Nobody looks ready- to budge in strike *froMSUESon pops3 or epprapayei. lowve. attituders are gWaon tic hncs now. 'face are a lot of solid individuals o!there, they'e nuit lintig andi they're not going 0-j bre"" Ms Coker stri. 'lie 10-day olti stike bas aiso coned snric con- 3cern for stoe owtcrs ai Milton Matil - whcre a boycott by local OPSEU stikees may already bu in affct. Th7is was sparketeslat Tucsday, wltrn mail min. cis ager Marion Shuannon refused tn lot picketers ai le E.C. Dtury Higlt Sc"to anti Trillium Schooi use tise nsalis parkijtg facilîttes. Bruce Lma p resident o! OI'SEU -local 223 - which includes the Triilium Scbool employers Esaid the union wss "flot asking for a great amounit o! spaces" andi titat local stnikees are anhappy tritit lte refusai. "Wc'd only necti about a dcccii spsccs ai any one tinte. and Allendale employcca were using il when thcy wenl on strike. 1 don fei titat gond abou il," bc saWt. As a restait local union prsesints set a lettei te ail mail tenants Friday infoitsing Ihet' cf Ms Shannon's decision and dit, 'Foutleen boindreti OPSEU teotiers and Iteir fainlièi who lise and work in Millos and would purcitase gouda irob you stor wili bu shopping elscwicem." Ms Shannon saiti stoe owners bave expessed concere over lte letter, bot sot witlt ler decision. *'We only havé 900 purluing agaces and wilth 300 employers atonte, we neeti every availale agace seee l. "*Wr have tu refuse people on bus lotirsand car teieicthips ail lte time. i cml' say noi to one gicup arx yes te anotiter, l'm nt tslung aidas onte way or lie atiter. flhcy've ltrcatened t0 picket us a ef md boycott thte mail, but i don't lWS Itcndly I h addMs Mounsant. who tioted pick- et~weoi t0 use the mall'a wasljr facifities. Site sid on far any kWta o! shopping boy&tt bas net bren overly apparent. Aid sehile court cases are stili being dalayed mnd parents ctli findng it dfilcult te drap off mnd pick up Mier childeni il sernis problents on lte pickcl lines are slowly diminishiqg - ai lmaia E.C. Dnsry Higit Scitoni, sehere cases of botit pieter mdoi public violence sere reporteti Lam week. "*We've liait somte violent situations, but lthey seere mnostly during te firi seei. fIsings sert te bu okay noe lit everyose is a little mont educat- cd ai te what's happening," jaiti picket captain Howard Wilso. Tl HIsS myIESSGE S BOUGH TOYOUBY TESFcomviUIYMNE BUSIIESIE jC~~~'DERAI Afrospsca CaesasL Spar PrecisionJ CHEVRffl OLDSMOBILEn-EO 'A Gooti Pl"c ta Do buslruaV Dateine 0siu*u la a tris NOWM af coeuing évents only. Théi couta . s aodil Io locai cania MWy grous. Io ua" in pcnio*tn usi bA Vaine. Naa fer Dimi *oM te ~is a-id heiliut Wb 0 fu onSs of The arçiosi loi Main St E., t'mai to use P.O. Box 248, Mitton. Ont., LOT 4NO. or faxeli ta <90)M07-W. Wsdusudy Mur. 6 flc Huita, District Health Couni mccli NMilton District Hiospital on Derny Rond front6l tl10p.m. Th.nrsduy Mar. 7 flhc Canadian Federation of University Wonien - Milton andi District - inivites university wonten grudustes te an eveolag of ta-avel aivealors at; Hugli Fout Hall. Cull 319-66O for more information. flir LIsiug wlth CorGroup mccli t0 ptssvide csoutonul support and practical guidiance te patienta. fumily and fMen". Thc discussion gntup us sponsored by lie Canaiun Cancer Sacict &M~ ld by tut- es. lt's held ai St. Patal's Uniîtd Chutth, 123 Muin St., front 7:30-q pin. For infor- mation. culi Elcanor at 878-1876 or lthe Northt Hahon Cancer Sàiety aN 877-1124. flic Victorien Ordr af Nurses tiolds a foot cars cllulc et the Milton Seniors' Activiîy Centre, 500 Childa Dr., froin 9 &mf. go noon flh ccxixi $15. For informa- tion or an appointnscnîi, cali 875-1681, Foot cire clics are by appoiniment oniy, Friduy Mar. 8 Celebrutlng Wcosu sud Our Gifua takes place Ni Hugh Fosser Hall in ceinesr- tion of International Womcn's Day. Admission to die event, which lrtes front 7:30-9:30 p.m.. is by donation. Everyone is welconte. For more informiation. cati 878-4952. Milton Ditdpt HightIchoot rgru sye are distributed. Saturday Mai.9 St. John Ambulance presonts "*batî Every Babysitter Sbouid Know Ceuculst UBahdtdnu Couru" frotn 9 ar. to 4 p.m. Regittratiol costx $25. witicit incivides a ituniocit Cai 8784330 for registatiion nid more infsmatioin. .Saudoy Moisr. 9.10 flie Caisdi Red Cmus Socity offen a "iral i d CPR ases in Milton. To register or for more information. cai Soun Lynch i 8 75-1459. S.aday Miar. 10 flie MikSon iotexrsents Joy aMi Sorrow. a musical cf Vivaldi andi Montever-di cau", 'twto guexl solcassa am stictsWatt obo, niflipet piano and orpi. flic conicert Ues Mmr nt Hoiy Roai Clitcari 7:30 p.m. icketx coni $10, or $8 for seniors andi students, Chiltiren aied 12 yes and under arc adinead frac. fichaI cmi be purehasati N Peggy's. DeloM'xs Couiter Music, at - lirdoor by calingSM 1759. et. 123. Memd.Y Mar. Il A Cappella 9itowcase and quarte! Ovation hoiti an open bouse ut the Opeimist Club, 311 Commercial St., ai 7:30 m. W in iec oosnufity whd lm ia 5ng aiviced tu attend for intor- nt ilgitt refrasltments and sang. For t'ose information. eaui Lodti m 8'1905. flic Mikont Springers Gyinustic Club Musait Ba-muiCuu beffins. flic camp, which ofcers à a lf-day promeut of girs sied 3-5 'yeurs d a ftl-day prograni for girs aged5I2ycs, rns "sI Matcht 15. Milton Individuals Nstworklug Togoeie (MMTqSu in dit loseer level of Graham' Hall ut Si. Paulio Unitedi - tsDATEUNI on popi 15