TWo decade s of preserving the centuries, SPecf go flI Ch&7pim For almosi 20 years. they*fo 4IIIIIly gene about tlie t"s of pranouing ilUoBest in local bustas> Now. howcver, the Milton Histoit Society tias taken centrealage as orne of thrc nominee for 1995 Civic Orgzalin of dia Year. Wilh ifiore than 1 00 members, tbe Milton Hissorical Society bas buili up quiIC a reputation among local hissa bufis -ý- or thoe who aamply love tbeir communily. And no one knows of dbe groupa tie- cass efforts more thbm prealdçnt Helen "Tis is à grei guvp of peuple Woaqn for tlie hualoricai socicty. heme. They gel belwid anytbing Ibi bas tu o witb sav* Miltan's bIllory and heritage." said Ms Comnler. who lu bSi pari of Bbc group for eight years. 1 was tbrllled wbcn4l heard about Bbc nonbunagioh li's quite a prestigiou awmrd anid its ruin obe noms- na"".' The Milion Historical Society bas hocome 'Well known for ils publications wilb recent booki such as Milton Rentmer Wodid Vo, Il by Ken Lamb, M8dron Accu aogro$us b> Aies tooke, and] a rt-issue] and] updated Hurtory WaLk in Hcrtonic Mîlion by Jini Dilîs - ,ln addéltl, ther sotmty a le"cd num- crues walking tours îbrougb town. bolds regua mctuags with colorful guesi apedersrans] is a léading contnibutor 10 Fcbruary's Bleritage Weck, duning which members lake Blicir expertise int local clas.som. rbs.&organization*s nomnntor sais], "White the lisionical socy mos-es qWoçS ly Io mc Wfs ohjé! ives, il*. an effective orgamzaîlon. contnibuling 10 an enisuice] understanding ans] appreciation of Bbc conanhmîlY." ,4The Link Foundation as wcl as tbc entire business -population 4nM citieaof dbc lowa o! Millon have alto been nisi- auod for Civrc Organian of dhe Yer. flic recipicia of dbc Milicîn Guinhor o( Commerce awus il ll lie mnnoed dur- ing a gala dinner-dance ai Halton Hills Plc Apr* 13. Secretaries upset with majr layoffs fr SImASTAMU on oage 3. sais] the achool bout!s bas o choce 6lauB agoesively trlm otducmion sysen staff. « Secrclaries. leacbers and evMerbdyin céication bave flot canried Ibeir weiglit in dec cuibiks," he.aid. Evesbody hms g 1o sec dbe sysien la a Cadillec sysacan ams we have Bn change il into a Chevmolel." Ms Elslub sais] secretaries perforra ant iMasoînm fnb eitiuaa sdinols. aad studmuts ull suffer widi thie cula. "Mottert &Ms paents rely oni secieame t0 >a a second mother. the l"d rn la us wben diey trvc a problcme* site tais]. 'Icy'r cuîîmag social workcr. inalaucasonal assstants ild accretaries. ans] Ibats thc hein ?f the Ms stu aid 39 of di e OeA ment- bers Siven pink slips weae eaIsployd by Bbe board in lune 1992. wlien ths> uureadd taises ia cachange for job seunicy. As pf fhiday. tbat oeîu aiD tla effara amployecs =oqfr ssi AS topaB-t -lys 1994,. beur32OPAmeIk wo ffiug for deo p lic ich l dl. DIUW book Uamota in HmOVy le cAS 01 munfy ueblve.U b0< lu mN iliod.1 Sodea', uionid Oe -m ulme gaph..banm.ê forlUI I Orgnibalan go the Yuoe. 1 Nolciof EP Uquoe UceeEmu Applcation Tii Nalwîq Ulél" ÏM çpliu ff Usa imf Lia.. Bond g(iOmmf b lii o M& lie. aots Upas, issâtes Ast Aplum lar Aiilée Fachi Tra(aig Golf Ausi Coers Club 6728 Sixdh Lime% h0fi. (oukiae a) Appulef lie a Sal leses Ouboio ui Fumfial 6232 11bâLmI Rp& bUssa (bâtilotraac«Il) A"> rem"u of lb c ipality uy .rke usifla uganiai -a uuo rof du. lm cd bc&=. li s in the public owU bavin g ais te, du me&h ms ejibao(*AridUL Sdbimmbadb. recaes no es *i-aNq 3.1l9N. Ples imacla' uo. addat *b -e immabs. Thec LLBO Ipie a ic Mut dimbl o(msy ojeim Sulmim (D be au Imas ;w Piu assâm si lab affl Eui.,& TuM"R ON unE lm at the OMTMIST-CLB Thunday, Apwi 4 Noon - 4 amn ga"udy. April 6 Noon 4a AU I O TLM FOEWOMM BUTIY1,UT 1 Fubrk, Mea . »a kdu I~@m &4U Il W ull i " or urn 09 mudy plaid Qoepu. m@»a orig (of uqiM sUi or bu) lac iaFal# sRalePf bi f u,*m. alate MAU P-1týsZ ArffiENTION, VOLVO p O0E)S MRE VOLVO SERC CLIO hWppbu dmmdd euaumdi Tapée il ailé &6em -eu Cd.V CAAD aul I.Y ba.>ffl.adwwa -in.. t<a ~unyt