MWby «»M PÂiNE Own-ar James Thom n la .11 sm111ý%. and even hie dop Topnoteh appeurs loi las jol The Cempbelheille benle won en swvd W bb»ry and 14*RY ftm Purins MWW@Y. Bravie beagle ainone the best ý-c5 School dropout rate rising -$y Am y LHakOn bdindicf te Ngh bo .draoeiais on Uic uPswing in thse regiin The oln Student Rctention was P..senied of tases with a oeview of anuai rates front 1 9U-. Diane KCnox, tic principal of Burlington's M.M. RO -Higs Scliaol and a inember ofri sl th e am noted doÏnj -ui *as on dmt increas, to06.%6 per ce* t * ~9~tp2 4~ 940 whcaias) for tdm 1994-95 Sehool yea, afier hg-. * 199.91 14% tig a low of 4.41 ýper cent (696 high scliool students) for f IÀMO 670% A tinte more (han haîf (58 pescent) of the students wi 19 49 &1% withdrew ficln 11chad during the lattai period for wich ~9P- 8.3% stastics are ÊvaiJable '94-95. left ta talce a jobi, while tht S reasing by a tJd ote douswasn kjwn Milton*s top dag. Tapnotch, was oficially hanored for lit summer's Isemics ai the 28th annual Raiston Purnna Animal Hall ai Fame Awards Ceremony Manday evening in Taronto. Tht faur-year-old beagle, htlonging ta lames and mrent Thomson of CampbeliviJç, sss oine of five inductees ta jain Purnna's Hall af Fapie ai the Hhrbaurfrant cernnny. Tapnotch got the only sala award. flie two ailier incidents cited inv6lvvd pairs cf exaclpuuud dmp Tolinolch becomes the 72nd dog and S9tIi pet ta be included in the Hail of Faine since Purina begaii this programn ta Ionar animal Iscinica tn 1968. -Puritia lias been o' 9 tliis for 28 years now. 1 dùnkit'samaing l1was cettainly surpriaed when 1 firsi heard about it$" sad Itenm Tliomsan. Sýe lias everY «easan ta taite pride in MAonday evettig's festivitica. as lier beagle diaplayeti tremen- - TOP NOTCH on' pee S m noWm PATUENT. NO INTERESTU NO PAVIENS 11L RMCH, 1997. Thousands of emart buyera have atoppeti paent for a year flirougli tItis fâQ Fayotant I>Ian. Furtharmore, there's Mig delivery charges, Ung set-up coata &a credit application charge and NU administration tee. Stoney Creek Fumitore Mfena a selection of suriamginly affordable fine furnishinga frpm aroundl thse Antil lu, Stu" Crali futhreas n Payent Plan moas k aisr tItan evr Io owai thea quality yomi demv. 09w Entil Sm"% Ma"c 2& ins FI" U~IT.IssMym I sà,n w a«0p nyfmè3p Milton. District Scout Shop Community Appreciaioù Monthl Salutteg SThe Health C'are Workers for thie Monthiof March*' Anyone ">ih proof pf empoment byteabove honotvd organization. or group wiUlbe entld Ito a 10% DISCOUNT on any #hop item (excluding sale itemil). We are Iocated fin the .Milton Mail>1 parking 1it nexi to Zeli ar 'Hgt o seejýou tooni - ThIa ade Au oeoeudhy: ,SCOUTIS CANADA - ~.slessor- r»"Mr Mot»r (MIR"o) 878_000 e0 Main Strt 878-1797 _MMo, ON LOT 1 P8 875-SLES