THE MILTONSHOPPING DETECTIVE AND, WN! ÂND Here's how.. While shopping at any of the participating stores iii the 4 page shop -Iocally sectipn look for, the Milton Shoppidg Detective. In the spacebelow indicate the name of the store where you saw the *Shopping Detecti ve. SIOP. POE H LOCALLIy MIL TON SHOPPING DETfCTIVE' i Pleaseattach areceiltora copy ofepqI~rom an>pycipating stre i and send or drap it off 1 Milton mpn-91ant.9TN9 i NAME: iADDRESS:_______________ PH#______ -Contest is open ta redcrs of' ait ages, Erdry deadline is luesday AM~I.9, 1996 Metrolad emfployees and their familie\oe noi eligible. WIPtE-LES CONNECTIONS Q4C., -377 main St. East Milton, Ontaia L9T 1 P7 Bell Mobility '<>ntr aibli.' (M0)8583 Tel <9W5) 878-11.13p4 -Fax: <905) 878-555i SEARS atalogue NO INTEREST TIL-1998 on Au MAJO APPflSACE * À4~ VACUUI * AU FU RR 0 AU ELECMIONCS $Y; De"ra Foe Applin. COl for dotais 100 Nipmsalng Rd. Miton - -878-4103 1,7VISt_\ m> MiltWn AERHEWLÉTI' PACKARD mputer 111M, RESELLER rvices & OTHER PRODUC11S Law Soflwme swb Netwk kpbfiowe. bAcmmoe1 and &çopm - 0U*tw Dicoimia Avdle Educatlod Oleot@t Avlabl Se,*e Mid Tmknin D.aIgé nfd Coate Your Taes your aid, broken JW"Wley bId tum ft kito sornwdhln new and beuttti. 7-M7 a~ MILTON ML e 78 Milton Photo 5x7$2.99 35mmonIy Colour OnIy mm -~k mm a"a .- PLUBIN -ART For Bathroom, Rencivations 1 A I - ~ 1 Mnc. ) >oefng Wd Madbb