HRCA chairfenmnan likes Golden report conservation spin Wu (jvc conservation audthçruues un te Otrat conservation authoritieir frÔm Metro ,Lake providl a loal, one-sto approval process. HRCA general muae. *eathy, rive magh Toronto Area (CITA) strtlngly supporteti envircin- Simcoe, Credit Valley and Cen"a Lake Ontario Mr. Penmnan calil dlie uepxwt's conclusionus "a he*thy comnlunities us an appgoaclç*QreA mental proposas recently releafl as part of te to issue a joint subtumusi on ty thte CITA tavit force. significanif ffmdate" and.said jite position of the con.servation authonJWs are conmaneud tU." Golden report on CITA rekrm. f If ~ oou iauyo ak force us oppôsed to the provincial gor~ h akfrecisfrrtotrn ewe < r litedpndsrngyu itite t enCs position reganlîng conserva#on W . tite live auttuorties to ltelp keep conts in lftte. l- sevto n lnigon a wsatesited bavis. ou- realtonhedport stngll eonts me tal s Wittun the recentiy passeti Savings and rco moirais wouk cuanently doute hy s lined iun our vubmtssun 1 CTA Task Force tiecueraunaoute peaeuM e rvn. P rLturingAci (Bill 26) the provuncta govei. a drgua lue fuu asrsomer a e qrcd hy thre reo. cial airs %uper-regional guielune anti conternt~e r' itumuev thmosrattnauunîe"~r ment and Energy, Mtnustry of Nuturat said Bnian Penman. lr oflt Htu Rgo on cachi nujuvudual wstershet irku matters ot lanud Mr Pennmao sud, ascnibung thre dillerence to con- Reu.iurces anti Munustey ot Agritulture as4Fix4 'm Co6ervaiiton Authu)jly tfiRCA) Site (Anne management. flood anti erosuon control. plaunning tlucting utuvice. W carret if u y thre conservation authoru tues rtlxpw st.rk ret ...uitual~ Pt U t-r~ piu~cutm ptitttiOur tise conservation aattuonitus are ilreatiy Mr. Penmaur laudseti the ures wayv of ituunkuug A wteslet ttu gsurapuci re sstunti Inadtionur the report rectmmends conserva- vOrk~p tuhlur 10 restruucture ant integrate ser- eurcouragei1by uhe Gtukle report. He sauidni hy thre water frttm one major souérce (iton authtuous assume 4broati range of cînTron -v:,cs 10 tiuer a seamless, more cost effectuve usunnental rescutrees are pari of tue reason people Mr. Feaa met s. uuh representuris 'fu the mental tppuuwal anti pernut-granttng fonictions to prtignant within tue CITA.- satid Murray Stepiten. cot)e to uyG FA to usve aw'. to bsusuness. Tj 'Une trucks go missing T~t ness uuks sioler fromt separate If yosu have any unfomo Mt i n vîtes hav unvestugators wuntieruug un arrest un ihis ibr a.ny otiteu if tit occurrences vieie rglated anti Ciqr bue eluptile for a cash te' Stopper% Ik asking for yur belpi tu rccover $1,.00 ' the equupnient. Yoa necl flot gtve yonr Sometime kulwecn ianay t13 anti 15, a informnatuon will bc treiteti transgufl tractor unit was stolen fromt a anouytuty Cnime Stoppers yard on Nuptssung Ruati anti a tiamp truck col, ,t, ca11 tiusplay. was taken 1lrtu[p a YI aI llairop anti C'l 1.00668 itSt McGeachie dnNses2.47) .In the case of the t/amp iruck. a ttauker îtî 2.4 bac! to kc tetactuetkte te %cintle was C Stu,<~ fH/ druven away. o 0,J oftiirector3 muade Bottu tuks were ai1 t ness anti serc osfu ) s fH/ Kcnwortit tmctor, black, mode) T80OB. prr tfb,&àiness, undasirv, Ontanio sience plate Pli 423; Ford 59000 and prt-aii4 utzen. dunup truck, grecs anti white, Ontarto lTe /vuort of <(tret mtrs ra licence plate 5034AF. doties oi the almuusni of If yu ttuunk yoa may kuo ho took the oau1-o% pis the rews'rds. ,sehtcles or wtuere they mi be founti, tl icororated as a chant crin m tppera would Ie tueur frour lton, rfuerejou'r ai donuatn 'V. 7 fsdnd are lits dédttutble. on that catis to *Case. ytuumay warti of up tu sature anti yonr uith cumpice tioes net sub- or ýt25-TIPS ils utPurard ffi Ir tuf Ptruti uQ(egttn. liv' v ftnciatl slip- sert cat c/tubt sues the mures'. rettards. tard Crtâne Stippers tabl/e organiza- s to the renared THE CO&G 55OOM MgA HOW CAN YOU PROFIT FROM THE BOOMA? ALSO tr Mr, ýord, 4 (FA, V P, 6 ha (caratia -T ' of rmark't5 arount ther ua W. IOWAID STUAAI, CIIAIRMAN ACEO Il. SUART &ASSOCtATES CONSUL'NTS' *ss'.Os*ts .E Du r SE". * EDVCArE' "LIMITED SEATING DY RESERVATION ONLu' - CMLL "0) 657-5511 OR V' 1-500-407665 TO REGISTER. 5&tI40 A FRIENQ. * WEPNESVAY. I'EDRUARY 11H, 1996 7:30-8:30 PMu TM~ Dautu R.;taurant (Danuluu HOU), S tagite Amt., Mitton et Go O Scthtu T-suuI0"t DudwAM -p YOR OAESR POýfIJ2 1 S OM MIROR SALE Prices Start ,As Low As $27O99Q 48" x 80 1/2", Sliding Door includes dehivery & installation. Sliding, Pivot, & Bifold'available *RESIDENTIAL e COMMERCIAL'e INbUSTRtL kiu»aican méi.. SrmiNg OdmiII for amr 12 Vume AU0 SPEMM. OAKVML 84-508