t - I.. Eighth-place Uùrricanes- stun everybody, winning mino1 novice league t1tlW S.a/to The Cha hpien Il was i clas'ic 'David andi Goliath' Cori- frimntimur ai Menlunrial Arenai Sunclay cvcning, andi il was lthe homelown favorite Halmîn Huroicans whlooiuk Mn tlie mile ut guani kmllern. . d'rThe local mnor notice contingent mapped hm Cîmderella playoli mun wimli a 2-1 triumph river the lîrN[-platc 19alville Rangers. mu capture the Soîuth Central Triple A leaguc- championnhip 1 The wuîî lullowed a 24 dra in (l ie upener oft he iwu-game. lumal-goals %crics. Haliun's gamne-tw iem~ry Icalurei a pair nt guals hy oflfensive star Tyler Huolmes, icludiig the una.m-.mtcd gamc-winner mid- way hIýmmgh lAc mnidmile Imare Teamînale Markt Humtersione sei-up bis initial fait)% in the tillit white Madison Schoîî hack- souppr i lic 'Cane,% lu the iite. "OakvilIe %cureti Carly in th thirmtIm draw iu wimhin mone, and lhen puliet iL ie laie in the game md had scvtril key & mlniles Io eveii thingi up We lljm.lly .gol ihe puck (oi mi ýmr end msiih about J2 second' Io goh Il a1 bumhumer,'* said heaml coach (ramg Wè1k. Th, sumn cme as a huge shmmd tu nmosi tansý andi parents, as the 'Cie% titi won unly une gan*b ait seasun and finishe cmghih in lthe flPearn 1uop 'WC wnin mre gantes mn the playofli tis ycar filant in diii during thie enlire regular seasu)n, Wells expmineti, - «He said a cliampinship mun ai aWiurma- ment mil Windsor jusm aller Ill regulur sea- çon entict prmided a huile boosi lu the playerns conlidence Irvel, Front lerc, ikey 'look down Guelph, .êley Creet and Si Caitharines hefoe squeczing ity Oakville. -Wc wnr he undermiogs in evcry scenon sue playeti. Nul foc, many earos flai finish cighll imn a lO-icain division end up suin- ning il aIl. This is iruly unievable." addcd Wells. White Holines provideth le bulk ofthek oflcns me during ihe playoffs -mncluding 1l points mn ihe semîifinai senies w14il St. Cahanes - Halion go( key prducion, lm'Scboti, Humbcrsione, capiain- Cremghion Reid, Anipony Murphy and Blake ilamillon. Making up the testo ut he lilili were Kelly Quinn. Juuin Noble, Ryan Wil "ams. Paul Sharpies, Jonathian Schtultz, tileo -Couséenu. JonaUan Turner. Cli Leuili aAml Tyl« G(li. assisiahit conli Ron Quinn. manager Ganry Schultz and Irainer T"rr fkîlmes. a Drury contenders tbek Sharp heading' to %wekend nationals f Wih mlite National Cadl-Junior WrhI. ting Citampmonshipsjeu hian tino wecks away, E.C. Drury Iligli floi our Rcgina-tmuund cumpetmors enjtiyed heucr - . m ftiNAmPèAM final tunoup titis lait ieekend. AIl tour éapiurcd gold mçdials ai ihçfl 2 aiu V t 0 r West Nipissmng Invilaiionai in Siargeun S e .n « » f L ls. helping the #Chuftu a remomd-hreak- ~ l, lug »Wong gllsu* MMn *W ~in ~ ue ~ pe, ing sevenilni f ille thiisscîmnn to lb & m~ Mm *MWo IGn la adt "o wiwi U*aullo4ses.m Kevin Heffron hééd lisi ammnngest pcrimir- 7-1, bt oeM ~litho ni,. ahai u .ms ow Iwo f U mt f s malice iiie te proviiicudls, gomng 3-04 ai rnrsd 41 fîm.as êab m l03 li, mm win his cighihld ti mihle vet-. ai 119 lhs, lfor his sixtlt guldihi year, son. lireauinsu aî 3- litegopo rr P e w s push sertes totIe imiit wetmlie surpassed 40 eim tima.~P e w e son. They pushed il Id' he vry limil. bt the 9>mrum inilli jui five inute% remainring. Hshâw*àtiam leati of 41 wins wîith Airwaya major peesuce Winterliawkh camne up one Cuiing guoals mn game lAnce sucre Deruk Me- Chris Denicli. sho itreoed to his'It.ih goal shty ofl aking thie Tri-Cuny leatile chammpi- whérnmc6 an Sceve Cliaclimâctiwhite 4~vc Ktmnuk. medlof uthe cason @# le smireti iree-pmn onimp luit week againsi St. Caliariqu.m Maui Crag andi Matil teRre pmcked Up;Lasiims. victorics, witle Býrad'*Madden scoreti a Having lonhli itack frmim a onc-gamï dejmmmî mu Fellms goalie Jîmit Arnoîld l'enKdh mileme in guome golti. lisi cighili memla of thie ycu. force a ihird and final g-azound imn lieir l-of-liuc. twmi 2-I vmcimiry, sumîillmaa lii deRee and Kîsniack - John MeCani, wlio mn training fur tlie âchlo, Miltuis Sliawn MeCornnell llastei maie puai Sm. Whit ,sc(re the £mn elcl io the ihmrd. (lame mine Ontario and Eastern-Canadion Baniain Cat"rne'n goislic - subicli Coutil have mnctint a tlimni %yent Ill favSofu St. Catarines, by anmiller 2-I couig Championuhlps laier tNii nionui, won iwo gnal for tIte 'Has andx 3-2 eliamplunahump viclomy..- Whll luii~~ lrugiml tlt on-lt mçdls Mcar eail wo gld mie Unfoltunalely, the goal cmne a me aeconid aller pa"onuiteT>uni lyfýmiiuitie ie 185 lMs. baniamndivision(13anid 14-yeae- the Juai tird pt-qd uzzer Iabloun andls dmisl Berubci. Cis ines and lef" Ma c cn nlids) «Wd hent to0k silver un cadet (15 and losurd. Milion almost put one in during thie sudiien- 'boardi to aithr Millont t0 th.e sti win n1 16.yean.old>. ljming only mui te provincial de-alli rame tl suc insicad bea4en minuten laier linaklm U&weaia lu idv«nce 1o 1ia round ehâulplon. sulen a.Si. Caf~jnet' playen appei one panei net- trxaMg the rea 0<18e m coals Drrný Rouadigg oui lie iop fiitera were ininder Chris Kovaclik. Reuusl wad Grat Tnnun. re lan Therriaui Adlam Scott wllli a bronze l i s e ghitluis Milion had iek a 2-0 leidî,ic'aie thad iranrSa ne m p l ui M at V flua, 1i year, and Tom Gali iser Wlio pla ced int io ihtlrinal ftre. Si. Cailuunneg miresu lu suitin Melitu. "re Suill Aiùrew kM i Mike Therrie . fourili nyceall. one ety n mile ltird mihlen noil lte equalmer KmSuTyl crý aen d Sean Y. t « * %esRM -w MWIIsh hinvm Tmtanlwn D,1v(im eHogn 'alrad- SOCCU, ' R B \.SI: B \1.1, 1 10CI-l', L)l ROI 11 RI,,! \P1 f .1