i j I i ROtrATION AND '$ 95 BALANCE 1 FRINCLUDES:j FREBRAKE INSPECTION The 'essence' of Bill 26.stays the same, says MPP.Chudleigh -v Md 1gg439 OWINL JIVnamuof "ha &yflchud ms-sIum TOI cIm~ " Il - United Way just mt*s'ses 4'itting goal . front 50U0 on pope i frorn govemrment workers piummnecd. bc U~U TUecanpaign - iaumscled Sept. 9 - lea iured specîi evenîs sucis as a dinner-auc- lon, whmch was mhm biggesm mnomey-makser aisingS13,M ASeptember golf oumnamrenl was aiso ssccessfui, homarver a casino, wicis was 59 a new v'enture, w<ssnm as prtrhitable as offi- cals had isoped. Mr. Cemesms said mmxs unikeiy ise wili remum as-chair o! lise Unimed Way's 1996 !smndramxîng ca4mpaign, duc mo oiser cons- mlnents. )r 4 He added mla ime enjoyed mtme voiunmeer job. bsuif lcdidil againise. woudpoflsh M piul f i or more employees Io donate hrough poyroli deductoxs. y o bio He sid ise aiso believes more Y qujy Milmomans wiso wodc omit of moman need to y Qu*he maie aware of mise fx isaI mlm ey musmi reqmsesm mieir donalion ha allocated tu lime United Way o! Milion. Thse United Way mas "ecsmatic wimb Brai's efforts" nd lise woek o! the mnany volunleers wbo helped outimn lise cati- paign. Mr. Wajm aonaa 'a T ise nds w îill b d îxnbumed amons ~Qfr 475'Main Strfet Eat t.. P. ..11 e e M a2 The Tomn of Milon ls loolng for a DBlase programmr to .oplt rpairs ta custom written Parking Tcet pro- cesslng sowftware. We expect the WOf k to a a rmxmumn of 20 hours, and are willllng to psy $13.0lhour. Programmlng woek would have ta b. dame at the Town Hall, between the houirs of 8:30 to 4:30 pm ta b. complet- ed by Mid March. If yot are. Intercsted litcarryig out is praject, pisesu subnilt your resumne ta the attention of Unda Mielun Taylor aM: * Te Town of Millon RO.Box Cow. MiNon, Ontarlo LOT 486 Applications wiIi be coflsldored until Monday, February 5th, 1996. I I *'. - - - *ICK [mi U SERV1~i~ ICEl Quke Sta . Oi 1 ermOi it TUfl~ I Bv URAD REAUME The Chânptoem Aller Iliree weeks of commimrec iearings mdmore dlim 139 amenidments tise con- roerlial bill 26. the Savings and Resmcmuning Act, wmll bce passcd ino Iaw nexi Monday "We've hadl 139 amendWments a( lant :ount," said Haimon North MPP Ted Cisudliegh. lme essence of lie bill ham*si cisanged. We have maie lInde aijusments mn language tu clanlfy vantais issues. Tise hrings allow us to-go oser ime bill clams by clause and maise il betler.', He sIu.d time current systlem is brokien and needs fixing ansd cilleil Bill 26 a *"vimul soot in limaI repamr pfmcess" Mr. Csudieigs sud mime govemmemi con, ducledl 288 isouts of iseanngs on mime bill. spoead over liec wceks. Until a protes by. Liberal backbencher Alvin Curling, mil6y bai scbeduled 360 bours of beaehmgs am mire commîlmees mo go on snmulameoOsy duning one week. 'l'e essesiçe of Imle protest was potnes nom mhe hilIý" Mr. Cisudleigh sid. corn- menting on reports sevcral opposition members wli nom abmde by an all-party agreemnt sirmAk afmer Mr. Curkng's protes. -If thcy mlonm abide by mbe arrangements mu allow passage of ie bill mlmey- wmll lose tremne6dous pohmmical points. Corne clecmmo i me weel rrmord ie pubs- mic thisa we are mise party tham keeps ils promises and tlmey irc no(." He sid ise expects mthe 291h wmjl be mnereslmng addmng ilis possible tise oppo- siion will force each amendmen Io bc reai aloud mo sViech oum passage of mime legislation. Mr. Ciudlemgs oulned sorvne of tise more substantive changes 1, die bill saymng provisions wmhl hi: mnade mo povmde more prmvary of mnidmsmdual iselmi records wisale monitoring pisysician's bulimng pracmîces and panaema Hospmal ai11 bc givras ilore nomice o? reoqajsizaions user fSs bave been clarified, wmlis specifme provisions stopping munficipalimien (rom inulimuting a poil las or gazoline mas. "Tise way sorte peopte read mihe bill mth=r were mings mlma coutl t done mham we bail o inmention o! allowmng. Illchs as mbe pol mas or gasolîne max" lbc said. aiding liai momt of m changes were clar- ification$ or emcplmamsimus of nuances mn wanuage. las response tu concermsaiu user fcex i