.1.1 e. J 7 i .1 7 .I " TheE u v For 'Çonserv-atiý v Canadian Eund fromn Mackenzie makes an exoebtnt chQice Why? We ý)iéve theje a re-threç'key reason:, eThe fund runaed %xth a conservafve, va-oriented strategy wFtich êrrphaàs&es rservation of capital *lhe orfoIis currently weIl posttioned - witIh a "cash" component -to take advantagé cil "ny1g ôpportonties. 't Vour inwestmnent is fully trànsférable wlthin the Jvy Funds and 4ito Mackenzie's Unwersal and Industrial Fund Gr&ups. -Wer, oave.AMidwe Dite Ivy Canadlop Fund. in fact, we bfbeve it-. vAMI growoph you*. For the fi story, oeil us at tbê number befow. Today. CiU 1DONALD LU, C. M.C C.LD.,cwU hMMS kbnb* 'beielm' *o 'Oum »S zwii l dal*l 10 S '1î me -n wm 8us. 0"~. - Psym hy - ml .L. mmi hum .à.u mum.WWon C * ~ ~ éow hai kuua Uumih n ý* mdhUbu * * a u. m umsmeu ona. ~ mu SI; a MW Fh.di b~~oe Ivyl estmon tý ée .RRSPs.- for thé conservative RRSP investor. 2L.4% 12.6% ~ Donaldson Services Suie 10 10Maib St. East Trafal Square Milton Tek )875.1I475 U N'D'sg % '. a 1 X4 v Y v y