Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 1996, p. 17

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Tough and tight garnes as seasQn draws4io a close f BSTEVE L.BLANC tSpcuI foi The Champion ' lte son was oui in fuil lu Saturday. Thte ast bits of snuw .nd icie meltcd, ê:hildren look te, the packs aod playgrstnds tor ,arme %pnng limce njoymenlansi parenits siatlcd looking for place% Io %tore parkas'afd milens for afothcr year. Yet the warm temperaitrs thai gtaced town t(tis pasi weekend pale i n companison lu the sizilng action lthat hvcwedpnstde Mernrial Arena. whcec th, Milton Minor Hockey Associaioit kWl ils aInnual Housc League D.îy ofChamtaots Frxein dtwn tli dusk. [op teains haledilt ouln cvcty division -for their famiiy. frtends. fans. coaches. ieamnaics andi espe- ciaiiy for themselvts% Thte iowng is a non down ufthek day'b championship gaines, as wIil as award winners frnm the entire srasait andi las;i wcck's skilis compeiion. ResuWar in drr cil gaines playesi No scores or inàividi tais were kepi kere, buit his intiai hockey prograin provideci sonne orthe most; enicrtatning moifienis of the day. as four teams _'ail sponsonedby Tjnt Hoionts (affre- tionaîely caiied Tîiti.>) competes iîn Iwu bit tece gantes. Playîng.îttdctre antînQtus&t rallier titan skill or stategy, titese nink rata gui tikîr ltrsi tasie ut whi Will lik.ciy lie yeamsut enjoyabie ntinoM4ockey for mosi t khm. Utile thîngs lîke mndi_ vîîktal stars. awards andi even wbo was winning dîini set Icu intrest,tkvçe youttgsiers - wbu playesismply for thte love ufthe1 gante Fbven takipg îitrauscassional tumisie didn*i sento lu hler tken- aller ail. ikey dîini realiy bave 100 tair lo tai. Sbopsn 2. D"r & DeupuiI Msarkî Medtrus ntay have bren une ot die mntllets players uot dm ice when the garne brgan, but li wus standing 10 fret tlu alitr liftingun ihe gante winning goal thtaï gve bis Sitopsy's crew a contetrunt kitinsi uvetîne ttumpli oser Duos & Dents. l'tndîng itseif ail alune in froni t lte opoing net five mni- sues into tke susden-d ratrme, Medriros was biocked by goalie Chuis Wosilkqwsky onitis ipiai shito but then wenl upstairs wîlth his iec&td chance.Liy He also drew an aasist on J1shn Maeshall'i second periad Ly wltîcf erased an eaely Ducs & Dents' advantage establistes ity lunte scorer Malt Maris, Backstupping Shopsy's lri vtctory was Kevîn Jones wbtle Jeft Anthony assîstesi un the gante winner. Il was à 100 per cent tatal tram effort' said Shupsy's head coach Paul Aines. whute teant haçi unly brai Docs & Dent un une olfiter occasion titis scasoiq WM4 pulird il togqr lItr lt playoffi.' PeewerAward Wlnners HOM. League M.L.P. M.S.P. Tes.M tiait hmpranud) (luM usmt5m.î McCuatglnygrance Gien Pucock L=r Furne4 , Kwik Kupy ~ Aiden Glyni P"uo Dal Ielo Mîchaelis Optical Jordan Ptvt Dakearm er Sitopsy's Mai O'Meara Clin) Casteiler Milton Dosige 'Rîcky Bannemmnan Da4el Ripper Doca & Dents Brandon Haneuli Kedin Spaiticit Itep Major Finia Entry Matbrw Cnaig Kis Brai M er Second Enlry Rerse Davies Grahain Carrol Minor Peewee Minse Floui Eî)try -Andrrw Kirkland Quinn Young Minor Second Entny Mike Vulpe , olin Reidi mi - Top isntir: David Waikrr (Milioe Dodge); Top Combe: Kevin Junes (Shopsyns). Top Raby icau Kwîk Kopy. Coaaoatloe rd"u Key Centre 2, Little Plrensesa 1 Afier guing dhend in theru fin io nératea ut play, lthe itile Fretnen flarne extinutalid by a drlemmined Uey Centre iquad. who found lte equalîzerjusi Ico intles late and tien scorrd ie gant cimier cit a nm irenute, 39 meçonda wt lmte Bruia l*iod Trayo gooli Devai Medmili elsd - 111 chsomplonstlp ei Memaoisil Anus. Above, Deitn cl larsi cool and colleti to. Noits ourely Points oWUNwi cornes up, ns plisy moee soi lte ppoito s&d of ltse ni. dlock. Mat Malonte proved io k e rs uc f tke gaine cit the gu-aiteas goal. Asstslang on bot MaloSten vinnee and imma.r JIpn Brooks' equaliere cas setup man Patyli Biinke. 'lmgortLitte Finenten waa, Lindsay MleFanla wile ntenfoacit Mark LAnglion nid ke cas lýnprcsard byî i ur' h his IeanrAad devrioçtrd titrugituuîthe seasun, slating by lite ènd ut lte leàr itey w.ere ie mosi imprcrves trai in lie league. cb.mposhlp AsW rw3 Ho rv Mant Bînningion wasnni about la, laite any chances &fter scun ng bis tram*s go-nltead goal, nu hMdecidrd lu add some insu-nc wits an entply nelier in thdying inte utd Iock up the cm for lus crec. 10 His gaine winning tarker ntîdwuy theougit tke coniesi canme on an upsiars wna&sW.o Grahat Shansi oegiitrred As Wr Grow's firs goal chule Grahiant Sharp countrd Bruce Moud Travri's only nazkr David Denîsson and Jeif Hill racit poaied an a"asi for ikîir resptivîte trams whîle Jesse McConIteli woed lte net for the vicion. "Il was a itanl-toug ittle atrigie doues lu lit cire. i cas reaily pieaird wIth hw inuci the kîds develuped anmd how il ail culininaird ini a greai icant effort "dy," saîd As Wr Gruw sktipper Wayne Fiatigan.. MSmbe by GAM A Ibody rngUN 1 dutino te uun houselags liocily us g". Buti titi pI4UYIO noinder il0om hou Io sOy. ansd li tsiélIly Io sla li (boioma wtisoits poltl Hockey Moe 5, Knlgh<a of ColimbmuT Aher a solili o1îçning fiaune.the Kigits of ColuntlusAidn'i sertin uhIe mucli left tu figIt off adetenninei Hocey Muns conbîig*9"fle Kn.ts haiad dontinatrd rvery event ai lit silis coniproitin earter un gh1wcerk. but lit HocVy Monts proveli tatcoIlectiveIy»Lty were the more wrl-routded tram. *Misu cas lthe second year inaà c lthe Hockey Moins brai flice Knîgles utColunibus in lthe finals. 4at year. a muet cksser con- irtcacwiit Monts squeeze qui a 4-3 ii. Jack Turner provilird a neair f1aw1îesý performance brtceen the pipea for ie Moins chile Justin Edcvaids anid Drent S plt fred lit Iwo goals racli lu leai the ailak. Alsq scoring was Zike *allènte whule Ryan Muitn counusd ico assunts. Sconng thlotine nigter for lie Kntghis cas Dagien Wenil, asaases by Tr'vor Buits.t Acai Winnurs Hotu. League M.LP. M.S. Teles (m axa vd WA" (Mo m iku) Ltblaws Doug Lanocieile Richtard Robiertson Hockey Murns A"lt Ripptr Mictael Mallele Future Stars Grahtam Grets Josit Murray KnigNts/olenitu Trev7xAyling Citris Tscthirt Rop Minor Finit Enuy Bryan Gent Dan Bonitaîn Majr Fira Entry - Paul Boatien Buitty Hicks -Secontd Eniny John Rî4adao Paul Mansefekk 111118-Top S t. Pl Drew (Knithis o tCujm"); Top Goals: lutn MeGonigle (Kcidgita ut Cumbus); Top oby last Ktgu ut Cuînbis Babsy's 3, Rlaira L.odg 1 Guru ftitio povoltc le lte kiy inereei In llay'n Remwuaul vkwioy. Lurky sumiies sirt poiled a goal] ils dàch uf die fii t fim f ang u Joad i cli u lte championllp sis. Tmné e caedin ii sr pponem* fae dti an

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