d * j - -.'i-* Il aU~ il - Peacelkeeper says soldiers mnfke difference in Bosnia ftzaaimC. woms SMd childee. Trechumàm Hoicevfer fi ff peokeçrnoalht Wal evaryon. They had tu ignore childee whi * $anadia pomeae9 have made a dit- bang around ticir home base et Camj ference in war-torn Eognia. alid a Visoko. mu Swajevo. Carnadien Armd Porcea officier in Milion He explàced Uthe peccepers cmudti rpotd tu the childrfli Lieutenadt Colonel Paul 1 andy itecause tbey l Savereux. cdlnmander of a remain impartial. Giving ir reourt pcacekccping missin. would alto create a tnowbal toid E .C. Drury Higit Scitool effect amd mmr diilmen woul hiatory students rtat Cajiada gpjuber. efforts have Trefjd cool cou- 8"You sec thi? kWd and yn flmca berween Uic Serba. Cromr iWaal tu dqjlmeit9 for r ami MusIons. ~and you cas t," ha led. -When we wec there. we Thte peacekeepers icere ai% contrihutedl i0 peace _ tialI 1saddened 10 se devastamo have no domibi about." he said. everywhere. notemi Lt. Co 'We ceriamnly slowed i (te Ut Col. PMaI Savereux. ftghtisg) down.*' Savem iru 'lis beautiful country ove Li. Col. Savereux said ha wt' there. li*s unfortunate rtalt Yr nessed ail ttrée rpponents do "de-spicable bren scirrem by war"* thns uigtesxmnhpacepn ltog h ec epr eenurmission hie commandei front October. their lives wcre sut in danger and man 1993 tc.May. 1994. were shot at. he aid. "No one was any worse tntant thte iter." To protect titcmselves. tey neyerwe hae said. 'iey' re ail a-cunisg each otiter of anywhere unarmed. wtr crimes, but thay're ail guilîy of war Conditions in the countryside - ptu cniTnes'- roadis. gertmsg caugh, in crossfmres - a e4le role of the peacekeepmng tour was presentei danger. hae su., uniquely Canadias. Li. Col. Savereux told "That's the worsi pant of thse tour students. The mats pmrposa was tu bisg coming home with Iess people'than yî humanitanan aid - fumad and cloiiting - went over witli" tb 2.2 million Bosrmuas refugee - mosuly Town could gain $1I2,OOO0 fromn billboardizdveising The. Champion Advertising On rte boards of Tonelli andi Memormal tirenas could bring us mucit as $12.01(X) to munmcipal cuîffers. counicmlliirs iteard recently. Street Level Advertising. a Murkham cotnpany recommended for the contract. wmll guarantee a minimum <if $1.600 Per year 10 tite townu Counctîlor Ron Furik was worrmed ieri sponsors mîgt put teir advenîisisg on arena hourds raîher titan players' sweaters. H-e uidei uttmlemc groups need- ed to lie further cimusulted. Seminar for bentreprfengurs on tômorrow Buddmng dntrepttreurs mmghr want ro cosmder arîesdîsg the SmaIl Business. Semnisar os itis Thursday (Feb- 22) fromi 7-10 pri. at lte Halton regional centre in Oakville. Tom McCt*nck. peîmient oif Suttgic Piojecthons Incotprede will diucuss gai- rang mtarke reneatch information. how 10 use il and ira pitfails. Mr. McICoRssk will use dernograpbclld cconontac tendu tu project chagges is the siait buinsas coin- munity. Ouip lCco-drector of the Won Inventnai.h -W.Wl ok et the mnveno$ and am uea r tat sua* a a oalty'- Mr. Ilein wîll dmncuss lte SYnerg17Y bWcdre abvity. technogy anI entre- prpmurnhp tons dm1 concept maget 1 real- "zlOn. To reginrer. contact Uthe Strait Business Self'Help Centre at (903) 825-6300. Registration fee is S20. p s r Si ou ,ih urs idrhave o o." askd ouil Wally Hier. id " se s reason flo riicee Hunib -l sl ow esan roe arr puraneenl56). To gol aun slwsfiuCar ms a ate St 1.ime) Titi goi reveanue en era ateo re hst rvnegn Crtouncîlrohn Citalnî grei x mnChotiunies h Chblif boys. wito- won ie onvolved' -iteys Wn' hon, wteyuln' me miînvdl ey in' He b.mk bmeycl trabise oyhoîmdH daysantîed tram sonhsobipd and enîre ien forum tpon arising in te aifreu bordmsravrtsn hn h r ors. 1vnsmnsonucbîm r Mosete erîmt larhe natoald aom epnis.t genert laure nastionl m u pibe% sue prracmmte s a Blîllo But taevsainebas dra n slow resonn Oucill a raw uriý restttfonly< vmacllo îoiurtibe wdner tisdiesnisa sitmal pibn ib e nadvcuin ontare anc , em thr losi e na-anlo "hl ayîîdr Gonpsd Kaîzaimpeiii o lilybort Gmd sant aremwas Ioi meol fi oh fuiesu. an suerastAin mi for uer stapproved suetin hne rase b ai rited ent en o oites Sries itenx dmeet Boar the useasure Seris Aproso ar. bu Ori al asfuI councîl meeting hafore it wiII taire effeci