MPP yowgkw f or over-ireac*Int mys lWaocustlSTere #1 1Er. Yoemisdl cMiatn 11sd ua 1110 Onta Edimetion MInister Jojo Siacius *a10<* -The oard t"mm dbaud JUVWd 1,, igI.t (oeu) This iedom thomld bc in Ia of(rec1w) reviuawd in lIt Of amuucemntsand(Menait) isnuoemcsst in the intertests of <he Udw -A hi of& affectai staff ad thea <0USd Ulif md die gi- situdasus. " ti Osito TEIENCE'i mw TO.N mallil leve dlie aflcWm staff. the gaaisud uamdparug d .4 YamaW l0a mmoaidon h lycti's bomd C* Lib <obver md 60h Wisew wne"pa0kad mits 1996 batigs. mSdi Mr Yer **a»Mpd md m weu dlq Io mML med 3 huma. lied minIm 1 of Wdeie gagniu uld as le rehti4 nilâIo di lie sieg loul oe$n4 aBa byg h .«Aa, .wr*w.. Bu~ his Dunara eyes <lighî inèrease flHilton Boardi of Educitica i cur- retIY locng a a $296 million Operating budget in 1996 - an iclease of 1.38 per cemuover*lai year's budget %it $286 million budMe wu presented berthe bourd's finance comine macdi 4, cm day, belore il lss<ed germinaion papiera 80 1,501 tployees. Bond jaiembera noie th budget is nsetely altmtisig poire. Since dmi boaçd.provial grands have aM been aneaced dlus yemr. indiume cul- nim pred Ixu acl (lie peôoad spend. in increqe woSld affect (ie mili rate. lIn September. (li, finance cornmittee reeivetl a 1996 bWtget forec=s (or s smilI rieincrSdisaof &&per cet The pubic~ i&mnvited go thie board's finaniee commiftec deliberaions. scbed- ule for M"*a2312ý. 7:30 p.m. nsgfitIy. mi i . W. Singleton Edtaraion Cendre. RKural estâte developer says.his fight with Halton isn'»t o yer yet lion an Rual u i lprsa bn __ efis Io put (heir buildings up or thug up their -ilee spefasc. ing mid Recntly Hilton regtonal council sup. MjclriJ p0t1ed MiNns bid 10deny - extaision c tj ,hS approval go thie Dilten-Leigi Suhdvisio.i yeds, ff in Naasigwey& lie decision IR exrced Surlia 1o set & Precdent fOr oiller riural estatC he decisi devekvmpe in Hilton. unfir in ,Hoteever, Baulen-Leigli solicitor Bert ic uoegi Ar Id toid members of thie region's plan- ning and public works commitmec lie would simply make an appeal tu Uhe Ontaio Municipal Board (OMB). MEr. Arnold wis convined an appeil woeuld be sticcesaful. bused on an 0MB rulisg lait 4 sursauer in a sinila case. Milton Cossncillor Barry Luc sid tlie extension teas requested despite thie (Ici no constuuctioni bis laiten place on dmi site. lndeed, lie noted little evidence of any woat se hit erction cf a signit 4venài- ing th. l eor mige. "Il is the prevailing viete of a large <ba the mural esagne subdivision conept is outdaied," wrome Milton Councillor Marion Howeard in a letier go regional cuncil. "AIl of dlie cimrent planning con- fflt (or the presenttdige &Wdi hAnamre are So-called mural csait. subdivisions are %asuIly collections of 20 or do large homes buib on lois of -n acte or nmore. Polilicians don't usualy like <hemt since they am ".t teid sMm om"d villagesanmd hamlois, Yet thie homes muat bie eatenid vauam sev Ces sige rad police psection. In defen of hiscliee, 1Er. ArnoldjudI a dh. developer hired a légal nanagerbi tua<la manager ahrogaced bis responsilll<es md x. lef(the coustry. By tie dimne (lie deveigoper reahzed dive wua àro.len die approval lad nearlY, Iapsed. He noted (liai tbree Yeats s (lie minimum length of timte grane- cd b0 salisfY die conditions o<appn>valmddi duia uualy extesionsi ame grsnted, *You have go balaie fiindeas with th Mr. Ami -ld it develipter expen1, a liuge iaiau of mn"1 g a (eondanuc- "la) qprovaf." One of ha pbapomnl of Baiten-Liog uggested (ie cout of consultts pluis "aiguiles wu alr( and SM0(O00 and aigle ev- qspcacfilf à sali titillos if die prie of hu lista is incisa Mr Lue le th.'puaIb Io tiny tise applie. il tas supported *y Oakville ir lCaihy Grahasi who sud natal bdivisiona atere nom good plan. 4mvwoSu are Idie spot regain- liais sta oi way go prced,, nail ly sliook nie du sur (lier is a 30 yof iâe lotS.' %on Comiillor Bob'Brechin suid ion miglit lie lejal, but cal4ad it bat retietals are ususslly aaiomat. ,en (lie consaderable suni spesit by N EW- USr- 0 -RPAà,i i- i Hoee r. Le< dii Mi Graham dtr ired Mr Le u li more symapa-' lhctic seill local re1du th le devell *.Sbould wc be mode fir with surnmon who matie a Nid business decision ordi peuple who live in thie arei uid tho teillE lie sssckh th is (crever?" iked MEr. LAe. Rpgionai planninip director Rasliu Mohammed suid P..skon's nete offici&IU plan, not yet sppmoved by tlie province.§ woesld nui aliot <bs develpment. -J 'i Yélu dori't have to drive to Montreal for an authlentic Deli Smoked Meat Sandwich ... corne to Benny'sl 295 Main St. E. , 878-8858 Eat-in or Take-ou ----------- Ocs,,T F- S'ýdRT1N'G' GOODS E Ai \A N 1 ýF 0 P NI S 9 A"%W imne %r.ii-87S-ýZ422