Getting on the Internet 236 GUELPH STREET e - - 73-1999 SATIN-PA LATE "outsà*ang dumintiy HL AE -Aiatblen.00' of p-e YZI* A #6e .Vitu*Vin.oattd- k n pa i o SDM-GLJOSS LATE musit t0110% uay4k .c o q .9- .btiéhy "à i lu-, dp..idonns d. (43350)afly omd Wloi .. o inn FR1 SHop AT HoMEFRCRB Com w wo cumaiw isien Sfot dywor --1-Roo--CYW-9940) L~n~ MULTON Uta BTS-ISSU KM 5bestpaGmtwalipape i--ilýN ~ ~ yno~jjj ~ kRANiH V.tOiiiUN &VIAi caLI. i.UOi57. mu ue...........Mit a.s= Su.iwl uiiS&a KUiS 9I WAITN TO EXam NYr*i aI 7,,W91 LOpin S BLACK SHEEP NI0*l aI 7,S à 9:15 Pem JMANJI Sltdày i 2 Pmt ONt.Y BALTHO Swtdey i 2 pet ONLY * frota MUNOM en pae 1 Intenvînt by lte TV cibl sys- wu in. ith titi câble itoavieia. as moa as tiey tpe theiir sys- tells on titey are itooked in, remving lit need for a tle- plumea, Mr. Mahay 0"ld Tite cibl cojuledaon is ba- dreds of uies fimner dmu cr- rent modem technology. Capying a détaiid phutograpi te your computer through a standard mud" mouid take 90 minutes. Uting a top of tit fine miodem. ie picture is copàed in legs [itan hif Ihat timet.1Wiith lte cahie coneection il cam bc domneuider 10 second. Mr. Mmitony saud lie price of commercial Intemet tervices bas dropped tframalcaly in lite put year, doms lices about SM0 per mostth tu arond $10 witit tom povidqrs. Individusl Mark-up Laiguage or HTML. pa ca m eu t imore.- TIanks to tii programistng i Any librryl tervice can b.e language, lte Wodd Wide Web duplicated by ite aystm. taiS miket point ied click accea Mr. Maitony. "However. it's possiblé ai renmoves l*s need nosa mtie bruy. D'a update tur Iamm bâtcu comuter con - iatuaseouly."mande, lenad"lion lthe we fea- It cm "im be used le transfer tufts aousdaedl pitotograpits infaeseatmae j ie dame mon- witich older sections of lth net as lte mail service or the Internet can' offer. Mr. Ci- telepisone. Mi. Malsony aaid il ney predicîs motion pictures s faut becomieg a gol for huai- oi hé avaiable wlithin ais allas te gel feedback on ilicIr mollh. proutile Consumantn use Web sites am -.44tl pou- il tu lobby producers. lar. Mr. Cairaey said hie itaî 'Titi original peoject of fink- clicced je on onit witich shows ieg networksto foimtlthe lte surf conditions ai a paiticu- Intermet camne oui of a United lai Califoreis beach. He decid- States defeece ieitiative le ijl te citeck ce il early ce maignain militury commueica- mootmeg and was surptitei b, a lin jethe eveet of a nucleair black acreen. Il look hies a wa. Univemtmc used titi M moment te realize il oEa sll tg excituge academic ieformé,- tuitt ii Pac. ifi copsl lice. As nsm and more people Vilug tfie Lauvowsie graduated (rom uetversty or onet is faceti %viti an index; or left tii etsittry hivieg usmdiki menu of ohat ix availalsle. eseit syssees, ilty began to sel up segment cf whicis in bold links toit. prnt, inditating hyper-teitt Titi mniitaay bas bdcked cout, tenks te anotiter page. Info- ow ditltir communicatioes Irritation about mpcomne linkis witit satellites have esitibils esight alto be dis- bicorne ci uviscèd. played witb hyper-texi link. or David Cainsry, gerneral mai- oee migit b, insmîrd Io pur- agir cf titi Intemnet provider chiai tickets. Siece uuers aloi- flurliegion Network Services, ply silisth surface tetnd they sadel it as lcng woned wdhy find an tlqeating subjct. te tit U.S. msitmy would kncw- process is cied ssarfing,. ' ingly crcai.: soraethieg obicit lite wt providets lthe ulti- no one could conîrol. Mi, mate wîy of saues inforsni- Cairney predicted allempts by lion," said Mi. Caîrney. -Ecit big business to gan conleci cf site bas a borne pige and you lthe Iternet systees otîl fail. Cie ccpy lthe information ycu bociusi il issuo decetriftzid. sccess to ytsur on computeil 'Accordieg to Me. Cîimney. and borrcw bits cf lthe pro-; lthe mosl visited spot on lite gramming go creale ycu on Intene is tii Pliyitcy site, pri- wcb page. Everylbmeg ts ie mily beemissi il is a no-charge packets of ittfotmation," nmketing bc-in ta lte poptilar Hi ays gisent am to million mes magazine. However. eew usera jointng eacit mentit. there am douzens cf sites whiCb mth an siaed 201t030 mil- are sesually crîenled aq!l lion uxr sýêay coneectid. invaialreqrr a fie, usuily Milîcis bainessaman Pal chmrgid by cridil caïd. Kelly called titi Internet feu- Divilopmeg aseont pyme¶t lrating, but admits gc seig syset is lthe bîggest hurdiF seine ecoraomic potlential. Hi Î> facing butinesses using the, curretîly dbcidieg itow huit Ic Internet. Major credil card access il. "ira ielereglied compagesa m ocng on oebecause irs lieter, because of taIà would àlo ue sf Yeu aIl titi bype." Hoaever, "le card. while keeping liecar my speciaIized business aria number an lthe useras ni (chemucal M.e)> haivebte fImme ibugtiss acoepting il. sot ocf iPfclIld elle Mr. Cimey aaud credl Mr. Kelly sai1 9 s difficuli use is fairly sale ow ont lising tc gel! aidle ce titi con Internet, but et entllely scr. cf mecesang tite Interne. 'fliere He ilkens il tw stndng by thtare varicus package availaite, side of a igitway and txying lte subscribels. whicit peovide a rnd a neospape ohict ls it specific inmber cf Ihsurs ce tite Cur travelling 120 lei. sysweu. If you simpIy broose ilt ix pWibli te rnd il. i thicugt lthe Ieternet. or entela id. "Difficuit lutpossble.I sorte discussion groupa, tbcse suone on w t id m adite hotq cas l e dlu rallier oI. Lacke4.doors only kieq q=ucklywndlit conts e4lMae henes pep "t" Hi sàid be omets t avcid Indusîry sources indiealç long-distance charges b, msing &bou 30percen ofhome: a local lIn9reel providen. Hi hav àhomcoipuer 11 i'aie uns gobc mm e wuWd expictei ta ineésae ta about get accesa on demanti. Mr. ose-titird of ili bouaeital4 by Kelly, no ayonce use on liseir, ti end of 1996. Modem use it wiy itrougt lthe village OV expectid ta incruase 50 per Cyherspace. oulti likely citin lm96 describe ltheir lirsîltrip tathe The tain resman la abc WodM village asiaxnely a lark: Juat Wide Web. Titi wit is onl1 pasieg ltrugt. onie aigmisa of lié Iganteel. %ften a fow more trips lthe ut la prolsby Ullie moui cxciîrg. confusion will likily abute, titi If pou nie unflg tdm 'Net lthe stol. and dshp wîll becomie WOel WC Web i waikiki. f"ImillirMaotitceg Thse Wodd Wide Web uses even bil it eil = 0c"is at somethieg clled Hyper-Teiý up si dla ad fl or m*own.