* Waphegmtesk -.Federal budget Kesey 'slookinglor a sigz follows 'steady avo ftiy 11118181h uit. lcu"eo McDualâi Fmi lis.~ ~ ~ ~~~m étn~ ital lsaioUp. cios w.eeniusdm Keby' Rdm ww ts isacui brea aïffl Hlgituy 25 scaii of hibway 401 as LI oo r igri bylate ID abwc an tiMunnsid 10 qff m Mc. . ty iway Mxi k1LiaSMas' sugnoutpai a153 miepobwl d nase 1h0 blti . c IeM o ale uho@ly citecnci" Drive catery caés deferred for a second tins as mdiC«teibrlc.« *n..le uM la àbh* mooy*s»cmme*A-i). says M P Browin Sin -y i e la necessary 10 enoa visili- Tamriti, ai ROCMMM on tacrM Aunkea style ty froan lHcbay 401. flac tcen alîu ai- . kw- an i m Mm é1 àm With fast year's "bad news budget" behînd il, the feders signe Io oa maintien of 9.5 moires hig Kelacy's Restaurant 'r abousto B bart cn $200.O roovition of te aceaîful hâilo enlerpriai. accocing tu ?4r. MçArsàr. lie slg will com an cstimotcd $20.00 uti la necdedl belli juafy dmc cons of renoivatioius hu a". cente was rcceraly brougla ad n lu bacon sla te pmoad hi af dmc sagn. Milton directes of planoàsg Met lovo sai th staff reconssendétiots te deny tce exontiio wu basai on'the face Ure ates hm beau ic.ufied a gaïeway ten mm # mach linus gait - &Wluy Yes other comtpasses in te vîcinhty have ex rirye cxlitced hrtM W arire, a but, "We I tant Coi crieti. - arc. lite 1>2 Dd.stOeet ite Mhdufle, MWl b. chncrar. fi Coucellcr ert ?elo" tbew. ia sapp t. O Kbe'a am anipalci18e tun fcaturua pas a1 d n "ra "n *WpY fier 6h bl Màqlee à"i., s e sal $ou ciic altul UV&. aek. adme Man busine. "lIde aev ourtaelikn puh for fflaroa (if i te ùlg 1he ricre apiit "1 a mm.o~ a htm"iv topoet wus fhcesuu ben.dey~ * icirti, uni sutciaaffo Procsun a sa as me"ull HEAD INSTRUCTOR SCOTT ANDERSON *3rd Degree Black Beit *Canadian National Silver Medalist *50times provincial team mem ber OAIN: Self Defefice Skcills " Confidence " Self Discipline " Fymn & Fitness %VL *WTF and Ofýnpô bSkwSon amembuoflOnlrio aSkwM 9 e,, ment this wcek moved t0 protçc the more vuinerable segments of socty, says Bannie Brown. The Oakville-Millon MP made hcr commentta fast Ibursday at a ~budget seminar she hosted in Oak-ville. 'TIn=r am nu lix ineases in liais buid- get - flot persag, Dlot corporate. flot excise.'* soud Ms Brown. "In fact, therc have beea no personai lxx rate increases in MI cfcOurthrcc budget."' In 1995, Ms Brown believes, most Caniai uns were ready for a -solid snack on lthe dt." Tis year, wtlt new mnttey in short stapply and not.wanting lo raise taxes, site laid Finance Minister Paul Martin moved funlds; aouni sod thSs most in need aienot "eft behi1-, Ms Brown sid thte consedsus an the budget apess toe a asteady as we go" ourlook, with debt reduclion rîght an corse. (Witoui mucht rew in the budget, Thursday's forum wis attended by anly &bout 30 people) "We are meeting our deficît reduction argets. This budget cintres we ejill meet cit Red Bock commuienat of reducing the delirit in 3 per cent ai GDP. $32.7 billion. witlti out firt thrSu yeam an ofice," sud Ms Brown. 'Tha ctions in titis budlget secr sie tew target cf 2 pier cent cf $IC17 bill.in 1997-98. ibs budget sie cns lmtaï ardeura two yeas tis econ- cnsy will finaIIy bie gsawing faster tm itaet Main deais of tce budget include tecis- nology. yacth assistance, internatioal triede elnut. a icis on tie uander- ground ecancmy and a campreitensive revicw di business taxes. New umploymesL oppoitunities foiat- dents amUtc goal of reallacasis $315 nid- "l -a 1110» celot lion coh ai btadgt sainga. lie budget Mma inclaied a variety af tax assistance oratoiures for refteensa savlngs. For exaetple, dtc sevea yen limai on carry- ing farward unused RRSP contribution mafia Ias beea elimnaâed. Conspicuaus in ils absence front the budget was any naemm ofsa reformintg ce huamotniznx Utc GST. *Fer limita *ns ei, *i IlvU May ta requkrod ______1878-2373_ 500Stoolos Ave. E.