Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Feb 1996, p. 5

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Trustees war'y of business foothold in s< IRYCANX4 SALDWWN l" Io T h. Ctlaniplon, Hote mucit influence titoulli corporations weld in tise mail- cri-day clasarowt?. tiespile aille manths of reseairci anmipublic dettale by a comiuite., lihe Halton Board of Echîcabion seas nol able Io cornte go gips with lit ttorny ques- As fat as moni Irusicn were concerniet. a drift policy on corporaie paflnersips, spont- sorsips andi donaibnns raised many unaniwered questions Insieuli of acceplîng lthe draft developeti by a commîttee of trusices, scitoot principls. par- ent association members and business represestsiives. trusîcen referreli il ta a new commitsce. Somte Inuien tere uncomfWonable in adorâig te draft whien titey were stîli recciving public prenenistîons on the subjeci. They admilteli titeir decîstuns itad been affectesi by a prenen- talion titat nîght trinm leaciter Brenda Doing. -If >'ps adopt titis poimcy. I betieve yus wîli bc compromris- îng lte internîy of education andi aidîg the colonîzation of lis scitool symeera by thte carpe- rate sector.' Ms Dolling Rbld lde mniltion. Sitrued lte U.S. as an esample, witere, sie saili. brand-named producis are introduced in every corner of lihe leitools. "Are tee reaily prepareli for flurger King Schools?' she askeli. "il is very naive t0 beieve (bat these logos, piedi- uci aimes, andi corporatte spots- sors do nlot affect éhildren's choices 110w. or in lthe future." She even itelli up a confer- cnce package titled *Kîid Power. Creative Kid-Targeied Marketing Slralegies* in witich. site said, conspanies teere gisen, alivice on how *to masimize itir in-scitool presence,.." Ms Dolling suid such corpo- rate intrusion ini schools. tehici tels'once prohibitei. is flow being encosraged. '7day's poiicy is a reversai ut ihlat former responsibilily. Economics may have citangcd. but the minds of the clildren have not. In her presentation, Ms Doimng suggested lthai a fount- dation be esialslished lIîr dona- tion. s hai the molsey coulli be equiy duslributed among lthe Hautin shootsn A few of lthe trusrecs mes- tioneli lht possibitiiy witen Fight is simmering over upkeepln of roads Dv BAREAUME 17be Champion *Somne regional cîsuncillors want a singieauitonîy for roadls actoss Haitsn. Csrrently sorie mîadls are under local junisdiiion. tehile targer unes are under regionai or prosinciai central. Changes in jurisdtictîon have becs taikeli about for years. but asîit lie province curlng back on moal granîs lte issue has t»oved lu lthe forefruni. Secondary provincial itigitways., sucit as tgitway 5 andi Hîghway 25. are liîkey lu become regionai moali as te province pulls back hulier. Hosseser, regional roalis tem- selves may ke pitasesi oui, depend- îng spos whicit ealionaiizaiion plan is citosen. 1I have no ptàblems with une auithority for roads,- saîid Milion Cuiillo Barry Lee. *It seems as if lise region is iryîng lu dump roal responsiiity Il afin iappens Io k the musi bieak section of respunsi- bull>), given lthe reducion of rad '71 Swff du granti from th province. '#'du r eim An Lelicit. Halion's commission- ~ * er of public works. saii ltere has been an aidibional $250000) colback OSOW ilUd n raid grains since te 1996 budget vw.pnsiblily , igures were annowtced. .............. "If I saîd things teere bleak.*fore "M yL. îthey are seorse now," Mr. Leilqit .an*otnlaM told te regionai planning andi public teorma committee recently. "Wr are allenptîng tu stretch shninking dollars. At presenit roas are lait- supsortei l laxpayers have saîid louci ant im r ty don't teant te pay mor taxes.- Mr. Leitcit slid witoever is nsaintaining lte als tili gain any fundîng associabed teîth rnaltamtifng liarm. Mr. Lee teas quick Io point ont titose mtaintenantce dollars are rapidly shit*ing. "Burfimglon tank ncer Cedar Springs Roali knowing te region coolti nol possibly mainlaîn il (u the standards acceptable Io Burlinglon,"* said Burlington Councillor Bary Quinne. 'litere are a lot of regîonai roaids dita are local ali ttey malte tno sente as regional roads.-Under lthe curreni deinîtions, Lakestore Raid titouki kc a regiottal roali." 1 lse adduiional maintenance associaied teitit having provincial tîgitteys fumi înto regtonal raids aiso must inçisideli policing. accotsling ta Me. Leiich. itey Ifloke t0 lie lme. yosa'a. anm place flera with j' as SSO.OtO Durlinglon Trustee Sanmly board rcgistry prior t0 lune, Burlinslon Trualc Diane Van Harlnn tolli Ms Doiling, 1 1997* Leblovic airecd with both of frit lke mailing up anl citeer- 11* Umltr amendmient urgeli tltem. '*lid flke ta sec that we ing. durnng your presenaion." that: "*Sponsor/partnersipsi ciii keep our principals out of Ms Van Harien saîd she donations n..flt e"tic any gar- court andi our board out of sitareli many of Ms Dolfing's son, business or corporation t0 cout," site said. concerna. wlticis why site ball bave direct access to studenîs .Witen Ma Vdslovie suggestei ine snsendmnenin on thte agen- for marketing purposes." more dfucussion or revîsions da. Hoteever, oniy rivo of thema Titose citanges dili Mo allay arere needeli. Burlînglon were passeli by tite bard. One lte concerna of many trilics. Tmustee foe Pavelka respondeli. reqoutei lit "scitool courncils Oakviiie Trusice Linda Lame *'The commitîce spent over prepare-theit own guldelines was nol convinced il teas legiallie monlths developing a poli- anl practices; on tise displuy of t0 gîve principals lis ailtonty cy. Gise il a chance to brealthe curporale logos andi titank ta approve deals teorlth as mucit and sec lit ligit or day or cisc chools il's going go dic Iikc evciything elsea&round hme." Mi Siebert. alton chmund ie committea. said if olther lnutm ee re rol salisi~ Cel tbe draft policy. il sho~l be referred to a new e mnited of truslees. . fThe board actli on bc r sug- gestion, hmd a nete coin mittee of trustees was«onned çMsns- ng of truscs Lynne lark' Anise Dgcterty; Ethel Pard- iner, Lînda Lane. Mialle Le- blovic andi Sanidy Van Hartris.

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