Milton Heights Ski c4ebt race Monarch Basketball coming up SOOfl at Glen Eden a rW iyua u I The Mlton Heiahis Ski Racing Club numae MWd fin".h Bnsci Hoad Travail wu able a b meqi lài ah raund * ua aid soulotta wsIl hasthUi, Copn Shaloo Invisatimnl Check-in lime will bc between 8 and 9 Noire Mic la lab e i m. songer ilai of& 22 paings aaa IMccl gunday, Pcb. 11 ai GIin Eden Ski arn.williaqàcp" napecdtio ofollowand Milia Wilson wumas"eanc Erie Hsriy mas assied Domino'& w tais m bcghulng4 10a lO.. ap. Rond Travils ployoero a fore puaye o(i pue for playing mil ian Thic( MI open~ ta ail rcgiscrc 1996 The mcci ai cost $30 pet pcrson. lieret idifînaive ploya. Chrit burflmirec iofdseosa. Mac ncy Yruc = reornd ai1 which inciudes a lint fi"kc tut à basticsa PuiIWMa wu entend WalWeia ployer frasea m salm furi. ta falloa of Clin garni fer bis gond ovîral . Aw4 uii bc Mrcacsud for tic fales To regiser. or for marc information, SoaM Jsingleg nid bial Iwo combiaed lianes contact Ray Similis ai (905) 335-5»0 (exi, Blesant 16 Key centre 24 in four differeni categorrics: 17Jl3-year- ý243) during Uie day or 335-8608 in thc Walbi 12 lS PUige umurai (CUlais) 14 i a ii anid temau& sud 1l and under cvcing. Wallace held the Iead actai hait Stage Prm lu. liadt the. ted alii lini. Discoursait ssi rea Uic gain artad uait gît liai darng Uic second hall. The gam e nasainaio hblt Discantai look die avis Scott Tari mas saient Discmut's ployer alibie gate forbls Pma doti- sivi dribbling and ail roaad great sarni Brisa Huai alii Wallacc's plipay obf ne r bmis aft.aivi. ribounding ad scarie& 4 al ii 12 points scared. Brais Iloundrauifl Osslom's Mm 12 Bath geat played gucan Uiaaiui Uie fiti hailo Che Imm gane.iis lb. n.i énaers mîi no acre and die sec- ond midi a82 a4ie. In dmc second hall Bruce Hoad Travil massged ta lake the iai, byisia (hi aime mib a score of 22-12 ave, Domine's. Jonathan Icyum mas notntd Brace end af (hi fraia quasier Ma (lic KCey Cmntre lasghi back ta iie Uic score by hall lime.i Bouis ihroagbaui the tiid quastier thi Key Centre mas sale Ia gsi ia ssi n kiip i ihroagbsss the reiaîser of the garni to finsh -%Ui a mi SiOen Ilaschîs mas named Keyc Ceatii'$ player or the Sam for (hi mmi stiais Jack Daagaay wans mani Suige ul'a sarança's ployey ot die amn for his PeU plays amd scorie$ 6 alibie1 ingmas scored byhbs ieam.., Sis Viai bitaiogne (C%"al) »4 Kmun 12 Cannes oui siron suite Fatal lis gaïacol dii.icad isrly ia (i gaineaid cae« away mîib a wiii iesiei wn sinal Karmas. Josepb Machinais was harnuin Stage Fana it.' p ayr of (hi gans for top qa it Rn qe C Pis shi Ro foi del 0 as do Il> N Or ea orir gottiag ofa thes 30 polir amn de mil a bis *am play g18 w aW bhaske. leam i as, massa kcaa'a -pi *ayer ai ibs dum for Mea Pmi daiuvi play& MW eu obtusa. footing 6 of"Ui 12 MeiL Roihcl 32 sakias thei tind early ln the i u arlîr the Rapiats coaliiued ga reilai UCir iai aur thc Racets a*ihout Uic maiorny af ams bua. 1 wilhoui s griat flghi from.1III ckets closig ap Uic leiai ab li mi amu. bris Mark wss named Rapiar's yir of the gamu for bis iasad ois. Jimn Wells"ia mas tassai ckîî'a player arm &mm g oer bis t breaks. scarîag. poétisa amd sive plays. Grgnée 'rîzlis fouai a §teat gagni lis UC Repents ikp i theade sgoia the coure ganse io.eveaas- 'akidie ala igil Coambes as aait zlca' player of tise Saille for lia ai "IT%5giils MILTON MAUNS WE aller an OPPOATJNITY for thos cldbm wtia lave ta ur a chebo Maco their potentiel. COME, TALK TO US M TM UT LN SESRENR ~Sa mwd I MNrua 3/ :0i0 -2: MPMon o 1Frsd out about ou. n NEW ESSO (leamn la cofipete) PFIOGRAM - COMPETITIVE PRQGRAM a TEEN TRAINING PROGRAM b -CONEIN HOURS Yuou can caIl Miltagn Swim Tear et 876-37b0 or 878-110 gr wirita ta P.O. Bas 427, Milton, ON LSIT 4Zl or usà the MST Blue Bax at the Lelaure Centre -la the TeamC for yau? Corne and see for FREEI SMonday F.5 hm 4.930-5:30 ai the Mîhon Leisuro Centre eOFIG - DELREX ALuMNUM UWOID *Aiwors Aaorais afg pa -Acofing *Wndab *g.95505 -Fa= amin Luwy Ciéoci "0a a liiS.R i mrpwcaiat inien, 'SHOP AND IN HOME SERVICE» SNTNEL AUTOMOTIE. *asciaeaow mous,ôas.m. et - , 3sconseillait 'lis.~~~~ 12»64"7400baams Oi sris 11-esma * 15Paifs -&*.o Rb"a A, - *iamA e.w 6i5wff O" 1 aOKMT AEA OCuni vieUeun 18 Thuapuan ad& Usr* 1-ZWin OMI *nDm p l f na * UW.kar~ m a lamie MBdenails undoer trackPB Fion-yearol Aitlmni crd peinît bi, indac!r ilqie evini. includina a 7.8 soadtislin d ic 60 Ira ad adi eaa~rcmlybycamilaglailn e idesi. a26.0 aeçom nnd s ni.200.. ssd.l* iffemtini e ani ise riras of imo AWIComegr iels M o! 5.09 mliici song jaap. YMi Univertity pbe grade 10 aCudent it Blulap Reding wili have Use Thse fîrt-yca .,enhe ai Aiblesisi Inirdain CWcpelmay 1a bilet (hase marks as Use seconUl mi Truck aid ïFied Club ait permn liai recrd in ah. in the aines.