Stqdent athieti'te*ers poHtial ing, scor-s some points,« 'mud,~s o dwuh w qma I96 budge (mm a miIrt ifcoe of ainm 8 per conirMb,U Io tha icloolsý fmdlish effasi by sAý mtD@id p bs vitor. cnt.volusarici mgdaWmW ait aIvid. Tnisaa dcidd o < aimnasa ipa boazd's Tia ichool bau nlyonruaCn- He aise tbld trustees tlai spGris increasa Ovai tha last few wcaks, HaMIon high scliool, support of 35gh schopi aihipi progrs.s ,ldo h o fimn ~licporm frsio pn.poieldvsilmuvto a udtaf Damid Rynax bas baan doing mach 0f *i ea.1- « <lie amouâ of suaiT ofe thaea iig cou« rumengs iakk i ant o co iit.-aagmn prlv d xbis oivtonse f iàkaammng in die silmool board head office. from sptorts i amazihr,' nail David âppil, icrsunIgfdsaarsdorceibad A tiiahaOCtditild<esa An ihitaandssu~i inlii fnalyer a studenta adth inivWihibchois. volad to mainain tha sibris budget, ha says be' I rlngion's M.M. Robiiison Hig11 Schoul, At siaka wu the board's $20.000 as,1 con- For David. who i. os bil; schôcis - f bIl. been fucinatadby dia worid of poitifics be's s- David mada a prasantuo lat waaic go ychoulbtoI hig sd §" pq wmint. by ad tr"c ans f1 aie ski covarad thromg dus précési, board trusteei protastino possible cuâs o thae Tiwic.s anas aomideinLdécul as VA cf resancial contribais is akendy liges *afooe <ii yaha. )l didn't bava sny idea dhs bud's atbla >btudgt. Sinccîthen4a's b6en si- theatmransnfcut $16 ZEI& ftom dls yems FoolbalplayanpaycioeaboSi00awaaafor aiLbis happanad,- ha suid. vlva bis band ýtiq -Uy cveýhu ft<ha board's marathoh $286 million budget. Without th cus; laxpayans aqdulmanud unifoana. sd ama oblagated 9-towrdbthaboard table - % *AUTO Umehvei. #Pur& aMTUhC RiSElu ILTOINCOMPLETE' AUTOMOTIVE éH W LLWEVML7D. ee 198 ILTCHE 6 [11 NSALTIN* Fraie Estimaté, 878-8156 RIE - - - - - - - -Truck nspeCtio ni ~~" < cFully Equipped Stiop - r :U tB frwy. 25 at Dyry Rd., Milton