Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 1996, p. 2

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~Reprieve may be corning for Halton teaching assistants N RPv CAQ BALDWINI- But il l*s as though their jobs may ha pro- boues <for IAn) for the numbcr of the schools "One scioo may have 45 support houra tud Sspecmal f0 The. Chamicion tected for tic remainder ci' Ui schocl yawr foi- identmfied mn thc repor." (bey (tic bonrd) m1.81W say, 'Okay, we'rc tsking lowmng a finance committee meeting andi a subti- Botm Ms Gurzi ard Mr. Wiliams sad thc pro- two-and-a-half boum; from you.' But Ulere may SAn cleven(h-hour rcpoceve may bic granicd Io arquent spc1 board meetfig ivhict were posali osUi board includes a recommeidaion otic, a à chooil wimii only 16 houri thmaïi li have Insiruciomal Assistants wbo work in Hlalion's' almos i. ontly devoied (o a report on rcview thc cmtriactional %ssistants' 58-million more flexibuliîy." she expiaiem. "Obvioualy if Iekementamy schoools. Instructional Astistants (lM). budget and conte up witi ways tu savé nioney (bey (Uic 434tours) were needcd. Uie naa dihm'l -~The 492 iftsiructional assistants with the "As a resul of thal-pieeling 1 recemved a cali -aimout dras(ially uluhing dmc [As houtri, go away." 3: Halton Board of Ejlucation wili escape tic from Bob Williams (ditecto f educalion) ai my --It allows us Som (mme (o evoecw the situa- [Tic 11IAA prusdent adylsemi a mor individu- Harris cuis unlil the oext school year ifa report bouse. and tic saud ihey watt tic reversigg thc (jli," explainei Mr. Williams. alized approach tbudgct cttmn and More submitied Iomc boare honnf trustees is apprrmvcd at decismon," site said. "Apparently lhcy can find 'Ille instruclmtialnaiaitat' budget ia used cooperation berwecn the sec.çndary ichool and mbm( Tliursday's hoard meeting. the money tolaccommodate tic hours required. for a number of pmosc . There are a nusmber elementary scitool groupa. "flereiliould tic a Lynne Guir, presîdeni of thc Hallon ai lctilumit lune.' of differenl types of jobs filai conic oui cf tic swinging doorbelwen thcse budge énca." site SInstructional Assistants Association <IIIAA), Mr, Willians agreed. "Bascdl on the Ipcetng, (As budgw'. said. ncmmng (ha! siedenus wi4h speciain needs Ssaid ber membèicrs wcrr told fast mentit lhey te supcrmtcndents and:l rcviewed flic situation. Ms Gurzt samd cote cf ber concerras was (bat who are now mn the semoir grades cf tihe clemen- *would have to cdliievly shave 810 itours a day We have agrccd te livc within car budget, tlm hours may have bren cul arbitrarily from scitools taey scitool systere wîli scon be mn tlie secondary, Sfrutti Ihei rosier to siay wihin ibeif budget. we w il Mo tic mnakns chaniges as far- as rcducing witb a lot cf ]A fimie. For example, site sud, ichoci systcm. ___ No conflict, board Sle Fc décidés in salary committee dispute Shouldtrusnjtees wih spouses or cildremi wo tire employe n te school sysicro tic allowed to sit on a committc (bai negoiates dite salaries cf board emmpicyecs? <No mi(li anwcrsome tustees Armvcd ai wbcn a motioin Io applve lie emhrshp fle salaiy comnuise came Up aia Hal- ton Board cf Educaion meeting mrecnly. Their reservaitionis wae ocmhladcwed by dik maion- .718M, iy, bowever, who sad ycs. n t Chic cf tose ubfec:ting Io be a'public f l allowmng trustecs with con- of b aiad in m>' [Iems on the salay commit- ve me4 tfi" g mcc is Oakvmllc Trusice ve m c ~ ~~t LindaLam.haw that, "in the p.mst some cf the ................... cýunren <salai-y) commiuce e mmb~s bve declaremi a connlc cf ntiercît on salary issues," sbte saimi, refemrng mc te Lpt. 14 meetinng witcn Iwo lrustres deLiaresi a conifite over con- tract ratification isses"Tere.may appear Io tic a public pcrccp- mion cif huas, and in my viets we can'i afford tu have ihat." A N D O RE'Il Howeser, argues hoard vice-(itaîr andi Oakvtiie Tnmstee Penny RO N SECSiehei. witose hushan i s a miember of the Ontario Seçondary Seitoot Teachers Federatmun, 1 cari st on te salaiy commimice because we have sesen gromps -CL'PE. secretare'.. social wocef er-s, insiriacimonal assistants. andi su on -and I would have a con- fliet on only iwc cf titose groups - Store ail (rustires on Uic satamy clîmmîttee do nom it on every 06 12 9 M 6 2 0 9 m $1 9 v u 112 ncgotiating terai, Ms Sieberi àays. conflicts can lic ciriumvienlcd vue u suVMý,off 211by avomding Uic negcliamng tram fo wbîeb ihere is one. - OUL - - - - - - - - - - "ýConflicts are very personal. aid everycîr in (bat situaioun GIJEN O n s DJEE l SE~ DOUE ..18 5EV 39 DOUBLE .la SET 219 knows better ihan anycie cisc witat a conflîci meus. Aid. I sus- [KIG -7 89 .KJN . .43 SU699IQUEN ..210 SET 379 OUEEN ..100 SET 3n9 peci lhait every (rustre bas spoken te titcmr lawyers about tl." samd Ms Sieberi Tnrusices have Mobmni; but thitcr repumations.- I I Fie Belford mnd Tmm Kingsbury. Uic twc Milton irusices. voiesi Io accepi the oniginally proposesi siate ci salary commutce mcii- bei-t Bot wmll bic on lte commimiec. -A lam ram oaaaiim.4a quMaid 1e49 14 MacLachian Coliege MacLial provides a AI4 MwLW thecsin Uitreasuresi Rol ofli iloiu m-n n i auperior. uinivcriy houibd values cf tradiioma acaderic adiacation for boys MM girls smolarip, jouit barda miih frontJ.Kmt3/OACOur% dit: future rough ou loatio anpadmcbla Wiid p o ne la acoae b«y u"W fa b e ffea i vo proside~ tho e Bm ag iaWu o Ss.oe d6 33e fuLafi Osi. Ouie laishn (991a"I-s7 têrs liait3

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