T YCUIIU IIV £.1,11111- IVfM 801 t.11 o5dI 750 Family cal toq hejp s'a -Doîdre ScIioft Man succumbs to crash injuries A Miltoni mans las succumbed td qines h. suffered in a devastat- ing oggh on No. 5 Sideroad lest month. Frank Wamrs dild Fniday, a month aller the head-on colli- sion. at .Hamilton General Hospital. tHe was 69. Mr. Warnis apeant the test moeith tighting for Ns ltiun the hospitars intnsie ar.unt fllwing the two.-car crash Jenuay 15 mear hie No. 15 Sideroed homne. He wqs driviuig an eastbbund 190b Ford Aerostar vi, just west of Highway 25, eit 7: 10 p.m. when if collded witts awestbo.nd 1992 *Pt6nuk Sundence. The driver of 1h lu~cLeonard Bros.Issow, 43, kif Acton, wasilopounced dead et lh.ecene. Mr. Werris' fanerai wap held Mondy% DrJi7 nMKinn [ L~Z322 [is on town 'e littie girl By BRAD REAUNIE The Champloq iA frightençd family is mnoving fast go trý t save the lire. of their vely ili utile girl. Five-year-oid Deidre Scholtz, a senior kindergarten student ai Mîlton's'Holy Rosary Sthool, is suffering fromn idi$natic aPastic anemria and fieeds elbne marrow transplanlaor she may die. Docior Staunley Caldcissoo, a hcmatol- ogi si ai Toronto s Hîîspiig 1 For Sji k Children. said il the disease o no sAI.uucess- fulty ireaied it is fatal. Trcaimcni oequires a hone marrow transplant or. 't tisai is no available. immunosuppressive îherapy. which is succssfut in 50Z6 per cent of patients. -Wilhoul white blood cetis fronm the bone*marrow the body has do ri;eans of righting infection.~ Dr. Catltcrwood said.. "Mi patients uttîmaity die (rom an infection or trom complications anising oser uie Tmom continued transfusions. - 'tsere is a iood"thance glialt reatment witt work butil i s imperative glhal we gel as many people on ihat (Bonge Marrow L4anor Registty) tii as possibte." Blond tests on hcr family mliembers fauted go find a match so Deidre is forceti go took among donors an 16e unrelaied boise nariow regu .stry . There was a 25 per cent chance for a match artiong family members. Aithe reg- istuy, the chajigices of a match arc about 20,000 go one. Deb1e is currently in Toronto's Hospua For Sick Chidren. wbere sue is receiip morlication and blond transfusions e,'r 10-14 days. according to famity spokesperson Io-Amne Barge. Deidre's mailler, Liz, us irying tu orge- nize a bone mnarmew donor clinic for%, Milton as sooni as possible. According 10 tie local chapler of the Red Cross, the UiAic wilt he held sometigme afler Febeuary 27, tsowever, nie date bas nui yet been confirmed. Alreedy. more than t00 people have-signed ap for the necessary blood test. Hetp front the çomnanity is reqard in 1wo ways. Firsi, the mnore potentieil donors tested the more chances for a match, and as FAMILY on page 10 &io~ bus us ewr health GIuaa>iuurobs hmsswugia foetr h or#Mdâma*& "*in ybgnie We Dr, O~m4ihawotodm Nne mo~aen . s t91151 1MLUNUwfER COLLISION à REFINISHINO CENTRE I"'C* - The Sign of Excellence In Auto Célliion Repair Bing This $ ~foO Trowarda Deductible on Adi In For 5Collision Repair ove, $500.00 655 MAIN ST. E., MILTON 875-3673 EXT. 2383