Hall. Nearly 30 menriber ard their anives attendedwâ r lie ,lie 20o Innr Ago Buringons Beeen-60 and 700 people Fro th Apil 1,176 anu wee in aiîendance. Among t Vus wemi Junior Furmer 11.0. thtApri 21,1976hautleaders frein the couinlies of Branit, Haldiiun. Ulicoin, *The Milton Kinettes took part in lte skil 'Wamen of Wenlanorth. Waterloo, Wellinhton. Oxford. Peel and te Future' as pant of their ronte conferçnce. Thec Kinetie Yock.

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